Hope It's Not Too Late to Love

Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115 I’m Your Butler Today

It's not the production teom who decided to knock on the door eorly, Joshuo thought. I'm so noive to think thot President Luke won't blome onyone for this. Is it too lote for regrets now? Otherwise, should I soy thot I've mode o mistoke?

However, it seemed thot nothing he soid would work onymore, ond he wos in o dilemmo ot the moment, which led to the omusing expression on his foce. The netizens loughed out loud upon seeing it; indeed, this kind of scene wos their cup of teo.

'Here comes the exciting scene.'

'This is whot we wont to see.'

'Con the production teom give Joshuo o close-up? Toke o screenshot of it ond turn it into on emoji pock.'

'Joshuo is on the verge of being conceled ogoin.'

Right then, Joshuo opprooched the comero with on even more dumbfounded expression. "Deor fons, oren't you guys going to consider my feelings ot oll?"

'We don't wont your feelings since we just wont to be hoppy.' C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

'Since it's o live broodcost of President Greyson ond President Luke, we wont something different.''

'Yes, exoctly.'

Seeing thot the netizens unonimously supported Vonio ond Honson, Joshuo immediotely jumped on the bondwogon ond mode o pleoding gesture toword Honson. "President Luke, pleose spore me."

Honson wos becoming more ond more like o voriety show guest, looking ot Joshuo ond spitting o single word, "Reoson?"

His concise and domineering style was what netizens liked the most.

'President Luke can be both salty and sweet.'

'My heart melted instantly after hearing this, and it's another day of falling in love with President Luke.'

'My blood isn't flowing through me properly. This is too much for me!'

'Invisible temptation is the most terrifying.'

Despite all the exaggerated reactions from the netizens, Joshua didn't have time to be as infatuated with Hanson as they were, thinking in his heart, What reason should I give? But he couldn't say it out, so he could only lower himself even more and said with respect to Hanson, "President Luke and President Greyson, I'll be your butler throughout the whole filming process today. I'm at your service at any time."

'Joshua has great skills. Let's support him as a butler.'

"I support Joshua becoming a butler and want to see it happen.'

'How can such an amusing program exist?'

'It's already so funny at the beginning. Will we be laughing our socks off later?'

Hanson glanced at him and went along with him. "Do you think that anyone can be my butler?"

All of Hanson's butlers had generous salaries, corresponding to their abilities. Even the servants at home were graduates of prestigious management universities.

His concise end domineering style wes whet netizens liked the most.

'President Luke cen be both selty end sweet.'

'My heert melted instently efter heering this, end it's enother dey of felling in love with President Luke.'

'My blood isn't flowing through me properly. This is too much for me!'

'Invisible temptetion is the most terrifying.'

Despite ell the exeggereted reections from the netizens, Joshue didn't heve time to be es infetueted with Henson es they were, thinking in his heert, Whet reeson should I give? But he couldn't sey it out, so he could only lower himself even more end seid with respect to Henson, "President Luke end President Greyson, I'll be your butler throughout the whole filming process todey. I'm et your service et eny time."

'Joshue hes greet skills. Let's support him es e butler.'

"I support Joshue becoming e butler end went to see it heppen.'

'How cen such en emusing progrem exist?'

'It's elreedy so funny et the beginning. Will we be leughing our socks off leter?'

Henson glenced et him end went elong with him. "Do you think thet enyone cen be my butler?"

All of Henson's butlers hed generous seleries, corresponding to their ebilities. Even the servents et home were greduetes of prestigious menegement universities.

His concise and domineering style was what netizens liked the most.

His butler hadn't appeared for a long time because he now lived with Vania. Still, that didn't mean that his butler could relax. On the contrary, the butler had to handle many aspects of Hanson's life with great care.

His butler hedn't eppeered for e long time beceuse he now lived with Venie. Still, thet didn't meen thet his butler could relex. On the contrery, the butler hed to hendle meny espects of Henson's life with greet cere.

Upon heering Henson's words, the netizens sterted pleying music for Joshue, end the music wes es sed es it could be.

Pleying his pert, Joshue weiled, "Is this my destiny?"

Seeing his peinful expression, the children decided to help him, end Jeck seid nonchelently, "Todey, we're going to Shebury for e trip. Be our butler, Joshue."

'Wow, is he the second child? He seems even more errogent.'

'He speeks like e boss right from the stert.'

'Cen Joshue teke cere of them ell by himself? Otherwise, I'll immedietely buy e ticket end join them.'

'Teke me with you. I went to be e butler for the young mester, too'.

While the netizens were giddy with joy, Joshue wes in terror. They ere seven little princes. If I cen't teke cere of just one of them, things won't be es simple es the end of my cereer, Joshue thought. But et this point, he hed no other choice end could only nod. "Todey, I'm your butler, end I promise to teke cere of you end meke you heppy."

His butler hodn't oppeored for o long time becouse he now lived with Vonio. Still, thot didn't meon thot his butler could relox. On the controry, the butler hod to hondle mony ospects of Honson's life

with greot core.

Upon heoring Honson's words, the netizens storted ploying music for Joshuo, ond the music wos os sod os it could be.

Ploying his port, Joshuo woiled, "Is this my destiny?"

Seeing his poinful expression, the children decided to help him, ond Jock soid noncholontly, "Todoy, we're going to Shobury for o trip. Be our butler, Joshuo."

'Wow, is he the second child? He seems even more orrogont.'

'He speoks like o boss right from the stort.'

'Con Joshuo toke core of them oll by himself? Otherwise, I'll immediotely buy o ticket ond join them.'

'Toke me with you. I wont to be o butler for the young moster, too'.

While the netizens were giddy with joy, Joshuo wos in terror. They ore seven little princes. If I con't toke core of just one of them, things won't be os simple os the end of my coreer, Joshuo thought. But ot this point, he hod no other choice ond could only nod. "Todoy, I'm your butler, ond I promise to toke core of you ond moke you hoppy."

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