Her Brother, Her Mate

Her Vampire, Her Mate Chapter 25

Carli POV

“And here is another outfit for my baby girl,” Parker pulls out another little girl outfit with tulle in the skirt and pink ruffles on the sleeves and I’m melting watching my man fawn over our daughter. Seriously, my ovaries.

Rosie is cooing and baby talking his ear off, and I’m standing in the kitchen watching Parker adorably baby talk back in his masculine voice. Put another baby in me now! Watching him be a kick-a*s daddy is the biggest turn-on, and by the way he keeps smirking over at me, I know he knows it.

“I got this one for your mama,” Parker rubs his nose against Rosie’s, and then walks over to me, handing me a maternity wear bag, making me smile brightly.

“I’m not pregnant though.”

“No but you will be soon,” he k****s my cheek, “We should try all night until you are.”

“But, what about the search?” I ask him. We’ve been taking turns going out with Cathal and his men searching for Aiden, and tonight was my shift with Matt.

“Casey is filling in for you. You’re all mine tonight,” he whispers in my ear, kissing down my neck. Rosie, still in his arms, starts slapping his face for attention making both of us laugh.

“But Rosie?…” I ask before getting lost in his heated gaze.

“Elena is on her way,” he tells me, placing a tender k**s on my lips, then turning his attention to an irritated Rosie and pretending to munch on her little angry fist.

While the three of us cuddle together, standing in the kitchen and laughing at Rosie’s attention hogging ways, knocking sounds from the front of the apartment.

“Elena must be here,” Parker says handing me Rosie so he can answer. Elena has a key and usually lets herself in, though. I shrug my shoulders, carrying Rosie to the front to meet her grandma, only it’s not the grandma we were expecting.

Mary and Jared are standing in our foyer, arguing in hushed whispers to Parker about something. Why the f**k are they here? I haven’t seen either of them in quite some time. Mom stopped trying to make me bend to her will right before Rosie was born. She doesn’t try to call, text, or anything, which I’m happy about. I finally had peace and freedom from her, which I always wanted.

Jared will text me periodically, asking for pictures of Rosie or to ask how I’m doing, and he’s cordial when we see each other in passing on occasion in the pack house, but Parker is the one that mainly deals with them, allowing me to be completely free from the pressure of dealing with them. Parker takes Rosie to see them about once a week, which he already did this week, so I’m wondering what they’re doing here now.

“You never gave us a reply, son,” Jared tells him, looking worriedly between him and Mary.

“I did give you a reply, you guys just didn’t accept it. I said no. Maybe when she’s older, but not now.”

“Why not?” Mary glares at him, her arms crossed across her chest. I’ve never seen her act that way towards Parker. She usually bends over backward to make him happy.

“Because I don’t trust you,” Parker says flat out, making me worried about what they’re talking about. Mary scoffs, then looks to her mate, probably wanting Jared to make Parker give in to whatever she is demanding.

“Parker, that’s not any way to treat your mother. We would never do anything to hurt her. She….we just want the opportunity to bond with her like her other grandparents.”

“What’s going on?” I ask, bringing their attention to me. Mary’s hard gaze turns soft when she sees Rosie in my arms, taking a step towards me like she wanted to take her, but I quickly turn, shielding my child with my body. Mary drops her hands and her face falls momentarily before she turns her glare on me.

“I want to take my granddaughter for the weekend,” she states flat out, straightening her shoulders and turning her nose up in the air.

I huff, “Well, that’s not going to f*****g happen.”

Parker mouths ‘language’ to me, but I just ignore him and continue to glare at my birth mother.

“And why not?,” she huffs, “Grace mentioned keeping her for the weekend a couple of weeks ago, and I know Elena keeps her all the time. Why am I not allowed the same rights? I’m her grandmother too.”

“Because you were a piss poor mother and until my daughter is old enough to talk and tell me what is going on around her I’m not leaving her with someone I don’t trust. I can’t believe you would even think you have a right to something like that. The answer is no.”

“I am her grandmother too! I would never hurt her!”

“You hurt me!” I scream back at her, making her flinch. Rosie starts crying in my arms. I turn my face to k**s her head tenderly, bouncing up and down to try and calm her down. Parker comes over and takes her from my arms then places a supportive hand on my back.

We’ve talked about this many times. Mary asked Parker since the day she was born to be closer and have more freedom with Rosie, but we both agreed that wasn’t going to happen. I know Parker never really forgave her for all the years of abuse I endured, and I sure as s**t wasn’t subjecting my daughter to the same treatment. No f*****g way.

Jared talked with us both once, many months ago, and when we explained to him why we refused he reluctantly agreed with us. I trust him more than I trust my own mother, so I don’t mind him watching our daughter for short periods of time, but I sure as s**t am not letting her take Rosie. No way in hell.

“I tried to keep you safe,” Mary turns up her nose defiantly again, but I can see a tremor in her lips like she’s holding back tears.

I scoff at her ridiculous statement. “You tried to keep your own reputation safe, Mary. I will not trust my infant to a woman that claims she hit me repeatedly to keep me safe. You’re f*****g delusional. Parker takes her to see you guys every week but if that’s not good enough for you we can stop that too. I’m not letting you try to dictate anything in my life anymore.”

