Hatred With Benefits

S I X T Y - N I N E

S I X T Y - N I N E


Whoever said love is the greatest emotion of all and the best thing that could ever happen to anyone in

their lifetime has got a fucked up viewpoint, because love is in fact the worst thing that could ever

happen to anyone. We've all been taught to know the promising sides of love; the happiness and

fulfilment it could bring. We've been forced to seek it out in our lives, when we should be staying away

from it. Everyone says the good things about love, but no one said the horrible sides. The pain? The

heartache? The way it easily fucks your entire being, messing with your mentality and your health? No

one taught us about that. No one taught us that love would give us a slice of heaven, and a whole tide

of hell. No one taught us that love will turn out to be your biggest catastrophe.

Love doesn't heal; It hurts.

It doesn't put you back together, it breaks you into pieces and leaves you to remain in that state.

Being in love is one of the biggest regrets that I've ever had in my life, because being in love took

everything from me. My happiness. My smile. My well being. My rationality. It took every fucking thing

and left me a shell of my former self because she left. Aliya left me without another thought and every

single time I try to understand things from her sense, I only break further.

What was it about me that bored her? Was I too clingy? Too pushy? Too loud? Too cheesy? What

exactly was I doing wrong for her to easily fall out of love with me? What is it that's bad about me?

What is it that snatched her away from me? I could never understand, and the more I attempt to; the

quicker I break down.

"Another one. " I say to the man in front of me and he stares at me for a while before he gives in and

pours another shot into my glass.

I take it without hesitation and gush it down my throat, welcoming the familiar burn as I slam the glass

on the table before me. And yet, it isn't enough. It's never enough. Nothing is ever enough to stop these

thoughts about her. These images of her.

I've been here and I've lost count of the number of shots I've had to bury all thoughts about her, but it

seems like the more I try to, the stronger the thoughts get. Who said healing is the best part of

heartache? It isn't. It's the worst part of it. Especially when your heart doesn't want to heal. When your

heart goes against your will and decides to hold onto painful memories. Healing is a stage that I've

never been able to get through because every single time I take a step forward, I end up taking five


She's everywhere. On my mind. In my thoughts. In my dreams. She doesn't let me have my peace, and

why's she doing that to me? Why is she doing this when she doesn't want me anymore? Why do I

remain drawn to her every single time I see her? Why the fuck do I still want her arms around me every

time I take a secret glance at her? Why? Why won't it stop? Just why?

Turning away from the bartender, I stare at the view of bodies sliding against each other with loud

voices in the air.

I move from my seat and I only take a step forward before I'm in front of a girl.

"Um... Do I know you?" She asks and I don't give a response as I yank her towards me by the front of

her top and close my lips over hers. Her lips feel soft against mine, but they're not the softness I'm

familiar with. My heart doesn't jump in my chest as it does with her, and my body doesn't tremble in

excitement as it does with her.

"The fuck? Did you just fucking kiss my girlfriend?" I'm pulled by the neck and I blink my eyes at the

angry-looking guy who stands in front of me. Then an odd feeling washes over me. I feel her presence

before I hear her voice. She's here. She's right here. The source of my nightmares.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing to her?" I don't know what's happening, but I know she's here

and the grip the other guy has on me loosens, causing me to fall against the stool behind me.

There are voices. Shouting and echoing. I can't make sense of what they're saying, but I recognize her

voice amidst them. Why's she here? Why did she come here?

"Are you okay?" It's her. God, it's that sweet voice of hers.

Balancing my hands on the stool, I twist my head in the direction of her voice and her bright blue hair is

the first thing that comes into view, before I make out the outline of her face.

"No, " I shake my head as I look away. When I look back at her, she's standing a step away, and my

eyes roam down her body. I'm not hallucinating. Aliya is really here. Her eyes are on me. She's

speaking to me.

"Go away. " I grumble, clasping a hand around the stool.

"Sage, you're drunk. You need to come with me. " Her voice echoes above and I let out a chuckle as I

raise my head, lifting my body from the stool and staggering backwards as I lose my feet, but she's

quick to catch me, wrapping her arms around me with panic covering her face when I meet her eyes.

"Sage—" she starts, and I don't think before I do it. I lean forward, and take her lips in mine, feeling the

familiar taste of her. Strawberry rolled in vanilla. This is what I've been craving. This is the taste I've

been dying for; not the one I had earlier, or the one I've been trying to get my mind off her with. This is

the taste of the girl I desire and the only taste that can make everything alright.

