Her Brother, Her Mate

Chapter 49

“I told you I would be fine,” I muttered for the hundredth time. Between Parker and my dad, I’ve lost my battle high. I’m sitting in the trunk of an SUV while a medic checks me over for injuries, anti-vemon at the ready. Besides the rope burn, and a torn dress, I’m fine. Dad chewed my a*s out for not staying with them and Parker is getting all huffy because I acted without him there.

“We had an agreement,” he narrows his eyes at me.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t wait for you,” I rolled my eyes, “I should have let the bloodsucker bite and maul me instead of defending us. You’re totally right.”

“Carli,” he g****s, running his hands through his hair.

Casey is consoling a tearful Courtney, Uncle Nathan yelling at anyone and everyone he can about her being abducted. I know this isn’t her thing, (fighting, battles, b***d), but she did a great job reacting to the situation.

Alpha Jared is the one who surprised me the most when he got here. Besides Parker, he was the fastest to get out of the car, running like a madman towards his mate. He picked my mom up, cradling her in his arms as his hands roamed her body, checking for injury, then started crying uncontrollably as he carried her to the car. After several minutes, he came to me, thanking me adamantly for keeping her safe.

I didn’t know how to respond. I was still pissed about yesterday, and a lifetime’s worth of negligence can’t be smoothed over with kind words, so I just nodded and waited for him to finish.

On the way back to the packhouse, I called Vincent, letting him know that they were all dead. He sighs heavily in the line, “My mother too?”

“Yes.” When I said the word, I could faintly hear a sob break from him. He takes a few deep breaths and mutters a “thank you,” then hangs up.

Elena is calling the fae guard, letting them know the vampire has been dealt with. She called Lady Delilah next, breaking the news to her about the two members of her coven. She makes sure to stress that Vincent helped us in every way possible, and I hope he doesn’t get too much backlash because of his family. We can’t choose who we are born to, and he shouldn’t be held responsible for his parents’ mistakes.

Parker won’t give me an inch of space. He pulled me into his lap on the drive back and my dad ordered him to not let me out of his sight ever again. I don’t complain. I can feel through the bond how frightened he was and how much he needed to just hold me to comfort himself. I need him to. He’s grounding me, making me aware of how dangerous a situation we were really in.

We pull up to the packhouse and I hop out of the SUV before anyone, desperate for a shower. When I complain about not wanting to get Vanessa’s brain matter on the floors, Parker scoops me up in his arms and carries me up the stairs and into my apartment. When he sets me down on the bathroom sink, he takes the shoes off my feet and tosses them into the waste bin, then tears my dress the rest of the way off me, tossing it in the trash too.

“I can undress myself,” I told him.

“You’re not doing anything by yourself for a long a*s time, Carli. You gave me a f*****g heartattack.”

“Potty mouth,” I smirked at him, making him growl.

I stood in the spray of the shower, letting Parker wash me from head to toe. I don’t mind his overprotective antics. I got to kill all the vampires on my own and I’m too smug to care much about it, knowing I just took out the biggest threat the pack has been dealing with all on my own. He can wash my hair and body for me. I did enough today. From birthday presents, to graduating and saving the day. I’m having a decent day.

My dad wanted us back at his apartment tonight, demanding we still have a birthday dinner. Fried chicken cooked by Elena and apple pie. Sounds amazing to me.

A few days later, I was kicking Matt’s a*s during morning training. He’s being considered for the gamma position and has to up his training to meet the qualifications. Alpha Jared wouldn’t consider anyone with mixed b***d before, but Parker is adamant that he be in the running. Matt is a great fighter. I always knew that he was strong as a warrior, but thought him and Lilly would be taking over the resort for his mom. Vivian was adamant that she was not anywhere near retirement, and told me being gamma would be too good an opportunity for her son. She was elated that Parker didn’t look down on him because of his human father and hoped this was the beginning of changes in our pack.

Matt’s brothers are even becoming more serious in their training. Their egos took a hit from Parker. I didn’t see it but I heard about it from the other warriors. Parker just let them f**k each other up, not putting much effort into the fight. They show up for training in the mornings now, and have quit flirting with me so openly.

Casey left for Canada and Blue Cliff Pack with Uncle Nathan and Courtney yesterday. His parents and Simone are going to visit at the end of summer when he takes his gamma vows. I’m excited for my friend. He’s beyond happy with my cousin and she pampers him the way he deserves.

Matt gets the upper hand for once in the fight and puts me in a sleeper hold. I faux distress, hoping I can trick the bastard into letting up enough so I can break free and headbutt him, but he doesn’t fall for it this time. I have to literally tap out for the first time today.

“f**k you,” I sneered in his smug face.

“Hey, my mom raised me to treat women equally,” he laughs.

“A*s,” I muttered, letting him pull me to my feet.

