I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

It was a late night in the beginning of December.

Located in the northern region, it was already the season of winter in Yaleview.

The winter in Yaleview was frigid cold. There was no better word to describe it.

Traveling from Fairlake to Yaleview, Jonathan felt he had walked from summer to winter.

Mabel distributed the military jackets to everyone while they were on the military aircraft. At that moment, both Jonathan and Mabel clad themselves in the military jackets as well. NôvelDrama.Org content.

Later, she got into the car while Jonathan took the co-driver seat.

It was already eleven at night.

The north wind howled incessantly.

Mabel ignited the engine of the car. Jonathan asked, “What are we going to do now?”

Mabel smiled as she replied, “We don't have anything to do now. I'll bring you to try our meat stew in Yaleview. It's famous here.”

Jonathan was confused. “But, didn't you tell Old Mr. Johnson that you have something to do just now?”

Mabel smiled. “Don't you agree that the most tormenting matter in this world is to eat with the elderly? I came up with this excuse to save you.”

Jonathan touched his nose as he responded, “Damn! Mabel, do you think I'm dim-witted? You seem to be saving yourself instead.”

Mabel burst out laughing. “It's the same, anyway.” With that said, she started driving.

She was very familiar with Yaleview. As such, she drove out of the Vipod Residence easily.

It was Jonathan's first time coming to Yaleview. He had a sense of inexplicable anticipation toward that place. That was because it was the capital of Chanaea and the most flourishing city there. There were too many historical legends happening in a place like that.

Throughout the journey, Jonathan kept looking to his left and right, full of curiosity. He got fascinated whenever they passed by a building. “Hey, Mabel. Is that Royal Well?”

Mabel rolled her eyes at him as she replied, “Do you think every historical building resembles Royal Well? The Royal Well is so much nicer than this. I'll give you a tour when we're free tomorrow.”

Jonathan felt embarrassed instantly, thinking that he was a country bumpkin indeed.

After a short while, Mabel stopped the car in front of a secluded alley. Then, she led Jonathan inside.

That alley looked the same as those bystreet that a small town would have. There were a lot of potholes along their way.

The only difference was that there was a vintage feeling about it.

After entering the alley, Jonathan noticed many shops were still open and each of them was filled with customers.

At last, they came to a shop selling meat stews. The place was small, and the interior wasn't impressive as well.

Jonathan said, “Mabel, you're stingy. Why do you bring me to a place like this? Don't you think you should treat me to a five-star hotel?”

Sure enough, he was joking. If they were to be formal with each other, Mabel would surely bring him to a luxurious restaurant. Nonetheless, given their close relationship, they wouldn't mind joking with each other like that.

Mabel smiled as she replied, “Jonathan, you're such a country bumpkin. Don't you know that the best meat stew in Yaleview can only be found in an alley like this? Plus, I only bring my true friends here.”

Jonathan chuckled after listening to her. “All right, then! I have to savor it today!”

Mabel was acquainted with the owner of the shop who was a plump man in his forties. His eyes lit up with glee as soon as he saw Mabel. “Ms. Sandler, you haven't been here for some time. This is...” the man said politely to Mabel. Then, he turned to look at Jonathan as he spoke.

Before Mabel could respond, Jonathan quickly piped up, “I'm her boyfriend. She tells me you serve the best meat stew and has mentioned it a few times. That's why we are here today.”

Mabel rolled her eyes at him, but she didn't expose his lie.

Disappointment flashed across the plump man's eyes. Nonetheless, he forced a smile on his face as he said, “Sir, you are a handsome man.”

Jonathan laughed out loud upon hearing that.

Then, Mabel asked, “Johnny, is the private room taken? If not, get us that room.”

Johnny replied instantly, “It's empty. I'll arrange for you now.”

“Thank you,” Mabel replied.

Shortly, Jonathan followed Mabel into the private room.

There was only one private room in the shop. The furnishing was crude and simple. Even the walls inside the room looked ruinous.

Jonathan and Mabel took a seat respectively. Johnny came in to take an order. “Ms. Sandler, do you still want to have the same?”

Mabel smiled as she replied, “Jonathan is a big eater. Please give us two sets of that.”

“Sure!” Johnny replied.

With that said, he went out of the room to proceed with the order.

Jonathan chuckled after the man left. “Mabel, it seems like you're a charming woman. I can tell from

Johnny's face that he admires you. He almost cries after hearing that I'm your boyfriend.”

Mabel rolled her eyes at Jonathan. “Wouldn't I be a failure if I can't even make a man like him admires me?” She continued after a short pause, “Stop making this kind of lowly joke next time.”

Jonathan knew she was referring to him acting as her boyfriend. He chuckled and stopped talking.

Soon, a rich meat stew was served, along with some pancakes.

The fresh mutton was cut into slices and cooked in milky soup. There was a special sauce to go with it. The taste of the meat stew was succulent, leaving a pleasant aftertaste in both of their mouths.

