Her Brother, Her Mate

Chapter 40

Vincent knew where his parents were hiding his aunt. They were hiding her, and helping her plan an attack on me and my uncle on my graduation day. His parents were going to stalk me during the day, then follow until nightfall, allowing Satrina the opportunity to take me out.

My body is filled with adrenaline, wanting to act now. Vincent offers to lead me to them now, but Parker is firmly against it. He goes as far as ordering me to not act tonight, which pisses me off again. It’s my life being put at risk. I have every right to do something about it.

I mindlink Mark and Mitch, telling them I’m leaving with Parker. Neither seemed concerned. The task of finding information on the missing rogue is long forgotten as they party and slut themselves around the crowded club.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Vincent leads us out to the club’s valet parking lot, waiting with me as Parker retrieves his truck.

“If you wish to act on your own, without that vexing mate of yours, this is my number. I will help you in any way you wish,” he slid me a piece of paper smoothly, bringing my hand up and kissing it tenderly. “I would help you in all things, Carli. Keep that in mind.”

Parker pulled up in front of us at that moment, coming around to yank my hand from Vincent’s grasp, growling at his gesture.

“My mate, Vincent. That means she is off limits.”

“Oh, I feel that is something she has yet to decide, seeing as her neck is still unblemished.”

They stare at each other, Vincent’s eyes full of annoyance and Parker’s with anger.

“Let’s go,” I pat Parker on the chest, “We have other s**t to worry about. This isn’t the time for this.”

He bears his teeth, sneering at Vincent one last time, and Vincent answers with a smirk, baring his fangs.

“We will talk with the alpha and let you know what he says,” I told Vincent. While Parker is opening my door for me, I slip Vincent’s number into the bust of my dress, nodding to Vincent, indicating I would be in touch without actually saying it out loud, not wanting to let Parker know. I have a feeling Parker wouldn’t be too happy about me having options on how to handle the danger I’m facing. He might just order me to stay at the packhouse while his dad f***s everything up even more. Vincent gives me a knowing smile, and Parker looks between us when he turns around to help me up so I don’t slip with my heels.

The drive back was quiet. Both of us were lost in our thoughts. All I could think about was finishing this, so I could get on with my life. I’m still upset about the fight me and Parker had earlier this evening, and I’m upset he ordered me to stand down, not allowing me to go kill the rogue tonight like I wanted to do. Does he think I can’t take her? I am more than capable, probably the most capable if you disregard my dad and his brother. They probably won’t let me help either.

I’ll be an adult in 24 hours now. 24 hours and they can’t use that excuse anymore. Knowing Alpha Jared, though, the next excuse for me not being able to help or do missions will be because I’m a woman. A she-wolf and the next Luna, given I’m still not pissed at Parker when he takes the alpha title from his father.

I’d be damned if they expected me to sit at home, playing housewife and never leaving the packhouse without my mate to protect me. I’m a f*****g warrior. I was training to become a gamma for years, and then training my a*s off to prove I didn’t need a man to protect me or tell me what to do. Being Luna doesn’t mean I need to stay home and be like that horrible woman who gave birth to me. Elena is proof a she-wolf can be a badass and the epitome of grace and femininity at the same time. She wouldn’t resolve herself to stay home because a man told her to, and I sure as hell won’t either. My dad wouldn’t try to make her fit that stereotype and I wouldn’t allow Parker to with me either.

“I can tell you’re mad about something,” Parker says as we pull into the packhouse parking lot.

“Don’t worry about it,” I grumbled, making him sigh deeply.

“Can I at least still stay with you tonight?” he asks.

“Sure. Enjoy the couch.”

I got out of the truck, slamming the door behind me. I know I’m probably being irrational with my anger towards Parker. He isn’t his father, and I know now he doesn’t think less of me because I’m not pure, but his command to not rush to attack the rogue, taking my choice from me is irritating the hell out of me.

It’s late. So late that it can be considered Friday morning, but the packhouse lights are still on when we walk in, and we find my dad and mom arguing in the foyer.

“She is still my daughter! Not that woman’s but mine!” my mom yelled in my dad’s face.

“Sure as s**t never treated her like your daughter. I’m f*****g exhausted, Mary. I don’t want to argue about pointless s**t right now,” my dad tells her in exasperation.

He looks up at us, scrunching his eyebrows in confusion. “What the hell?”

“Hey dad,” I muttered, deciding to try and walk past him like it was no big deal that I was coming into the packhouse at 2 in the morning in a clubbing dress when I was asked to stay in the packhouse.

“Where were you? Did you take my daughter out when we still don’t have the rogue thing figured out?” he looks at Parker accusingly.

As much as I would love my dad to give Parker an earful, I’m not going to throw him under the bus for something I did on my own.

“I went out without him and he brought me back,” I confess.

“Carli,” my dad pinches the bridge of his nose, “I thought we talked about this.”

“No. No, we didn’t talk about this. I was told to stay here, and I chose to listen, but I’m tired of waiting around for everyone else to fix my own problem, so I chose to leave. I’m not some defenseless little girl. I can handle myself.”

“You aren’t defenseless, no, but you are still my little girl. I don’t want you going out without additional protection,” I go to argue and he cuts me off, “No, I’m not saying you need protection, but I need you to have it for my own peace of mind. I just got the opportunity to be your dad, Carli. I’d like for you to allow me to fulfill that role.”

I work my l*p in my teeth nervously, not sure how to respond. I don’t want to make him worry, but I’m not okay with sitting at home and doing nothing.

“It’s late,” my dad says, holding his hand out to me, “we can talk tomorrow. Let’s go home and get some sleep.”

His exhaustion is written all over his face, so I don’t argue. I took his hand, ignoring the glare from my mother, and let him lead me upstairs. I should tell him about Vincent and what we found out tonight, but I don’t, telling myself it’s because he’s too tired to deal with it right now. I know that’s not really why I don’t want to tell him. I don’t think I can go against him now if he asks me not to help. I need to be the one to finish this. I need to be the one to kill the rogue, ending the threat to my own life.

Tomorrow. I’ll tell him tomorrow……

Parker POV

I watch as Carli walks up the stairs with her father. Mom is glaring at them as they go.

“What were you and Gamma Thomas talking about?” I asked her, drawing her attention to me.

“Oh, nothing you need to worry about,” she smiles at me.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair, “Please leave her be,” I asked her, making her face fall.

“What do you mean?”

“This thing you have going on with Elena, trying to claim Carli as your daughter now that everyone knows the truth. All you’re going to do is push her away more. You can’t just decide to be her mom now that someone else has a claim to that title. That’s not how it works.”

“That woman is not her mother. I’m the one who gave birth to her.”

“It takes more than giving birth to someone to make you their mother,” I tell her. The pain radiating from her face makes me soften my tone. “Look at us. You didn’t give birth to me, but you have always been my mom. I’m asking, as your son, to let go of your pride and let Carli be happy with the family that has always been there for her. If you can’t do it for Carli, do it for me.”

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