His Sexual Addiction

Chapter 52: Mistaken

Chapter 52: Mistaken

I winced as the strong smell of wine hit me. What could have happened? Why is Kiro drinking alcohol?! What could have happened to lead him to drink alcohol so early in the morning? My mind raced with questions and concern. I felt a pang of anxiety. Alcohol was known to trigger his illness, and seeing him like this was deeply unsettling. I knew how important it was for him to manage his health, and I couldn't help but fear the consequences of his decision. "I'll just get my uniform, Sir," Joday said, heading towards the door. However, she stopped in her tracks when she noticed me. "L-Lyka?" "Why is Sir Kiro drinking alcohol? What's going on?" I asked, noticing the young man lying on his bed with his back towards us. As I expressed my concern to Kiro about his choice to drink alcohol, I couldn't help but notice Joday's reaction. Her usually composed demeanor wavered, and her brows furrowed with confusion as she stared at me. It was evident that she didn't expect this conversation to unfold, and my intervention seemed to catch her off guard. Joday's confusion was palpable as she struggled to comprehend the situation. Her eyes darted between Kiro and me, trying to make sense of our exchange. Perhaps she didn't anticipate someone questioning Kiro's actions, especially concerning his health. And most especially, not coming from one of Kiro’s housekeepers. "Lyka, come on. Let's go, come down with me," she said, grabbing my arm forcefully. "I don't want to. Answer me first, Joday," I insisted, puzzled by her behavior. "Tss! Let's go. Why did Miss Linda allowed you to follow me and come in here?" she asked angrily. I couldn't comprehend why she was so fired up. “Answer me first, Joday! Do you know that alcohol has a bad effect on him?” "I said let us go downstairs to talk, and we will go down together," she replied. "I'm going down, so let's go!" Again, she grabbed my arm roughly and tried to lead me out. "I don't want to, do you get it? You go first," I said calmly, trying to assert my position. Joday looked

taken aback by my response, her expression revealing a mix of surprise and uncertainty. It seemed as though my refusal held more significance than she had anticipated. "All right, it's up to you," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of tension. The room fell into a palpable silence as she left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Approaching Kiro on the bed, my heart sank at the sight before me. He was still clutching a half- empty bottle of beer, and the empty ones scattered around were evidence of his excessive drinking the night before. I couldn't help but feel a surge of worry for him. Did he consume all those bottles last night? What was happening to him? My mind raced with questions, searching for answers to the sudden change in his behavior. He hadn't confided in me about anything, merely offering a smile that seemed to mask the turmoil he was going through. I gently reached out to touch his hand, which felt slightly cold despite the warm morning sunlight streaming through the window. He looked distant, lost in his thoughts, and it pained me to see him like this. "What is going on with him?" I wondered, my concern deepening with each passing second. I knew Kiro had faced challenges in the past, but this seemed different, more troubling. "Kiro... Kiro... Kiro..." I called out to him, my voice soft but filled with urgency, hoping to get his attention. Slowly, he opened his eyes and turned to look at me, his gaze initially distant and unfocused. As I peered into his eyes, searching for a glimmer of recognition, he finally seemed to register my presence. A faint smile spread across his lips, and his expression shifted to one of appreciation. As I stood there, hearing Kiro say those three words—'I love you'—my heart skipped a beat. It was the first time I had ever heard him utter those words, and for a moment, my heart swelled with hope and excitement. But as the truth unfolded, I felt a pang of sadness deep within me. "I love you so much, Lily," he murmured, his words echoing in my mind like a bittersweet melody. I couldn't help but wish those words were meant for me, but they weren't. They were meant for someone else— Lily. ‘I love you so much, Lily’ ‘I love you so much, Lily’

‘I love you so much, Lily’ ‘I love you so much, Lily’ ‘I love you so much, Lily’ His words hit me like a wave, shaking me to my core. It felt as if those words were echoing in my head. As his gaze momentarily met mine, a flicker of recognition appeared in his eyes, but it was fleeting, lost in the haze of confusion that clouded his mind. He was vulnerable, and my heart ached for him, wishing I could ease his pain, but I couldn't erase the fact that those heartfelt words were not directed at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to hide my disappointment. Deep down, I knew he didn't mean to hurt me—he was lost in his own struggles, grappling with emotions I couldn't fully comprehend. "K-Kiro..." I managed to say, looking at him with a mix of shock and confusion. As Kiro sat up in his bed, I could see the struggle on his face. The effects of the alcohol were evident, leaving him dizzy and weak, but he was determined to make sense of the situation. His heartrending plea for Lily left me torn between wanting to help him and feeling the weight of my own emotions. "Lily..." he called out once more, his voice filled with anguish and tears welling up in his eyes. I could feel the intensity of his emotions, and it stirred something deep within me. There was a raw vulnerability in his gaze, an emotion that I couldn't quite grasp. For a moment, I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. Part of me wanted to correct him and I did. "You really mistook me for her, didn't you? It's me, Lyka," I said gently, reaching out to touch his face. Though he seemed drunk before, now it seemed as if he was about to cry. A whirlwind of emotions seemed to pass through his eyes. He looked at me, his eyes searching for something, and for a fleeting moment, I thought I saw a glimmer of recognition. But it was quickly replaced by the haunting sadness in his gaze. I felt a deep ache in my heart, wanting to wipe away his tears and take away his pain. "Lily, I loved you, but why did you leave me like that?! Was your love just a lie?" He grabbed my arms forcefully, making me lie down on his bed. His grip was stronger than I had ever felt before.

