Her Brother, Her Mate

Her Vampire, Her Mate Chapter 43

Casey POV

This is f*****g it. This is the f*****g break we needed to find this sick f**k and give my sister her freedom back. This is the reason I’ve been away from my wife and son for the last few weeks. We finally have a lead, and I’m going to destroy this fucker.

“Keep my employees out of this, dog,” Vincent snaps, keeping up the ruse. “You both can go. We have some things to settle,” he adds, nodding to them so they can walk away. The chick throws one more look of disgust my way. I blew a k**s at her, causing her to sneer.

While Vincent’s man leads his sister to his room to switch out the clothes or some s**t, I type a quick text to Matt, telling him s**t’s about to go down. I need Parker to notify Cathal and we need to take care of this. Today. Now.

“So I was right?” Vincent questions me quietly, watching as I type furiously on my phone to communicate with the pack. I miss having a link to the pack here. I have to communicate by phone. I hate texting.

“For once,” I retorted out of habit. This fucker is fun to pick on.

“For once? Seriously?”

I shrug, too focused on coming up with a plan to put any heart into picking on him more right now. “We need to follow her and see if she can lead us to him.”

He nods, “She is a vampire. She can tell a wolf is near her just by the accelerated beating of your heart.”

“No s**t sherlock,” I rolled my eyes. The girl might even be able to hear us now.

I typed out a message for him on my phone. I’ll be with Cathal dipshit. He has that fairy voodoo s**t to mask us. Matt is downstairs waiting for you with Trevor. When she leaves, I’ll follow her. You take your man down and he will be held until I tell you overwise.

“So bossy,” Vincent mouthed. Then he hissed loudly, going back to our little show, “Get out! She is mine and you can f**k off!

I almost laughed. He sounds too formal to cuss like that. “I don’t think such a p***y a*s b***h should use f*****g words so out of f*****g character.”

Vincent looks embarrassed momentarily, “A*s hole,” he glares. I smirked at him, knowing I had struck an actual nerve, turning and stomping out of the apartment for the grand finale to our little show, then sprinting down the stairs to prepare my men for what was to come next. He’s my brother-in-law. I’m allowed to piss him off like that, but now I need to focus.

Matt is at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me so he can send the mass mind link I’m restricted from sending.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Her name is Susan. She goes by Suzie. She is covered in fucktard the first’s scent. Reeks of the s**t. She’s feeding on and f*****g him by the stench of her,” I gagged in disgust. The scent of f*****g fairies lingers because of the magic exuded from them. Grosses me the f**k out to think of my sister smelling like that. I’m snipping his balls off before I kill him. “I need you and a few men to stay here. Brother is Carlos.”

“Carlos? Is he…?”

“Traitor? I don’t think so. Just in case, Vince will bring the bastard down and you are going to search ‘em and put the fucker in a holding cell while I follow the sister. Cathal is waiting outside the pack territory and will roll out behind her while I take the bike.”

Matt nods, “Alpha is on his way. He was teaching at the warrior center, filling in for Carli. Take one of my brothers with you so you can mind link. He wants to meet you when you find him.”

“I can take care of this. He doesn’t have to,” I go to argue, but Matt shaking his head stops me.

“Simone is like our sister too. Parker wants to go for her; as her alpha and friend. Not because he doesn’t think you can’t handle s**t,” Matt pats my shoulder firmly. I nod, knowing it’s true. Parker is a great f*****g alpha. As much as I used to hate the f*****g guy, I’m glad he is the alpha here, keeping my sister, Carli, and the rest of the pack safe and putting everyone else’s needs before his own. The pack is the healthiest it’s ever been because of him.

“Fine, but give me Hillary or Laura. I don’t want your pervy brothers groping my t**s and getting excited while riding bitch.”

Matt chuckles, “Hillary and Laura might get excited too.”

“Laura maybe. Daryl has much better t**s than me. Hillary won’t be impressed by mine.”

Matt snorts, linking Laura and Hillary to see which one is closer. Laura is the lucky winner. Perfect. Her vampy mate and she should be able to mind link. He can talk to Vincent and can find out what’s going on.

I rush out with Laura as Matt and the other warriors disperse, trying not to raise suspicion as the vampire girl walks down to the first floor, grumbling the entire way about the pack house needing an elevator.

Sissy. Our women don’t need an elevator. Well, except Luna Mary. That cunt was too good for the stairs.

Straddling Carli’s bike, Laura gripping my sides behind me, we shelter between Parker’s truck and Vincent’s SUV, hiding from view. I watch as the snobby chick struts to her little Prius, her face turned up into a sneer. I have a feeling it is her resting b***h face.

We follow a safe distance behind, ducking behind Cathal’s inconspicuous Ford Explorer on the main road. It’s a balancing act, trying to stay hidden on the loud bike while watching the girl at the same time. She pays little attention to us. She’s one of those drivers oblivious to the world around her, just looking to get from point A to point B as quickly and rudely as possible.