"Sage!" She pushes me back, detaching her lips from mine. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Why?" I lift a brow, struggling to adjust in her arms. "Did your desires for my body left along with your

love for me?"

"This isn't you, Sage. You're drunk. " She says and I shake my head. "You're wrong, baby. This is me.

This is the me that's left after you fucked me up! This is what you've made me into!" I watch as she

takes a look around us before she looks back at me.

"Come on. I'll get you out of here. " She tells me and I jerk her hold from my waist, taking a step back,

only to end up tripping over my feet and Aliya is by my side again.

"Sage, please. " She begs, warm brown eyes staring down at me. The same eyes that tricked me into

falling for her. My gaze moves down to her nose, and her lips. Full, inviting lips. I want another taste. I

need another taste.

I lift my hand to her face, and she flinches slightly under my touch, but I don't pull away.

"Sage, " she whispers my name, the way she usually does when my mouth is on her. God, I've missed

her. I've missed her so fucking badly, and it's killing me. This need for her in my life is killing me and I

don't know what to do.

"Lips. " I mutter as I trace my thumb across her lower lip, feeling the tenderness of the flesh and the

urge to sink my teeth into it. To draw blood and give a taste of the pain she's caused. But more than

that, to feel her lips against mine again.

"You need to stop, Sage. I don't want to push you and I don't want you to do anything you'll regret. " I

lift my gaze to meet her eyes, and I open my mouth. "Do I disgust you that much?"

"Sage, please. Stop. " She says and I smile, lowering my gaze back to her lips. "It didn't seem like I

disgust you back when we were together. I guess you were faking that as well; like you faked your love.


"I never faked my feelings for you, Sage. You know that. "

"Really? Kiss me, then. " I move my head closer to hers, slowly closing the distance between us. "Take

me to your place and kiss me. Leave your marks on my body. Do it like you used to. "

"You don't mean that. " She shakes her head and I snicker, applying pressure to my stroke on her lips

and I ravel in the wince that leaves her mouth. I lean forward to take her lips, but my head ends on her

shoulder and I feel her hands move from my waist to my back.

"It hurts, " I whisper as I shut my eyes, turning my head to the other side to hide my face in her neck.

"Hurts so much, Aliya. I wish I never met you. I wish you—" I don't hear myself anymore as silence

takes over my senses.


"Do you like it?" I ask her, my fingers pressing into her side as I stare at her swollen lips from how hard

I suck on them and Eva twists her head to take a look at the balloons before she drops her gaze back

to me, "Like it? I fucking love it. "

"I wanted to get white ones since white is your favourite colour, but red matches everything better. "

"I love the fact that they are red, " she assures me. "And this too. It smells so nice. " She says as she

takes a sniff of the rose and I press my nose into her hair before I take the rose from her when she

moves back. I tuck her rose behind her ear and she lifts her gaze, blinking innocently at me.

"You look pretty. " I whisper and she raises her shoulders right by the left in a cheerful manner. "I know.


"Come here. " She locks her hands around my neck, fingers threading through my curls, and the

familiar rush of excitement streams through me, like it usually whenever she does that. I lift her in my

arms and she wraps her legs tightly around me, while I drop a hand around her head and the other to

her back to steady her as I mash my lips against hers. It's a hot tangle of our tongues, and our strong

desires for each other swim around us as I drop my hand from her back to her side, trying to lift her

dress but Eva pulls back, taking her sweetness with her.

"You're not about to fuck me in a bookstore that just opened, are you?" She arches her brows and I

say, "I don't see any reason why I should hold back?"

She swats my chest, and drops to her feet. "They let you take this place to have a nice romantic

surprise. Not to fuck in it, and leave them to come to the smell of sex. "

I drop my hands to her ass, pulling her back to my chest as I say, "They won't know that, Eva. "

"I'm not fucking you in here, Emerson. " She insists, moving out of my hold. "

"Okay, fine. Let's go home. " I tell her, knowing if we stay another second; it'll be me convincing her to

let me take her right here.

"Right now? I thought we were going to go through some books?"

