Goodbye, Mr. Ex: I've Remarried Mr. Right

Chapter 548

It wasn't long before Freya caused a commotion at the McKinney Group's headquarters.

Ben blocked her way, but Freya was relentless. "Let me in. I need to see Debra Frazier."

Inside her office, Debra set aside the financial newspaper she'd been reading and calmly said, "Let her in."

Ben stepped aside, allowing Freya to barge through the door. Her eyes were blazing with anger as she confronted Debra.

"You lied to me!" Freya spat, her voice shaking with frustration.

Debra remained unfazed. "Miss George, I'm not sure what you mean. Haven't I given you everything you asked for?"

"You promised I'd debut," Freya snapped. "Oscar has debuted, but I'm still stuck at Potter Entertainment. You tricked me."

Debra leaned back in her chair. "Miss George, I fulfilled every request you made. As for the timing of your debut, that's up to the Potter Group. I don't have the authority to make those decisions for them." She paused and added, "If you came here looking for some explanation, I'm afraid I have nothing more to say."

Freya was at a loss for words. She knew she was getting nowhere with this approach, but she wasn't ready to give up.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

"Fine, if Potter Group won't let me debut, I'll come here to the McKinney Group. You couldn't influence them, but you can pull strings here. You brought Oscar over, and you can do the same for me." Debra looked thoughtful for a moment, pretending to consider Freya's demand.

"Miss George, I think you might be misunderstanding something."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I've already kept my end of the bargain. So, why should I grant your new requests?"

"But I haven't debuted yet."

"That's Potter Group's problem. We've already signed a contract, haven't we?"

Freya's heart sank as the realization hit her. ebra had no intention

her. All her efforts

haningless. Content beleine?

"If you want to leave Potter Entertainment, I suggest you go through the proper channels," Debra added. "Ben, please escort Miss

George out. Oh, and make sure net

inform Mr. Cameron about Miss George's demands today. he'll find a way to resolve this."


Freya clenched her fists in frustration and eventually left. Ben came in with concern on his face.

"Madam, are you just letting her leave like that?"

"What else? Let her stay and cause more of a scene?"

"I'm worried she might do something drastic. What if she tries to harm you?"

"She's no threat to me anymore. If she's smart, she'll figure out a way to break free from Potter

Entertainment. But beyond that, her issues are no concern of ours."

Debra had no intention of wasting any more time on Freya. She turned her attention to more pressing matters.

"How's Oscar's debut performance doing?"

"Much better than expected. He's a natural star, just like you predicted."

"Good! Let's keep the momentum going. I want him to be a household name within the next two weeks."

"Two weeks? Why the rush?"

Debra's smile deepened, her eyes glinting with a secret she didn't bother to hide.

"I've got a surprise for Edgar."

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