“This is yummy!” Jonathan praised immediately. “This is the most authentic meat stew I've ever had. I tried it once in Chanaentown when I was overseas. That was awful.”

Mabel smiled faintly upon hearing him. “Those who sell the meat stew overseas have modified their recipe to cater to the local's preferences. Of course, you can't have the authentic one there.”

“Good food has to be served with good wine!” Jonathan said again.

Mabel responded, “What a coincidence! I have kept a Malteer here. You can get it from Johnny.”

Jonathan promptly said, “All right!”

He brought a bottle of Malteer over in no time and poured Mabel a full glass. The wine was in golden yellow color, like honey.

Jonathan asked, “How did higher-ups like you have so many bottles of Malteer? I couldn't buy a good one elsewhere. Have you been accepting bribes?”

Feeling nonplussed, Mabel replied, “Indeed, no ivory will come out of a dog's mouth. Can't you say something better? I get these from some special source. Of course, you can't buy it elsewhere.”

Jonathan chuckled. Then, he raised his wine glass and said, “Here is a toast to you. No matter what, thank you for everything you've done for me.”

Mabel raised her wine glass as well. The duo downed their wine in one gulp. Jonathan continued filling up their wine glasses.

Mabel said, “As I said, I'm doing myself a favor by helping you. So, you may drop the formality between us. It's the Great Tribulation that I have to deal with for the sake of our national security. You're the Chosen One. Therefore, I have to take better care of you. I hope you won't think that I'm using you.”

Jonathan responded semi-seriously, “It's a bliss to be used by a beautiful woman like you.”

Mabel rolled her eyes at him again and said, “You like to flirt with women, yet you are not a loyal person. Women must have gone crazy over you but I believe you have hurt a lot of them.”

Jonathan laughed. He was unwilling to go deeper into the topic.

Mabel downed another mouthful of wine and had a slice of mutton. Then, she said with a straight face, “Jonathan, I've mentioned that I have ways to stop Jeremy from coming after you. Now, I need to talk to you about that.”

Her words piqued Jonathan's interest instantly. He replied seriously, “Please go ahead!”

Mabel explained, “Let's start the story with a sect named Divine Realm. It is located on Mount Frallein in Lostaria, Anglandur. Don't assume that it originated from Anglandur. In actuality, it is founded by a Chanaean. The Divine Emperor of the Divine Realm is a Divine Master everyone talks about. Over a hundred years ago, the Divine Emperor founded Divine Realm in Anglandur when he was thirty years old. He recruited a bunch of disciples in Chanaea and brought them over to Anglandur. In Anglandur, the Divine Realm possesses enormous wealth, and it involves itself in many industries.”

She paused for a while before continuing, “Someone like the Divine Emperor has no interest in wealth. Later, he settles down on Mount Frallein. The government of Anglandur doesn't dare to offend Divine Realm. They have been paying respect to the sect all this while, hoping that the Divine Realm will not cause any troubles to the society.”

Jonathan commented, “Anglandur has the most advanced technology. Can't they do anything with Divine Realm? What Divine Realm is doing now is like setting a time bomb in the heart of Anglandur. The Anglandur is an arrogant nation. How could they tolerate it?”

Mabel responded, “No one could end the life of the Divine Emperor. A president of Anglandur once thought of getting rid of the Divine Emperor, but the latter sought revenge after that. Ever since that, no one dares to mess with him. It is said that he could feel any murderous intent against him even the threat comes from ten thousand miles away.”

Jonathan was shocked upon hearing her. He couldn't help but mutter, “Does someone so powerful exist in this world?”

Mabel replied, “The Divine Realm is split into the inner circle and the outer circle. There are a total of

thirty-seven inner disciples and over three hundred external disciples. Besides, many people work in Divine Realm. These people are the elites from various countries. They are responsible for handling some business and daily affairs of Divine Realm. Divine Realm is very generous toward its disciples. The inner disciples have accumulated unimaginable wealth. Moreover, they are all prominent figures in the country. Though the external disciples also receive very good benefits, they have to take orders from the inner disciples. In the Divine Realm, they emphasize a lot on hierarchy. No one is allowed to cross the line.”

Jonathan listened to her attentively. Then, he asked again, “But, what has it got to do with Jeremy causing me any troubles?”

Mabel explained, “This is where the problem lies. I haven't told you one thing. Both Jeremy and Edward are the external disciples of Divine Realm. Currently, they have to take orders from the inner disciples. These two men are at the highest level among the external disciples, so they can move freely and mobilize the resources Divine Realm owns. That is the reason the two men could achieve their accomplishments today.” She paused before continuing, “Actually, many external disciples of Divine Realm have set up their own careers. All of them are famous and possess enormous wealth. I know one of them. The director of a military academy in Saspiuburg is also an external disciple of the Divine Realm. His name is Jose Abraham.”

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