“Hey babe, can you come back to the packhouse?” Parker mind linked me.

“Why? I’m busy.” I don’t want to leave training until I get Matt on his a*s again. I hate losing.

“My grandparents are here.” f**k. Okay, I gotta go. They were coming so Parker’s grandfather, Alpha Cedric, could perform the vows to give the alpha title to Parker.

Parker has been working with his dad for the last 2 days, so Alpha Jared could show him how to handle the business aspects of the pack. Parker went to school and got his MBA, so he would be prepared for the role. He is planning on hiring accountants to help with the business side of the pack while he takes a more central role, being involved in all aspects of pack life.

His grandfather handled all the business himself when he was alpha, so that’s what Alpha Jared did. The pack was smaller then, and business was not as time-consuming, so it wasn’t an issue. Plus, he had a kickass warrior Luna, Luna Grace, to help with the warrior side of things. She worked along side him in all aspects, not just running the packhouse.

I never met Alpha Cedric or Luna Grace, and I was nervous. Luna Grace didn’t like my mom, but Elena told me she had no negative feelings towards me. She just didn’t approve of the way Alpha Jared and my mom handled things. Elena and Luna Grace are great friends, and Elena and her even meet once a month for lunch. I was never allowed to go with my mom and Alpha Jared when they went to visit his parents, but apparently they know all about me from my adoptive mom.

I ran up to my room. I’ve been sharing it with Parker now that we’re fully mates. He even moved all his clothes down here and basically moved in while Alpha Jared and my mom looked for a new house to move to. I showered quickly. I didn’t want to meet his grandparents for the first time, covered in b***d, sweat and dirt. I raced down to the alpha’s office on the main floor after quickly dressing in a sundress Courtney gave me for my birthday and pulling my wet hair up in a messy bun. I remembered to put underwear on this time too. Parker asked me repeatedly not to wear dresses without them. I don’t like being sweaty, but I also don’t want to give him too hard of a time. Also, it’s fun when he tears my panties off me. I like the thrill of knowing he’s going to do it when I wear them. It’s like a reward for good behavior.

I knocked softly on the office door, then let myself in. Parker is sitting at the desk, and his grandparents are sitting across from him, turning and smiling at me at my entrance. Parker stands, smiling brightly, beckoning me to come around to him. I went around the desk and wrapped my arms around his waist. His touch settles my nerves, then I turn to face his grandparents.

Alpha Cedric is handsome, but looks nothing like Parker. He’s insanely tall, but that’s the only resemblance. He has kind hazel eyes, and thick salt and pepper hair. His smile is friendly as he takes me in.

Luna Grace, on the other hand, looks just like Parker with her curly blonde hair and droopy brown eyes. Her brown eyes meet mine as a megawatt smile, much like Parker’s, spreads across her features, “Carli? I’m Grace. It’s so nice to finally meet you, darling.” She comes around and pulls me into a tight hug. “I can’t wait to get to know you over the next few weeks.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

I smiled and hugged her back, “It’s great to meet you too.”

She releases me, then turns to her mate, “Your turn, you big oaf. Introduce yourself.”

He laughs softly at her insult and I finally see the resemblance between him and Parker. Parker has the same laugh when I get huffy with him.

“Call me Cedric, Carli. I’m excited to see my grandson has such a beautiful mate. We have heard so much about you.”

“Oh yes, Elena would call us all the time and tell us about this firecracker of a daughter she had that kicked all the boy’s butts. To say I’m excited you’re the next luna would be an understatement.”

Parker leads us out of the office and into the meeting room, where Alpha Jared and my mom are waiting, along with my dad and Elena, and Beta Anthony and Jessica. My mom looked nervous seeing Grace walk in. Grace gave her a polite smile, and then a brilliant smile and a small wave to Elena. I almost feel bad for my mom. It’s obvious Grace doesn’t care for her.

I sit at the right side of the head of the table, Grace taking the seat beside me. Mom is across from me, and she smiles hesitantly at me. I offered her a tight smile back. It’s been days, and even though Alpha Jared has thanked me numerous times, and even apologized to me for the attempted command from last week, my mom hasn’t sought me out once. No thank you, no sorry, nothing.

I caught her peeking at me from across the room all the time, but she never approached me. I don’t know if that upsets me or not. I, more or less, just want her to leave me alone. I just want her to move on with her mate who she has always put before me and everyone else, and give me peace.

Alpha Jared and Parker stand before Cedric at the front of the room. Cedric recites the moon goddess’s vows, breaking Alpha’s Jared’s oath as alpha over Crystal Moon Pack and passing it onto Parker.

I study Parker’s handsome, serious face, and pride fills me. He is going to do great things. For his pack and for all the ones he loves. If he can help mend the brokenness in me, he can do anything.

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