
Chapter 1035

Chapter 1035 Earthquake “M-Mayor?!” Other than Lou, Noah, and his colleagues, the directors that Caleb brought over were stunned.

The young man before their eyes was the new mayor of Lilyrose?! Winnie was stunned as well.

Since when did Kaze become the mayor? It was unbelievable but based on Lou’s and Caleb’s reaction, no one dared to doubt Kaze’s identity.

“Mayor Lee!” The directors behind Caleb bowed immediately.

Despite the shock that stunned them, they had to perform well before the new mayor. - Thump! Noah's colleagues who mocked Kaz: earlier fell on their knees immediately.

“Mayor! We're sorry!” Knowing what they had just done to the new mayor, the two of them slapped themselves repeatedly to show their apology.

Noah also did the same out of fear.

“Mayor, we really have no idea that you are the new mayor!” “Enough!” Kaze bellowed.

He disliked seeing men crying like

babies. He said coldly, “You people are government officers, look at yourselves!” = He then looked at the department directors and said, “There are three here and two inside the room. You guys decide what to do with them.” The chief of the Ministry of Health and Welfare glanced at Lou.

Due to Lou’s presence, Noah barely took Nathan seriously at the department.

“Why are you looking at me? Do what you must!” Lou was deeply pressured. He knew the only thing he could do was sacrifice his son or else even he would suffer the consequences.

With that, Lou said to Kaze, "Mayor

Lee, I must apologize for what my son has done. I failed to teach him well, which is the direct cause of his arrogance. The only right thing to do now is to punish him accordingly. I will accept whatever sentence is given.” Noah's face turned pale upon hearing his father.

He knew his life and career would be over. He could no longer abuse his status and authority anymore. This was the best outcome for him.

If not for his father, given how fierce and brutal Kaze was with his fists and kicks, he would be dead already.

“You guys know what to do.” Kaze waved at them.

“Noah Moor will be relieved of duty

and investigated!” After learning what Noah did, Nathan quickly came up with the decision to charge him.

The other directors agreed as well.

Removing five chiefs from different departments under the city council, albeit not the director, was a massive earthquake to the hierarchy of power. Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

After today, Kaze’s name would strike fear in people’s minds.

After Noah and his colleagues received their punishments, Zenny arrived.

“Noah, I'm here! Where are Kaze Lee and Winnie? I'll teach him not to mess with me!” Zenny came in shouting excitedly,

looking thrilled to get back at Kaze.

The people around Kaze heard his voice and quickly turned around, looking at him strangely.

“Huh? Noah, what happened to you?” Zenny spotted Noah kneeling on the ground. Then, he saw the man standing in front of Noah.

“K-Kaze Lee?!” Zenny was frightened. A bad feeling rose from his heart and his first instinct was to flee the place.

Kaze would not let him leave now that he had shown up. He darted over and swung a kick at Zenny’s chest.

Bang! The kick sent Zenny flying away,

crashing onto the wooden door of the lounge.

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