"Why? Are you crazy? Is it really my friend that you loved? Huh? What did I do wrong to you?" His voice thundered in the room, echoing like lightning. "Kiro, please, you're hurting me," I pleaded, trying to free my arms from his grasp, but he held on tightly. It was clear that the alcohol had taken its toll on his judgment, and he was not in control of his actions. His gaze seemed to search my face, as if trying to find answers in my eyes. I could see the pain he was experiencing, and my heart went out to him. But at the same time, his forceful hold frightened me, leaving me unsure of what he might do next. In his intoxicated state, he walked towards the door and quickly locked it. His room was soundproof, making me feel even more nervous. It was clear that the alcohol had consumed him, but what was happening to him? I couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and concern for Kiro. I tried to calm myself down, trying to understand why Kiro was acting this way. It was clear that he was confusing me with Lily, but the sudden change in his behavior was alarming. "Then you want to blame me for things I didn't do? Would you rather want me to live with the guilt of your actions?!" he yelled at me and climbed on top of me. I shook my head in denial, desperately trying to convince him. "No, you're wrong, Kiro... I'm not Lily, I'm Lyka!" I pleaded. But he didn't seem to hear me. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he grinned madly and ran his fingers through his hair. "How much do you really love that stupid Kurt? Do you have any idea what my life has been like since you left me?" he said. My heart skipped a beat, and shock washed over me as I heard Kiro mention Kurt's name. I was taken aback by Kiro's sudden outburst, his voice raised with a mix of anger and pain. "Huh? Are you happy?" he shouted, his words ringing in my ears. Before I could respond, he pulled me towards him and kissed me violently. His lips crashed against mine with such force that it felt like my lips could be bruised. The intensity of his kiss was overwhelming, and I could taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth. It was as if he was trying to convey his emotions through that desperate, aggressive gesture.

Struggling to catch my breath, I tried to push him away gently, but he held on tightly, as if he couldn't let go. His emotions seemed to consume him, and the pain in his kiss was palpable. "Kiro, please," I managed to gasp out, my voice muffled by his overpowering kiss. I tried to reach him, to connect with the man I knew and loved, but he seemed lost. I was in pain, but I couldn't do anything amidst all the overwhelming information he was revealing. His aggression escalated as he kissed my neck, and I cried, begging him to stop. "K-Kiro... You're wrong. It's me, L-Lyka," I sobbed, recalling the first time I entered his room and faced his violent behavior. I felt a mix of pity for both him and myself. We were both victims in this situation—he was a victim of his feelings and condition, and I was a victim of his aggression. It was all so confusing and distressing to think about. "K-Kiro, snap out of it! Don't act on your delusions!" I continued to plead, but it seemed like my words were falling on deaf ears. He tore my clothes recklessly, leaving me vulnerable and exposed. Fear surged through me, and I felt my body trembling uncontrollably. "It's not you, Kiro. Please stop!" I pleaded, my voice shaking with both fear and desperation. I tried to push him away, but he held on with a strength that seemed beyond his own. My heart shattered as I saw the person I loved, the man who had always been gentle and caring, now lost in a delusion that was consuming him. I could only cry out, hoping that somehow my words would reach him and bring him back to his senses. But his actions only intensified, and violent kisses were planted on my body. The pain in my heart was overshadowed by the fear and vulnerability I felt in that moment. I was trapped in a nightmare, unable to comprehend how things had spiraled out of control so quickly. As I wept, I prayed for help to come. "Kiro! What are you doing to her? Stop it!" A shout came from the door. I closed my eyes and I heard a banging sound from the background. Suddenly, Kiro stopped, and I cautiously opened my eyes. Kiro was now laying on the floor, unconcious.

It was Joday with an empty glass bottle of wine on her hand. Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

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