"Stay another second and it'll be my cock looking through you. " I say and redness coats her cheeks as

she parts her lips, "Let me grab one of the balloons at least. "

"I'll get you more later. Come on. " I grab her hand, leading her out of the store and into the car.


We push through the door, not breaking away from the kiss and I shut it close with my leg before

bracing her against it, my hands wrapped around her thighs as I take her mouth, sucking on her bottom

lip while my tongue strokes hers.

I move her away from the doorframe and lead us further into the living room and Eva nudges my

shoulder in a silent gesture for me to fall on the couch and I do exactly as she wants, bringing us on the

couch with her on my lap.

She pulls away from the kiss, and a tiny smirk rests on her lips as she slides her hands down my chest,

tilting her head to the side to press her lips to my neck.

"Fuck–" I let out a groan of pleasure as she licks the skin, before she sucks, leaving her marks

everywhere and shooting blood straight to my cock with each graze of her teeth and feel of her wet

tongue against the skin.

I move my hands to her waist and slowly rock her back and forth on my hardness, humming in

satisfaction with how good this alone feels and Eva slips her hands underneath my shirt, resting her

touch on the skin as she trails kisses from my neck to my jawline, down to my chin before she moves

back to my lips.

She captures my lips and I let her, giving her the control I know she likes to take. I leave her to lead the

movements of her hips as I struggle to lift her dress, and to feel her bare skin at the tip of my fingers,

but when my hand scrapes over her panties; Eva pulls back. ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

She shakes her head. "Not so fast, Ford. "

"I need you. " I tell her, lifting my other hand to her face and coiling my fingers through her hair with my

palm pressed to her cheek. The teasing look in Eva's eyes changes to something naughtier at my

words and I lean close to press my lips to hers but she applies strength on her touch to my stomach,

pushing me back.

"You'll have me, " she ensures me with a smile. "But not so fast. I need to do something first. "

"What? Right now? Baby, I'm fucking hard. " I move her hips once for her to feel my hardness again

and Eva chuckles, seeming to be amused by me. "I know that, Emerson. I'll take care of you. Just be

patient. Your patience will be worth it when I'm done. "

With a sigh, I say, "Fine. What are you doing?"

She climbs off my lap and stays between my legs, moving her head close and I hold myself from

dragging her back onto my lap when she pulls my lower lip between her teeth. After she releases it,

she says, "Stay here and do not make a move. Only come in after a few minutes. "

"This is torture. " I hiss and she laughs, "You can endure a few minutes, Ford. Don't be such a pussy. " I

groan and grab her hand, looking into her eyes as I guide her hand to the front of my pants and caress

the bulge. "Only a few minutes?"

"Only a few minutes. " She assures, and I release her hand. She throws me a wink before she walks

out of the room and I don't remove my gaze from her until she disappears out of sight.

"Only a few minutes, Emerson. Don't be a pussy. " I repeat to myself as I adjust on the couch, keeping

my eyes from my hardened cock.

There's silence around me and after mentally counting to six hundred and sixty seconds; I can no

longer hold back so I raise to my feet and move in the same direction Eva took.

"Babe, it's been eleven minutes. Are you done with— " the rest of my words falls into silence when I

walk through the door and freeze on my first step, at the sight that's presented before me.

Holy. Fuck.

Holy. Fucking. Fuck.

Is that... Fucking. Hell. Is she about to do what I think she's about to do?

"Eva?" My voice is so small, that I can barely hear it myself as I close the door and step forward.

"That day, you asked to be my first audience, and I told you I'll show you one day. " She speaks, and

Goddamn, I'm barely focusing on her mouth or her words. My eyes are roaming across her body.

Every. Single. Corner.

Lingerie, is it? She's in a fucking lingerie. If I thought the one I saw on her phone was sexy, then there's

absolutely no world in the entire world to describe the sexiness of the one before me. Her chest is clad

in a belt-like bra that reveals enough of her breasts to make me want my mouth on them and her lower

body... Fuck, her lower body. White lace panties that's a contrast to the black on her chest with a leg

garter as a covering.

"I secretly bought this pole a while ago to surprise you. " Eva speaks again, gesturing to the pole she

stands next to, and my eyes fall to her for a second before it drops to her body again. Damn, I'm so

fucking lucky with this woman.