“Such vulgar talk. What kind of mother are you to try and judge my actions? You had the best of everything. I paid thousands of dollars on your credit card every month and you had a luxury vehicle. You could have had a lot worse. Don’t try to condemn me when you talk like a sailor and dress like a nightwalker,” she sneers waving her hands up and down my body. I’m in a sports bra and leggings. Not even close to dressing like a prostitute.

Parker growls at her statement and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling my back to him. Jared looks almost appalled at his mate, shaking his head behind her but too much of a p***y to say anything to her or make her shut her f*****g mouth. He must know she is making the situation worse. I doubt Parker will want to see Mary for a long time after this and I sure as hell am not taking Rosie to see them.

The Range Rover she gave me, so I stopped taking rides from Elena and didn’t bother her for them either, I gave back to them the week after I graduated high school. Jared tried to talk me into keeping it, but I didn’t want it. I had my bike my dad gave me and Parker had his truck so we were okay without it. And the credit card thing was because she wouldn’t allow me to eat in the pack house’s dining hall for 4 f*****g years. Buying 3 meals a day out and buying all my other necessities when I didn’t have parents to rely on was expensive.

“How much did you spend on her?” Elena’s voice breaks through the tension. She’s standing at our open door and I’m sure by the look on her face she heard everything that just when down. “How much do you think you spent on her credit card expenses and the car she gave back? Tell me and I’ll pay it right now.”

Mary gives her a look full of disgust, making me growl low in my chest.

“Like you could afford to cover any of it. It’s none of your concern. She is not your daughter and this is a private conversation.”

Elena comes to stand beside me, ignoring Mary’s menacing stare, placing her hand firmly on my shoulder, “That’s where you’re wrong, Mary. She is my daughter and I don’t appreciate you trying to guilt her for something any mother would gladly do for their child. So tell me how much? I assure you I can cover it, and gladly would. That’s what a mother does. And I would never try to make her feel like s**t for it.”

“That isn’t necessary, Elena,” Jared comes to stand beside Mary. She looks up to him, and I knew she was searching for support but he was giving her a hard look, for once trying to put her in line. “As you said, it was our duty and I would never expect anything back for doing it. Mary uses the car herself now so it was no loss. We just wanted more time with our granddaughter.”

Jared looks at me, “I’m sorry, Carli. We were out of line coming here like this. I hope you won’t take the time we do have with Rosie away. I also hope we earn your trust enough to have the same privileges as your parents, but I understand your concerns for now. We will respect your wishes,” he looks down at Mary with that same hard look as he says the last sentence. She glares back at him, clearly not happy he’s not taking her side. “I hope you guys have a good night,” he says, pulling Mary with him from the apartment.

Mary looks back, glaring at us one last time until her eyes rest on our daughter in Parker’s arms. Her face turns soft and I can see the longing in her eyes.

“Seems you guys are having a fun night,” Elena sighs, pulling me into a fierce hug, “Don’t let that woman’s words get to you. She’s lashing out at you because she’s angry with herself. You’re an amazing mother.”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

I feel heat building behind my eyes, not trusting her words. Am I a good mother? I don’t feel like it right now. I feel like s**t. I screamed and made my baby cry, and couldn’t even stand my own ground with my abusive mother. I had such a horrible role model, I wouldn’t be surprised if other people thought I was a bad mom too. Maybe that’s why Parker was reluctant to have another baby with me?

Feelings of inadequacy are consuming me, along with guilt and an uncontrollable sadness that is tearing a hole in my chest. Maybe I shouldn’t have any other children. I can’t even watch my mouth in front of the one I already have. Parker’s her favorite, and it’s probably because I’m such a horrible mother. I’m not half as good of a parent as he is. He does everything for her while I’m out stubbornly maintaining my warrior status. I even put up a fight to go back to work instead of staying home with her.

After Elena takes Rosie with her, along with a bag Parker packed because I didn’t think to, I go and lay in our bed, letting the all too familiar beginnings of my depression consume me. I shouldn’t be pushing for another baby right now. I don’t deserve one.

“Are you okay, babe?” Parker asks, sliding in bed behind me.

I nod, not trusting my voice. I don’t want to cry right now and I think if I say too much I just might. I don’t cry. I hate crying. I’m not giving in to it.

“I can feel you’re not. Talk to me,” Parker urges, nuzzling his nose into my neck. I lift the comforter, pulling it tight around me to block his face. I don’t want my body’s reaction to the mate bond muddling my thoughts any more than they already are. I just want to lay in bed and let my negativity consume me.

“I want to go to sleep, Parker,” I mutter softly.

“What about the baby-making?” he pouts, trying to lift my mood but doing the opposite.

I turn my face into my pillow just as a tear breaks free. I keep my body utterly still, fighting back the sobs which are trying to overtake me. The last thing I need is Parker worried about me again and putting more tracking devices in my jewelry and clothing.

After a long time of trying to get me to talk to him, Parker leaves our room with a sigh. I can feel his anger and frustration through the bond, deepening my guilt and self-hatred. He deserves so much better than me. He and Rosie both do. I’m a s**t mom, a s**t wife, a s**t luna, and a shitty person. My mother was right. I have no right to judge her.

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