Her Brother, Her Mate

Her Vampire, Her Mate Chapter 6

Vincent POV

I was just about to lay down for a power nap like I do most evenings before the club opens when my phone goes off. It’s Cathal. I g***n, not wanting to deal with council stuff today. I’ve been so distracted, that I barely have any time to manage my normal business duties, let alone other supernatural beings’ problems. My thoughts were consumed with Carli’s friend, and the way her face looked broken and pained the last time I saw her. Thoughts of making her smile just so I can witness those enchanting dimples grace her caramel skin again keep flitting through my mind.

“Yesss,” I drawled as I answered the phone.

“Your presence is requested,” Cathal states, getting straight to the point, as always.

“Where is my presence requested?” I asked him, my voice rising as I spoke. If it’s not important, I’m staying here for my nap.© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

“University of Miami,” he tells me, making me take notice. That’s that beautiful woman’s school. Simone. The woman I can’t stop thinking about.

“Why there?”

“A young were-woman was almost abducted.” Panic briefly fills me, making my faintly beating heart almost completely stop.

When crimes happen in the supernatural world, a representative from each race needs to be present in order to review the evidence and relay the information to our leaders. It’s a system Carli came up with when she formed the council to unite us in our struggles and make each of our races stronger.

I eagerly volunteered 2 years ago, but now I dread the work. Carli’s newly appointed Beta, and sometimes their Gamma, is the one who covers most investigations for Crystal Moon Pack since she found out she was with child. The opportunities to see her dwindled over time and now I find it hard to force myself to participate.

Hearing that a she-wolf was almost abducted at Simone’s university, though, has me off the couch and pulling on my shoes before I even get off the phone.

“Who was it? The one who was almost abducted? What happened?”

“I told you as much as I was told, my friend. The young alpha seemed rushed and relayed minimal information of the occurrence.”

I grabbed my keys to my BMW and informed my manager, who was accepting the liquor delivery, that I’d be back later, and to call me if there were any problems with the opening.

The whole drive there, my worry overwhelmed me. It was a confusing feeling because I wasn’t sure what exactly I was worried about. Many, many werewolves and other supernaturals attended that university. It wasn’t necessarily Simone, but she was all I could think about.

Anger filled me thinking about someone trying to take her. My fangs elongate momentarily and I have to focus on my breathing to retract them back in. I must be crazy. I met the woman once, very briefly. I even embarrassed myself talking to the mutt by asking endless, nonsensical questions about the woman. She didn’t even seem remotely interested in me. I must need to feed. I’m truly losing my mind.

When I pull into the school, I know exactly where to go because our members from the council that are on the Miami police force have the area blocked off, taking control of the entire situation, so the humans are unaware of the supernatural element of the crime.

I spot Carli right away, but my focus is on the huddled mass she is holding, rocking back and forth in a comforting gesture. My worries and fears were realized seeing Simone’s broken, tear-stained face weeping on her friend’s shoulder.

I don’t even pull into a proper spot. As soon as I know my car is out of the way of traffic, I put it in park and run over to them, my car still running with the driver’s door open.

“What happened?” I demand, storming over to them as my fangs tear through my l*p and I feel my sinuses tingling as my venom fills my cavities. Parker, sensing the anger in me, steps in my path, stopping me before I came within hearing distance of the 2 women. I forgot, they can’t hear as well as I can. They didn’t notice my arrival, too engrossed in comforting and being comforted.

“Your face, Vince. You’re going to scare her more,” Parker tells me when I try to go around him. s**t. He’s right.

I work on my breathing, focusing on controlling the burning thirst for b***d, the b***d of the one who hurt her, pushing behind my burning eyes, which I’m sure are glowing crimson right now. It isn’t until I hear her voice, softly telling Carli that she’s okay, and I hear her heart beating and the b***d flowing steadily in her warm body that I find myself able to calm down.

