Her Precious Baby

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Angeline regretted attending the court proceeding. I should have stayed home to look after Sebastian since he was not feeling well and left everything to the lawyer.

She knew how agitated Sebastian would be when he saw his drunkard father because he grew up being abused by that man.

“Angeline!” A series of rapid footsteps echoed in the corridor. Roger ran toward Angeline with Nancy and Floretta.

Nancy's hair was a mess. She seemed to have bawled her eyes out a while ago. as her bloodshot, teaiy eyes looked swollen.

“I'm so sony. Sebastian ran away when I left to buy him an ice cream. It's all my fault. I didn't take good care of him...” Nancy lowered her head to express her remorse.

She knew Angeline cared deeply for Sebastian and was willing to sacrifice her career in the film industry for the sake of that boy.

Angeline's eyes darkened as she shook her head. She responded absent-mindedly, “I knew this would happen. If anything bad happens to Sebastian, I...”

She could not finish the sentence as words were caught in her throat.

“Don't say that. Angeline. Go ahead and slap me if that can appease you.” Nancy's anxiety grew.

Seeing how lifeless Angeline was sent a chill down Nancy's spine.

She was scared that this would be the last straw that broke the camel's back. I'll blame myself for the rest of my life if Angeline falls into despair because of this.

Angeline sat stoically on a chair in the corridor.

Roger felt he needed to do something. He pulled Nancy to his side and sighed. “We can't blame Nancy alone. All of us are responsible for Sebastian's disappearance. Nancy literally looked through every comer of the amusement park to find him when she found out he was missing. You can't blame her.”

“That's enough.” Angeline choked out. She covered her face with her hands. “This has nothing to do with all of you. I shouldn't have taken Sebastian out...”

Roger knitted his brows, as he knew he had failed to calm her down. In fact, his words had made her feel even more guilty.

Before Roger could continue to console her, Evander patted liis shoulder to stop him from trying.

Compared to the others around Angeline, Evander seemed to be exceptionally calm. “It's not the time to point fingers at anyone, and we shouldn't cause a scene in the hospital. Let's keep our voices low.”

After exchanging glances with Evander. Roger instantly zipped his mouth.

Floretta, who was standing behind Nancy, tilted her head and took a sidelong glance at the adults, not knowing what to do.

She ran up to Angeline, embraced her, and gave her a piteous look. “Cheer up, Angel. Sebastian will be fine. I'm sure he'll wake up in no time.”

Tears started rolling down Angeline's cheeks.

She reached out, gave the girl a tight hug, and refused to let her go as if she was clinging to a float.

Time passed by slowly. Sebastian's surgery, which began at four in the afternoon, went on for another nine hours.

Batches of surgeons dashed in and out of the operating theater, and all of them had grim expressions on their faces.

All of a sudden, a lightning bolt struck across the sky and torrential rain ensued.

The night was almost enveloped in total darkness.

Everyone put their work aside to accompany Angeline. They all hoped to hear good news about Sebastian.

Angeline, looking as pale as a ghost, was especially in bad shape since she had not consumed anything at all.

Everyone was worried that she might collapse even before the surgery ended.

For the fifth time, Nancy approached her with a bowl of chicken soup and expressed her concern. “Angeline. you should eat something to warm your stomach, or at least talk to us. We're really worried about you.” This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Yet. Angeline continued giving them the cold shoulder. She curled her legs up and rested her chin on her knees, looking disconsolate.

Evander. who had just returned from a cigarette break with Roger, noticed how anxious Nancy was. He knew7 Nancy did not know7 what else she could do to make Angeline feel better.

After patting the cigarette scent off his coat, he walked up to Nancy, took over the chicken soup, and squatted in front of Angeline.

While stirring the hot chicken soup with a spoon, he asked, “How7 much longer do you plan on ignoring all of us?”

Evander's tone sounded calm, like a ship that sailed steadily on a stormy sea. “If Sebastian doesn't wake up. do you plan on abstaining from food and drinks for the rest of your life? What if you fall sick when he regains consciousness?”

He gradually scooped a spoonful of soup from the bowl and placed it next to Angeline's mouth.

She lifted her eyes and looked at Evander but did not give him any other responses.

Evander seemed to have anticipated her reaction. After carefully blowing on the soup to cool it off, he said, “Angeline, Sebastian is your son, so you must look after him. If you fall ill, who else will look after him when he wakes up? To me, a mother who doesn't take good care of herself is an irresponsible mother.”

He uttered those w7ords in a gentle voice, yet every w7ord he said carried weight

Angeline clenched her fists. Her eyes glinted after she heard what he said. She muttered. “You're right. I must stay strong for Sebastian. I need to look after him when he comes around...”

She opened her mouth and took a sip of the chicken soup.

At first, she choked on the liquid dish, but after pulling herself together, she swallowed it dutifully.

Evander patiently fed her one spoon after another. In just a few’ minutes, she emptied the entire bowl of soup.

It was a weight off Roger's and Nancy's shoulders w7hen Angeline finally ate something. They were also relieved to see her cheeks turn rosy again.

Another four hours w7ent by in the blink of an eye wdiile everyone was waiting outside like cats on a hot tin roof. When the operating theater door was finally opened, a surgeon walked out.

Angeline's eyes lit up when she saw7 the surgeon from a distance. After steadying herself, she ran tow7ard him, held liis hands, and asked desperately. “How's the boy? Is he all right?”

Upon noticing the exhausted look on her face, the surgeon patted her hand and comforted her, “Ms. Sorelie. the child is no longer in danger. We'll transfer him to a regular ward later, so don't worry. I must say, he's a lucky boy.”

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