"And tonight, I'll show you; so are you prepared to be my first audience?" She brings my attention back

to her again and I take a gulp before I open my mouth, the words that come out in total disregard to her

question. "You look... God, baby. You look so fucking sexy. "

A smile appears on her face and she takes a shy step back as she motions to the chair she set a bit

away from the pole. "Take a seat. "

I follow her command without wasting another second and I'm on the seat with my legs spread as I

watch her fix the music, and only when she turns her back to me do I realize the panties barely cover

her ass. Suddenly, the erection I had in the living room becomes less painful than the one I have right

now at the sight of an extremely seducing Eva.

The music begins and it's a slow one. Unrecognisable yet goes perfectly with the mood in the room as

Eva wraps herself around the pole; one leg higher and the other lower with her head bent to the back

and her chest pushed out.

She moves unhurriedly, and sensually; meeting my eyes with each move she makes and Fuck, she's

perfect. She's so fucking perfect and with her like this before me, I'm no longer able to hold back as I

drop my hand over my pants, hissing when I rub a hand over my cock with my eyes never leaving her.

Eva catches onto the movement of my hands and she slides down the pole, getting on her fours as she

crawls towards me. When she reaches in front of me, she places her hands on my thighs and says,

"Can no longer hold it back, Ford?"

I don't give a response. I'm unable to as I wrap my hand around her throat and instantly slide my

tongue inside her mouth. She moans and I greedily swallow each sound before it leaves her mouth.

When I pull back, I say, "That's the most seducing and sexiest dance I've ever watched in my entire life.


"You sure? I did well?" She pants and I shake my head, "No, baby. You did fucking perfect. "

Her lips curve in a smile and I trail a finger to her mouth, parting her lips as I speak. "Promise me.

Promise me that I'll be the first, last and the only one to ever see you this way. Promise me, Eva. "

"No man else will. " She says and I shake my head again, "Not just men. Everyone else. I'm the only

one that gets to see you this way. No one else. "

"Don't you think you're being overly possessive?" She chuckles and I stop playing with her lips to place

a kiss there.

"I don't care. You have to promise me. " She blinks at me several times before a smile appears and she

says, "I promise. Only you. No one else. "

"Good, " I mumble, staring at her mouth and her tongue peeks out to swipe over her lips, the heat

spreading to my finger in the process.

"Eva—" my voice comes out more as a grunt and she hums, her hands gliding closer to where I need

her so badly. "Your mouth. I want that pretty mouth wrapped around me. I need it. "

"I know, baby, " she whispers as she rubs a finger over my hardness. "Lay back. " I do as she asks and

her fingers play with the zipper of my pants before she zips it down, taking her hand inside my boxers

to bring out my cock.

I twitch in her hand and she plays with the tip, gazing at me under her lashes as she moves her hair to

the side with her other hand before she lowers her mouth on me and a hiss leaves my mouth the

second she takes me.

She uses her hand on the rest she's unable to take in, slowly pumping and adding to the hot mess as

she bobs her head.

I gather her hair in my hand, gripping onto the curls, and letting her hand fall from it as she increases

the pace, bobbing her head faster and taking me deeper.

"Yes. Just like that. Fuck, Eva. You're driving me fucking insane. " It's like the words trigger something

in her because she goes even faster, and my head falls to the back as I tighten my grip on her hair.

With the soft, slow music floating in the air around us mixed with the sound of my grunts and her pants

every time she draws back; my control flips over the edge and I raise her head, letting my cock fall from

her mouth.

A trail of saliva slips from her mouth as she meets my eyes and I say, "I need you. I need to take you

right now. "

"Protection?" She asks and I lift her from the floor, "No. I want to feel you bare. " Eva doesn't oppose as

she gets rid of my pants with my boxers and I trace a finger across her lace, "It's a shame this has to

go. "

I tap her core to feel her wetness through the lace and I hum in satisfaction when I confirm she's

soaked. I struggle as I rush to get rid of her garter and when I finally do, I tear the lace that's the only

barrier left and Eva gasps.

"We'll get more. " I tell her as I move her back to the chair with me, holding her over me.

Eva's hand slips to the space between our bodies and she holds my cock in hand, teasing the tip with

her entrance and the slight touch is enough to send a shock through me, fucking with my head till all

I'm able to think about is how hard I want her to scream my name when I'm inside her.

"You're beautiful. " I groan to her as I slide my hand to her back and that's all it takes for her to slam

down in one movement, letting me hit her warm home.

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