“What happened?” I pressed Parker, not able to take my eyes off Simone for more than a moment. For some reason, the mutt is smirking at me, which angers me to no end, making my fangs poke out again.

“Calm yourself, you leech,” he chuckles, drawing out a hiss from me, “She was worried for nothing. I just find it entertaining.”

“What are you talking about, you irritating mutt?”

He shakes his head, smiling, then looks back to his mate, some communication passing between them. My anger is rising again, and I’m about to move the pup myself so I can get answers from the source when he looks back, his face suddenly serious.

“Sorry. You were asking what happened? Aiden Gallager. He was a fairy knight apprentice Simmy was, uh, briefly dating. He tried to force her to leave with him when she refused to take him back. Got physical,” a menacing hiss tears through me, surprising even me with its force, but Parker just smirks slightly and continues on, unphased. “She got away from him by shifting and hiding, but she doesn’t think he’s going to give up. Cathal and Karina are searching for him now.”

I looked back at Simone, and she finally noticed my presence, the look in her beautiful amber eyes unreadable. She holds my gaze, stunning me as the pull towards her grows almost to be too much to resist when her face suddenly falls, and she turns back to Carli’s shoulder, fresh tears streaming down her face. My heart breaks watching her in so much pain.

“Where can I find this Aiden?” I snarled at Parker.

“When we find him, you will be my first call,” he says, surprising me.

I can’t take the distance any longer. I move around Parker, and he lets me, now that my fangs are put away and my temper is under control.

When Carli looks up, she offers me a sad smile, and whispers to her friend, “Someone is here to see you, Sim.”

“I can’t, Carli,” she sobs, burying her head deeper into her friend’s shoulder, worrying me because it looks like she’s cutting off her air intake. Her hold on Carli’s shirt has her knuckles on her tiny, frail hands turning white. Rejection stabs through me. Was she afraid of me? I have my bloodlust under control. I should appear normal right now.

Is it from the experience? Is she wary of men right now?

That theory is proven wrong when a wolf warrior comes up from behind the women from the direction of the pond, wearing nothing but shorts as if he was just in wolf form. He bends down to hand Simone some sunglasses and she throws herself in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably once again.

“I know Sim. I’m so sorry. I called your parents. They’re on their way.”

“Matt. I miss Casey. I want my brother.”

“I know, Simmy. I know. You have us, though. I would never let anything happen to you, and neither would Carli or Alpha.”

“Or Vincent,” Carli adds, looking at me sympathetically as she continues to rub soothing circles on her back.

The man looks at me and nods, jealousy rising up in me. Who is this man to Simone? Parker told me she was single. “Mark and Mitch are going to take shifts escorting you. You’re going to have round-the-clock guards until we find him.”

“He knows where I live, Matt. He can find me.”

“Stay with me then,” I said the words before I could think them through. They fly out of my mouth in desperation, wanting to prevent this man from making the same offer.

She looks over at me in confusion. “Why? You don’t know me.”

I looked nervously at Carli, “Um, because you’re Carli’s friend,” I muttered the lame excuse. To my surprise, she scoffs at me.

“No, thank you. I can stay at the packhouse.”

“I think staying with Vincent might be a good idea,” Parker says, coming up to join us.

Simone’s eyes narrow, and her eyes turn glossy, indicating they are speaking in that freaky way through their minds.

“I think you should too, hun,” Carli tells her, brushing the hair behind her ears. “Vincent is a good guy, with tough security and he’s also….protective. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind keeping you hidden for a few days while we find that asswipe.”

I smile thankfully at Carli, happy she is supporting my rash offer. It may have been rash, but I want nothing more than to get closer to Simone; protecting her while learning why gravity is pushing me towards her.

A soft growl, no more menacing than a purr, vibrates through Simone’s chest, and her exquisite amber eyes turn glossy once more. What are they talking about? I shifted self-consciously, waiting for her reply.

“Fine,” she finally grits out, turning a cold look towards me. “Only until he’s found.”

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