We swerve through traffic, driving into the city. Vincent sent us all of her information, including her address, and with the mind link Laura just got from her mate, that’s where it looks like Suzie is heading.

It’s an apartment above a bistro restaurant with a good view of the ocean. Carlos rents it directly from Vincent, which is probably why he could afford it in the first place. Vincent treats his people well, and I bet he is only charging Carlos a fraction of what he could be.

She pulls into her parking space reserved for the apartment owner with a little sign in the alleyway parking lot next to the building. She still hasn’t noticed us, thank the f*****g goddess, and grabs the bag out of her backseat with Carlos’s dirty clothes.

I like Carlos. The entire pack here likes him. I hope he isn’t involved in whatever his sister is.

She is looking down at her phone with a scowl, stopping in the middle of the walkway, dropping the bag, and typing angrily on the device. She screams, stomping her foot like Calum does when we won’t give him ice cream after dinner if he doesn’t eat his veggies. What is up with her right now?

The b***h screams again, stomping in a circle, then brings her phone to her ear.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LEFT?!” she screams.


She looks around, examining her surroundings, looking for something. Her eyes meet mine where I’m peaking out behind Cathal’s SUV.

“s**t,” I muttered, snapping into action before she could react. I sprinted across the street, pulling the phone from her hand, knocking her out with the back of my hand, and pulling her into the alley further before any humans saw.

Laura and Cathal’s men joined me. I toss the keys sitting at the top of Suzie’s purse to Cathal, and he nods, filing ahead of the group, up the stairs to unlock the front door.

“Parker is on his way,” Laura informed me as I lifted the phone to my ear. The ID had an emoji of a fairy and a set of fangs. I have a hunch it’s not the f*****g tooth fairy she is talking to.

“Hello?” I spoke steadily into the line. I was met with muffled laughter.

“Is this the burly pitbull who has been sniffing around for me the last few weeks?” A silky careen vibrates my eardrums.

“Is this the tinker bell fucker who has been harassing my sister?” I growled, waiting in the alleyway with Suzie’s body while waiting for Parker. From her earlier conversation, I didn’t think Cathal was going to find Aiden up there. I need to stay down here and keep my eyes open for any sign of him escaping. Cathal had 2 knights that stayed behind, doing the same.

“Ahh, that’s who you are to my Mona? What an unfortunate way to meet one’s future brother-in-law.”

I scoffed, walking out to the main street and staring up at the roofs of the buildings surrounding this one. “Future brother-in-law? Sorry, bro, but I already got one brother-in-law chomping at the bit to impress me. He didn’t have the setback of laying hands on my sister first either. Or giving her such a horrible nickname. Mona? Really?”

“The vampire is just a fling for my Mona in order to get me to play her little game. I’m the one she really wants.”

“I’m sure,” I muttered, eyes scanning all the windows on the street. Nothing. I can’t see any sign of him.

“You will not find me up there,” Aiden’s sickenly smooth voice hums mockingly in my ear.

I sigh, knowing he is watching me but not from where. Laura and a fairy knight named Farson run out of the building searching for me to tell me what I already know.

“Mind telling me where I can find you? I would love a formal introduction,” I tried.

He chuckles softly, “Not today, but soon.”

“Too bad,” I sighed again, trying to hold back my anger to keep him on the phone while making eye contact with Laura and nodding for her to come over. I take her phone and type He is watching us to her. She nods, then runs over to the knight to tell him. He runs back into the apartment, probably to tell Cathal right when Parker’s truck pulls up to the curb. Mark, Mitch, Daryl, and Simon are in the truck with him.

Laura fills them in on what we learned, and Simon disappears before she is even through explaining everything, disappearing into the shadows as he moves with the speed and stealth vampires are known for. I know he can still hear his mate’s words as he moves like a ghost through the buildings, searching for some sign of Aiden.

“He will never find me,” Aiden taunts me, “He can search all day. I won’t move a muscle, and he will still never find me.”

“We will f*****g find you, you sick f**k. And I will f*****g destroy your pathetic, horse-murdering a*s for putting your damn hands on my sister. I will start with your toes, cutting them off one by one with a dull butter knife, sawing each one slowly, then feeding them to the gators you left that horse to. Then, I will run the knife under your skin on your feet, peeling it from your flesh and-”

“I hate to stop your little tirade, but your tall friend looks like he needs to talk to you,” Aiden’s amusement was evident in his tone.

I turned and, sure enough, Parker was right there, waiting for my attention. He pulls the phone from my hands, bringing it to his own ear.

“Aiden, Aiden, Aiden. All this trouble for a woman that is already mated to someone else….Mated, yes….” Parker smiles sinisterly, clicking his tongue, “That vampire is her mate, and you better hope that we find you before he does.”

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