Her Brother, Her Mate

Continuation from to Her Vampire, Her Mate Chapter 1

Simone Lewis POV

“It’s my first night out after Rose! Don’t be a p***y. Get on!” Carli yells at me, perched on top of her bike. Her loose crop top was fluttering in the wind as she held her extra helmet out to me. I love her, but I trust her driving about as far as I can throw her. The chick isn’t exactly a cautious person.

“Parker’s okay with you driving this around at night while drinking?” I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms across my chest. She huffed and rolled her eyes.

“I’m not drinking. Gets in the boobmilk. And…..yes. He knows enough.”

I chuckle, rolling my eyes dramatically. She probably told him she was going out for milk or something.

“Fine. Where are we going?”

She smiled brightly, that familiar twinkle in her green eyes. Yep. Parker has no idea she’s planning on staying out tonight.

She assured me it will be fun and just to trust her as I climbed on the back of her motorcycle. Red flag. If this was somewhere Parker approved she would tell me outright. I sighed, deciding going with her to keep an eye on her was a better decision than letting her go off by herself. I’ll call her parents or Parker if I need to.

I held on tight as she zipped in and out of traffic, heading toward Miami Beach. At least we’re heading somewhere populated. Last time she forced me to come with her somewhere without Parker’s approval, she took us to the nature preserve to observe a witch’s seance. The witches had been suspected of abducting babies and children to use in their spells.

I’m not a warrior. Far from it and didn’t want to go, but she promised we were just going to observe. We were out shopping when she heard from Melody about the seance and she wanted to check it out before she was told she couldn’t. She had just found out she was pregnant and her dad and Parker were up her butt to stay out of trouble.

To her credit, when she noticed cries coming from a suspicious looking animal control vehicle, she called Elena for backup. She didn’t rush in on her own. She’s not pregnant now, though. She’s the type to act first, think later.

To my surprise, Carli pulled her bike to a stop outside of the clubbing district, and backed it into a space between two cars. Maybe she does just want to get out and let loose. Not something Parker approved, but still harmless enough.

I look down at my outfit. High waisted shorts and a ruffled cami. Not exactly clubbing attire but it will do. At least I did my hair and makeup a little extra today. My glitter body spray and sleek ponytail is perfect for the shifting lights and high energy of the dance floor.

Instead of the Cuban dance club we parked next to, Carli leads us 2 buildings over to the vampire club. Most of us avoid this club. Vampire bites can be toxic to werewolves. Some of us can withstand them, but it’s very rare, like not being allergic to poison ivy for humans. I have nothing against vampires. It’s just this place is rumored to be a place for vampires to get slushed, and find a willing victim to feed off of for the night, then use their persuasion to make the human forget everything.

Carli skipped the line, walking around the crowd with her helmet in hand and the bouncers nodded to her, letting her in without question. They must know her. Of course they do. This girl, I think to myself, shaking my head.

“What are we doing here?” I shouted above the music.

She looked over her shoulder at me, smirking, “I know the owner. He gives me info on s**t when I need it. Also lets me drink on the house.”

“You said you weren’t drinking,” I reminded her.

“I’m not. I’m saying you can drink for free!” she smirked at me, “I’m going to live through you for the night.”

“So you’re trying to get me drunk?” I laughed at her, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively, “Trying to get me to put out at the end of the night?”

“You know it,” she blew a k**s at me, then handed the bartender her helmet and he placed it on the back counter for her without any questions.

She ordered herself a cherry soda and me a corona, then we took our drinks to the dancefloor, swaying to hypnotic music.

It doesn’t take long until we’re both lost in the music. Carli wasn’t letting any men come within 5 feet of her, though many tried. She elbowed the last guy in the gut, then pushed him to the ground, and now they’re avoiding her like the plague.

I’m all for it. When I felt hands gliding up and down my body from behind, grinding into my a*s, I lean back into the hard frame of a man. I’ve been in a long dry spell. Between studying for school and working to learn my parent’s business, I’ve been too busy to fill that need.

I was casually dating a friend of Melody’s. He was more of an acquaintance of hers than a friend. Aiden started getting too clingy, wanting to be more than casual, and I had to let him go. I didn’t want to seriously date anyone. What’s the point when he’s not my mate?

Aiden showed up at my school and broke the nose of a guy friend I was walking to class with and that’s when I let him know I was done. The s*x wasn’t worth the hassle. He was fairy, so it was great, but still not worth the trouble.

That was 4 months ago, and I haven’t seen anyone since.

“Hey, Sim, is that pain in my a*s with you?” Parker mind linked me, and I laughed out loud. Oh, Carli. Carli is shaking her a*s to the beat, holding my hand and whipping her hair back and forth.

“Maybe,” I told him.

“Thank the goddess. Where?”

I stopped dancing, pulling on Carli’s hand to get her attention.

“Your mate is mind linking me asking where you are.”

“Screw him. He doesn’t need to know.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “Why? What did the puppy do?”

She sighed, pulling me to the bar. Parker is trying to link me again, but I’m blocking him for now. She’s my best friend. If they’re fighting, I’m taking her side, naturally, and I can just help her see reason and resolve the issue on her own.

“The a*****e put a tracking device in the earrings he got me for Christmas. I found the app he’s been using to track my location on his iPad.”

Oh, puppy. His overprotectiveness is understandable, but that’s a big no-no. No wonder she was desperate to get out.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

“So you left without talking to him?”

“I talked to him,” she turned her chin up defiantly.

I shook my head and chuckled, then waved the bartender down to bring me another drink. Well, I’m on her side with this one. I’ll leave Parker to wonder for a little bit. He should sweat some. I pulled my phone out and texted Elena, though. Letting her know I had Carli with me and she’s fine. I don’t want them sending out a search party.

All of a sudden, the most delicious, mouthwatering aroma hits me, making me salivate and goosebumps rise all over my body.

A tall, slim man, with curly black hair that falls over his right eye, irises b***d-red and striking next to his powdering skin came up from behind Carli. His face is striking, with his high cheekbones and full lips. He is yummy. So so yummy. Mate. His spicy scent is driving me crazy, and I almost lunge for him, but then I notice the way he is looking at Carli. I know that look. Casey gave her that look for years. Like she is the most precious person in the world.

He’s a vampire. He won’t feel the mate bond like I do. I finally found my mate, but he is crushing on my best friend.

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