Her Precious Baby

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

“Ah! No! Don't be rash!”

“This is terrible! Quick, go back inside! Don't take your own life!”

“We can help you! Don't jump for nothing!”

The bystanders all gasped in terror and waved their hands, frantically gesturing for the woman to get back to safety.

However, the woman had nothing but despair on her face. As she took a couple of steps toward the eaves, a gust of wind swept over, and she seemed more likely to fall over. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Upon seeing that, Angeline could feel her heart jump into her mouth. Her eyes were inundated with fear.

That's a person's life! If she really jumps down, Sorelle Group will be put to shame.

By then, there would be nothing Angeline could do to turn the situation around.

After all, the company was her grandfather's and parents' legacy. Never would she allow anyone to trample on it like that.

“Sebastian, wait for me in the car. No matter what happens, don't open the door.”

It seemed that Angeline had made that decision on a whim. She opened the car door in a hurry and tried to leave.

Sebastian shrieked in dissatisfaction while gripping the hem of his mother's shirt, liis eyes shining with aversion.

At that, Angelinas expression softened, for she was glad to see the change in her son.

“I'm so happy that my boy has finally learned how to care about me.”

A pucker formed between Sebastian's eyebrows. He pointed toward the rooftop of the building and emitted several low cries.

It seemed like he was cautioning Angeline that it would be dangerous for her to go. Since he could not speak, he became a nervous wreck as a fine sheen of sweat glazed liis forehead.

“Don't worry.”

Tears began to well up in Angelinas eyes. She caressed the boy's head while flashing him a comforting smile.

“I'll be back very soon. But before that, make sure you stay put in the car. Don't come outside no matter who tells you to, you hear?”

When Sebastian realized that he could not change Angelinas mind, he pouted in indignation and let out a snort, turning his head away from her.

Angeline knew very well that once the boy acted up. nothing she said could pacify him.

Without coaxing Sebastian further. she exited the car and locked the door. She then squeezed herself through the crowd, trying to make her way upstairs.

Right at the entrance, a police officer was securing the building with barricade tapes. He noticed that Angeline had most of her body and face covered up. That woman looks suspicious.

With that thought, he stepped up to block Angeline in her path.

“This place is off limits, miss. You're not allowed to enter,” he warned with a stem voice.

Angelinas visage did a one-eighty on that note. Annoyed, she hollered. “Someone's life is at stake, yet here you are, standing around and doing nothing. Step aside! I'm going upstairs to save her myself!”

“Unless you're someone related to Sorelle Group, miss, I can't let you in!”

Wearing a frosty mien, the police officer refused to back down.

Angeline knitted her brows. Should I reveal my identity to the officer? If I do, I'll end up causing a commotion; but if I don't, the woman's going to fall any minute now.

At that critical moment, someone in the crowd suddenly removed her face mask.

Taken aback, she instinctively covered her face with both hands. Alas, it was a little too late for that.

She did not even have the chance to react. Just like that, her face was revealed right in front of the public.

“Gosh! It's the superstar, Angeline!”

“Isn't she one of the daughters of the Sorelle family? So, she's also one of Sorelle Group. I bet she's even racked up a fortune as a celebrity!”

“Hurry! Let's get our money back from her!”

Right after someone among the onlookers yelled that, all eyes fell on Angeline. and they began to call her out.

“That's right! Ask her to pay up!”

Immediately, Angeline was surrounded by the horde.

Her face fell. She unwittingly attempted to flee but was hindered the very next second.

Lifting her head, all she saw were those strangers' malicious faces. She panicked on the spot.

It would not be a surprise to her if those people suddenly went berserk and started beating her up.

Knowing that nothing good would come out of that situation, Angeline took a deep breath to compose herself before making an announcement.

“Everyone, calm down, please. I come with no evil intention and mean no harm to anyone. I'll only clarify one thing—five years ago. I already cut ties with Sorelle Group, so you shouldn't collect your debt from me.”

Those words of hers were evidently not the answer everyone was expecting. If anything, her speech fanned the flames of their burning rage. In the end, they snapped.

“Don't even think about diverting our attention! Pay up right now!”

“Exactly! At the end of the day. you just won't pay up. D*mn it! No one cares about your family conflicts. As long as you're one of the Sorelies, you must be held responsible!”

The group of people could no longer keep then heads straight. They were all angry, rash, and impatient. Worst of all, several reporters even aimed their cameras and camcorders right at Angeline. shooting nonstop. Sadly, she had nowhere to run.

All she could do was cover her face with her bare hands. Despite doing that, she could not avoid the physical attacks.

Out of the blue, the woman who had been threatening to end her own life on the rooftop bellowed, “Go to hell! You took my husband awray from me, you murderer!”

Before Angeline could look up, a bucket of red paint was poured all over her body.

In a flash, she was soaking wet. What made matters worse was the stinging, pungent smell of paint.

She looked extremely pitiful having been drenched to that extent.

Angeline froze in her spot with her mouth agape. She was so stupefied that she forgot howr to retaliate.

The reporters and debt collectors were only hurling scornful gazes at her. None of them had even the slightest intention of stepping foiward to help.

Angeline was like a clown, a laughingstock.


It was then a deep male voice rang out.

Clad in a brown-colored suit, Hanson squeezed himself out of the crowd. His eyes were brimming with anxiety behind that pair of golden-rimmed glasses of liis.

“Are you okay. Angeline?”

Looking at the drenched woman, who had lost the ability to even respond. Hanson felt sorry for her.

He had ahvays been a calm gentleman, but he could not help but feel livid at that moment. Hurriedly removing liis jacket, he draped it around the miserable woman's body.

“Sony that I'm late. I'll get you awray from here,” he whispered in Angelinas ear before supporting her by the shoulders, all ready to leave the place.

“Stop right there!”

Those debt collectors sw’anned over and surrounded the duo. their eyes filled with bitterness and agitation.

“You must pay! An eye for an eye!”

Coincidentally, a series of sirens rang out from the police cars. Not far away, an anny of police with stun guns was patrolling the area and maintaining public order.

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