Her Brother, Her Mate

Their Human, Her Mates Chapter 31

Mitch POV

“Why the f**k would you try to poison me with wolfsbane, Suzie?” I sneered, about ready to tear her throat out. What was she trying to do? Was she that pissed I didn’t answer her calls that she wanted to hurt me?

“It’s not… I…. I didn’t know,” she stutters out, lying through her teeth. We’re in a human bar, attracting too much attention as it is or I would have already restrained her for trying to hurt me. This is a huge deal. She’s f****d up so much in the past, she can’t afford to do s**t like this now. Delilah will tear her a*s to shreds.

“You’re lucky we are where we are right now, Susan. You had better think carefully before you answer or I’m calling Delilah now, and you can deal with her wrath. Do not lie to me. Why the hell would you try to poison my drink?”

Her l*p quivers, her red eyes filling with tears, “I was…. I….-”

“Don’t you dare f*****g lie,” I growled, seeing her straining to make up an answer on the fly.

“I know!” She screams, “I know you found your mate, okay!? I KNOW!” she screams, ensuring every human in the room was now staring and gaping at us. “YOU DIDN’T SHOW UP TO OUR DAMN DATE YOU A*****E!” she wails, the tears spilling from her eyes.

“What date? I’m not dating you, Suzie, and I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I kinda of remember her saying something about a concert or some s**t, but I don’t ever remember telling her it was a date or I’d go with her. Maybe in my distraction when I was staring at Hadley she said something, but even if she did, that’s no reason to poison me.

I sighed, looking around us. People are scowling at me and giving her sympathetic glances. I probably look like the a*****e here, but she just tried to poison me. I need Parker. This might get out of hand.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, mindlinking my Alpha while Suzie balls her f*****g eyes out in front of me.


“Mitch?” his voice in the link sounds confused, “What’s up? This is unexpected.”

“I, uh, might have an issue.”

I told him about meeting Suzie and how she tried to poison me and how she was causing a scene. He sounds annoyed, but I think it’s more about dealing with her s**t again than with me. Suzie is not liked in our pack.

“I’ll grab Carlos and we will be there soon.”

“Thanks Alpha.”

Turning my attention back to Suzie, she was whimpering and sobbing, a waitress beside her asking if there was someone she could call for her.

“She’s fine,” I snarled at the waitress, using a little more venom in my voice than I meant to, making her startle with a jerk and narrow her eyes at me.

“Do you need me to call the police?” she asks, making me smirk at the horror-struck expression on Suzie’s face. She was milking this for attention, but if the police are called, and Parker’s or Lady Delilah’s people show up instead of humans, which would be very likely, Suzie’s attempts at getting sympathy would come back to hit her in the face.

Vampires, fairies, werewolves, everyone seemed against her after the incident with Aiden. I am her last real friend, and she is losing that. Our friendship is going up in flames because of her bad decisions right now. I don’t know what is wrong with her, but I’m not entertaining her bullshit or psycho tendencies. I’m not going to feel bad for her for her trying to poison me.

I don’t know how she knows I found my mate, but the fact remains that she knows, and she’s making me seem like a cheating boyfriend when I have always been more than clear I am not going to be anything more than a friend to her.

“Suzie, do you want this woman to call the police, because I happen to think that sounds like a great f*****g idea,” I annunciate each word, making it clear that no matter how she makes me look, I’m not giving into her s**t right now.

“No, no,” she shakes her head, looking back at the waitress, pleading with her eyes for the woman not to do that. “It’s fine. Don’t call the police.”

The human woman gave her a sympathetic smile. “If he is threatening you, just let me know.”

A male bartender walks over with another man I’m guessing is the manager or owner by the way he is dressed, “Is there a problem here, ma’am?” they both look to her for confirmation, openly hostile towards me.

“No, there’s not a problem. I’m sorry. I just….I was overreacting. We’re fine. Right, Mitch? Right, baby?” She asks me, calling me baby and making me grimace in disgust.

“I am not your baby. I am your f*****g parole officer and I will call the police myself if you don’t reign in your f*****g crazy a*s. Your brother is on his way. I suggest you sit your a*s down until he gets here to deal with you.”

“What?” She looked terrified, her eyes opened wide in shock. She starts to make a run for the door but I move quickly and block her path.

“Sit your a*s down. If you try to run, I will call the police and request the lady’s unit.”

Suzie’s eyes fill with tears again, but she listens, sitting back down in her seat as I stand over her, the waitress, manager and bartender backing off and mumbling their apologies.

I frequent supernatural owned bars, restaurants and clubs for this very reason. I hate being careful and having to watch my words, but saying I was her parole officer, which I basically am in the b***d bank, was the perfect cover and got them to back off.

The waitress comes back a few minutes later with a broom and dustpan, sweeping up the glass shards and then mopping the spill from my poisoned drink while Suzie and I are in some awkward stare off, her looking terrified and me being pissed off.

The manager asks to see my identification and hers, and I begrudgingly give it to him, snarling at her when she refuses until she whimpers down in her seat and pulls her ID out of her wallet.

“Mitchel Meyers? Any relation to Vivian Meyers?” the manager or owner, whatever the f**k he is, asks me.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“She’s my mother,” I told him, crossing my arms, not taking my eyes off the vampire girl in front of me.

The guy nods and hands the IDs, both of them, back to me. “Sorry, sir. You can never be too careful nowadays. We thought this was a lovers’ dispute.”

I glanced at him quickly, turning my eyes right back to Suzie, nodding to his statement. “I understand. She was trying to manipulate the situation. No harm done. We will be out of your hair soon.”

“Do you need us to get you anything while you wait?” he asks.

I shook my head, “We’re good. Thanks.”

When he walks away, Suzie’s tears spill over, “What are you going to do?”

I sighed, shaking my head. “I came here to tell you I found my mate, Suzie. You can’t keep blowing up my phone and going crazy on me. Then, your a*s tried to poison me. Why? Why would you try to disable me like that? What was your goal?”

She looks down at her lap, pulling at the nail polish chipping away on her nail. “I wanted to make your wolf go away so you didn’t feel the bond with someone else. I wanted you to love me again.”

Oh, Suzie. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose again, “I never felt that way about you, Suzie. Never. I thought you knew that. You’re not my mate. Even if I didn’t have a bond with my mate, I wouldn’t feel that way towards you.”

“But….” her l*p quivers again, “You saved me. You’re all I have.”

I shook my head, “That’s not love. That’s being a decent being, Susan. I didn’t want you to throw your life away for a scumbag.”

I never wanted to lead her on. I felt bad for her, but never wanted to be more than a friend to her. I’m pissed, but I also feel like s**t thinking about all the ways she could have misinterpreted my friendship as something more. There’s not much there, because I always kept that line firmly drawn between us, but there were signs of her becoming too dependent on me now that I’m looking back.

“I love you, though,” she whimpers, just as Parker and Carlos come into the bar, spotting us and making their way over.

“I’m sorry, Suzie, but you were never more than a friend to me. Now, you’re not even that. I can’t have someone toxic in my life who tries to purposefully hurt me.”

She looks shocked to see her brother for the first time in years, but at my final words she looks back at me, her face crumpling into a mask of despair as ugly sobs overtake her.

“I’d rather die than live without you,” she gasped in a broken voice.

My heart plummets at her words, my insides wrenching into a tight knot, the past that always haunted me coming forward and tearing at the seams of my reason.

F**k, no. Not again.

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