Her Betrayal

19. The Lunch.

Evan’s POV

“Where are we going?” She asked as soon as she settled in the car.

“Well, hello to you too. ” She smiled sheepishly at me, a faint smile touching my lips too.

“You’ll see once we reach.” The rest of the ride fell in a comfortable silence. She was absent-mindedly looking out of the window. Once I parked the car at the restaurant, she came out of her trance and immediately I saw her freeze. I opened her side of her door.

“Shall we?” She looked startled for a second before nodding slowly and putting her hand in mine. I led her in.

“Thank you.” She softly said as I pulled the chair for her. I nodded and sat myself down opposite her. She looked uncomfortable sitting here. Earlier when we were dating, I had brought her here a lot of times. In fact she used to love this place. I had decided on coming here to see if she was affected even a bit and from her looks she was.

“I didn’t think we were coming here.” I mentally smirked at her words.

“Why what’s wrong here? You used to love this place . ” I spoke, putting up an innocent face. She passed me a tight lipped smile and an awkward nod.

“Would you like to order?” A waiter came up. I ordered a steak with mashed potatoes while she took fish and chips and sparkling water. My gaze was intently fixed on her while her’s was on the table with occasional glances at me. She tapped her fingers on the table till the food arrived.

“It’s Sunday and we are the only people in the restaurant. I wonder why?” She spoke, putting the chips in her mouth.

“That’s because it is reserved.” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before her eyes widened.

“You booked the whole restaurant? That’s such a waste of money!” she stopped abruptly and quickly stole a glance of my face. Her face turned slightly pink once she witnessed the amused expression on my face.

“Yeah, I know. You’re a billionaire and all. That sounds stupid to you.” The pink tinge on her cheeks were making her look beautiful but what captured my attention was something else. She wasn’t elated that I had reserved the whole restaurant for her. Instead her first reaction showed that it seemed stupid to her to spend so much . I smiled seeing a bit of the old Brae in her, my sweet selfless Brae.

“So you wanted to say something?” She asked almost at the end of the lunch.

“Yes, I have an important question.”


“Why did you leave me Brae?” Her shoulders stiffened at once . Blinking multiple times, she composed herself.

“I told you I have nothing to say about this.” She was avoiding making eye contact with me.

“You said you didn’t want to speak about your personal life at your workplace. I am sure we can talk here.” I cocked my head and stared at her. She pressed her lips together.

“It was nice having lunch with you Mr. Lewis. I would take your leave.” She stood up and so did I. I gripped her by her arm, preventing her from escaping.

“Stop running Brae. Why can’t you tell me the truth?” She took a deep breath and pulled her hand away from mine.

“Because there’s nothing left to say Evan. I said whatever I had to three years back. I don’t even understand what you want to know even.” I was so tired of her pretend to not understand anything.

“The truth. I want the truth.”

“It was the truth. Whatever I said was true.”

“You lied.” I gritted through my teeth. Patience was never my strong forte.

“I didn’t.” Her voice gave way to her faltering confidence.

“How about the truth about your boyfriend?” She immediately froze in my hold. Her face paled, she blinked, unable to come up with an answer.

“Where is he Brae? Your rich successful boyfriend? Why hasn’t anyone seen him, Brae?” Clenching her jaws, she looked away.

Braelyn’s POV

“I will tell you why. Because there was no one as such in the first place. Just a fictitious character, supporting your story.” I exhaled deeply, clenching my eyes shut. He can’t find out. God why?

“We broke up.” I lied straight through my teeth.

“Don’t Brae. Don’t lie anymore. There wasn’t any existence of a man in your life in these years.” I cursed my poor luck. Why couldn’t anything be easy in my life? In fact I was the one to blame. I shouldn’t have come here. He had the whole restaurant reserved to talk about this outside work and I walked straight into his trap.

“So you ran a background check on me? He just looked on, giving me my answer.

“Incredible!” I sarcastically smiled.

“You wouldn’t speak. I had to.” Yes of course you had to make it more difficult for me. Damn it!

“You didn’t have to. You didn’t have to show so much interest in my life. You just had to leave me alone.” I yelled, frustration getting at me.

“Of course. You left me telling a story which seems to be all bullshit now. I was left heart broken, without a purpose. Everyday seemed more difficult than the previous without you. I couldn’t forget you no matter what and you are saying I had to leave you alone?” He too shouted, the pain evident and raw in his voice. My heart clenched at the depth of the sorrow, the hurt in his words.

“I want answers.” I so wanted to give into his demands but I was helpless. The familiar feeling was once again engulfing me. Once again I was helpless, feeding him lies while he desperately asked for answers.

“I don’t have any answer to give you. Why are you so fixated on the past?” I exasperated, not at him but with the situation we were in.

“You were never my past.” I couldn’t help the shiver that passed through me when he yanked me closer by my arm. ‘Neither were you’, I wanted to say. Why did you have to make it harder for me Evan?

“Evan please. Just leave me.” I pulled my hand out of his hold . While leaving, I couldn’t turn back to look at him. Our life was just running in circles. Threats, lies and hurt.



“Ryan.” I stopped and smiled at him.

“I asked you to call me but you never did.” He gave me an accusing look. Honestly I was afraid to call him. Avoiding any contact with Evan directly or indirectly seemed the most right decision to me.

“I’m sorry Ryan. I have been extremely busy for the last few days.” It was actually true. From sending the invites to deciding on the food, I was supposed to do everything.

“Well, you really look stressed.” He nodded to himself as if approving my excuse.

“I am. Making all the arrangements for the annual function are really wearing me out.” I shook my head tiredly.

“It’s on this weekend right?” I nodded to him.

“So are you done?”

“Uh huh. I was going to look at the venues. Do you want to come, maybe help me in choosing the venue and the decorations?” I put my hands on my waist waiting for his answer.

“Gladly.” He grinned, causing my lips to curve up into a small smile.

“Evan!” I closed my eyes and exhaled at the voice of the bitch. Evan turned back and immediately a smile spread across his face.

“Kate, how come you are here?” He sounded like he was pleasantly surprised.

“Because she has got no other job.” I muttered under my breath.

“Just thought we could go out for lunch.” My eyebrows raised on their own . I was gripping the brochure in my hand hard enough for them to crumble.

“Sure, why not?” I rolled my eyes at Evan’s eager response.

“Why not?” I mumbled to myself while smiling sarcastically. Jealousy coursed through me at the thought of them having lunch together.

“Evan.” Ryan shouted, sprinting off to him.

“Yes?” As soon as Evan’s eyes connected with mine, I looked away.

“I heard you’re going out for lunch.” I impatiently tapped my foot on the floor.

“And?” Well I wasn’t the only impatient one. Obviously his date with Kate couldn’t be delayed!

“We are going to look at the venue for the annual function. I think you should come with us and then we can go for lunch.” My eyes widened at Ryan’s words. Was he seriously out of his mind?

“No no, I will manage. You go for your lunch.” I fake smiled at both of them while Kate glared at me. Easy bitch!

“Come on Brae, it’s not that big a deal.” I felt like I would have buried Ryan six feet under at the first chance I would get.

“I don’t think you need to come. It’s going to take some time. I will go alone.” I glared at Ryan but kept my voice sweet, warning him to not contradict me.

“It’s okay, we will go . We have time.” Although Evan intervened, he didn’t look too convinced himself but arguing with him was the last wish on my bucket list.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Nice!” I gritted at Ryan.

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