Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 95

Third-person narrative.

Gina was seated on the couch in the living room, with Derrick behind her, massaging her shoulders, and Devon seated in front of her on the floor, massaging her feet.

She was already in her eight months of pregnancy, and she was having severe body aches.

Gina’s mother had gone to visit her husband, and the triplet’s mother had gone to visit her husband.

It was going to be an uneventful day, or so they thought.

Gina had asked Derrick and Devon to give her massages because she was feeling sore, but they were only making it worse.

They were pressing too hard and making her sore muscles ache even more, and it was irritating her.

“What the hell are you boys even good at?” She shouted at them.

They both halted their actions and looked at her, confused.

“What is it? Are you hurt? Did we press too hard?” They both asked simultaneously.

“You’re making my bones hurt!! I asked you guys for a massage because I was feeling sore, but I feel even worse now.” She ranted.

“You don’t ever get anything right. All you do is annoy me all day,” she said, her voice almost close to tears.

She pushed both of their hands away from her and carefully rose from the chair.

“I can’t believe how annoying the both of you are.” She huffed and started walking towards her room when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

“Ahh!!” She shouted and quickly held onto the wall to support herself.

Devon and Derrick came rushing towards her, wondering what the problem was. They held her in their arms, holding her up.

“Are you okay?” They asked, and she nodded her head as the pain subsided.

“I’m fine.” She smiled tightly at them before moving away from them and trying to walk again, but the pain came back, and it was even worse than the last one.

It weakened her knees, and if Devon and Derrick hadn’t been fast enough to catch her again, she would have dropped to the floor.

Denver, who was in the next room, heard the commotion and decided to check what was going on when he saw Devon and Derrick trying to hold Gina up, and then he rushed towards them.

Gina had started breathing heavily and couldn’t hold herself up anymore, so the brothers moved her to the couch.

They knew it wasn’t her due date yet, so they were wondering what the problem was.

“Gina, are you okay?” Derrick asked, looking her over.

Gina, tired and in pain, snapped at him.

“Do I look okay to you? I feel like my stomach’s about to burst open, and you’re asking me if I’m okay?!?”

The third wave of pain came, and this time, all the brothers felt it.

They all g*****d as the lower parts of their stomachs contracted, but what they felt was nothing compared to what Gina was feeling.

“What is that?” Gina asked, looking down at herself.

She had felt liquid pouring out of her body, and it started to stain her dress and the couch and was dripping to the floor.

“Is that urine?” Derrick asked.

“It’s not,” Denver answered as he figured out what was going on.

“Devon, go get the car keys and start the car now. Derrick, go upstairs and get all the things we prepared for the hospital. I will send a mind link to Mother and ask her to meet us at the hospital,” he said to his brothers.

The two brothers jumped up and did as they were told as Denver moved over to Gina and lifted her from the couch.

But Gina was having one of her contractions, and she shut her eyes tightly as a way of getting by with the pain.

“Come on, baby. Look at me.” He said it to her, and she did. “Take slow, deep breaths, okay?” He said and started to breathe with her, trying to calm her down.

Even though Denver looked calm, he was panicking inside. He was only trying his best to take control of the situation and not scare Gina.

He started leading her downstairs as it seemed like the contraction had passed, so she had a little more strength to move.

She placed her hand on Denver’s shoulder as they got to the main door out of the house and slowly started walking towards the car.

Just as they were about to get close to the car, another contraction waved in, and Gina’s legs buckled as she screamed.

The brothers also felt the same pain, but they held themselves in, trying to be strong for her.

“Please!!! This hurts so much!” she cried.

Derrick, who had come downstairs with all the stuff he had gone to bring, dumped them in the car’s trunk and moved over to help Denver with Gina.

They helped her into the car and made sure she was as comfortable as they could make her. Devon got into the driver’s seat and started the car.

He made sure to drive as fast as he could, ignoring all road safety rules. Derrick and Denver were feeling distraught as they watched Gina shout and m**n in pain.

They had never seen her that way, and seeing her in so much pain broke their hearts. Devon could hardly pay attention to the road, as most of his attention was focused on the rearview mirror, staring at Gina.

Gina grabbed both Denver and Derrick by their shirts, taking out all her anger and pain on them.

“I’m never-ever!!!! going to have another pregnancy ever again.” She screamed at both of them.

“Do you both hear me? If I ever see any one of you close to me, don’t even think about ever touching me again, because if you do, I’ll chop your hands off and feed them to dogs. Do you understand me?!”

The brothers knew that she was just saying that because of the amount of pain she was in, but they didn’t say anything, instead caressing her sides and stomach, hoping to soothe her.

They finally arrived at the hospital, and Devon went in to call the doctors while Denver and Derrick tried to bring her out of the car.

The stretcher arrived with a few nurses, and she was carried and placed on it as they pushed her inside the hospital.

They followed the stretcher to the prep room, where they were getting her ready to go into the delivery room.

They weren’t allowed to touch her, so all they could do was stand and watch as she screamed in pain.

“Why haven’t you taken her to the delivery room yet?” Denver asked one of the nurses.

“We have to wait for her to dilate to a certain length before we can do anything; I’m sorry.” The nurse informed them.

They couldn’t even begin to imagine the amount of pain she had to go through while waiting.

The door to the room opened, and a very young and handsome male doctor walked in, pulling some surgical gloves into his hands when the brothers stopped him, Derrick specifically.

“Who are you, and where do you think you’re going?” He asked the doctor.

“Well, my name is Doctor Hayes, and I’ve been put in charge of Mrs. Gina’s delivery.” He had a soft smile on his face.

The triplets exchanged a disapproving look, as the thought of the young doctor seeing her naked and even touching her didn’t sit well with them.

Dr. Hayes also appeared to be a new doctor at the hospital, as they would just be seeing him for the first time.

“You must be her mates. I don’t think you should be inside here. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to wait outside.” He said this, the smile still on his face, and tried to walk around Derrick, who stopped him again.

“We do not permit you to be here. Isn’t there another doctor who can do this? Perhaps a midwife or an older doctor. Does it have to be you?

“Well, this is a hospital, and all doctors are assigned certain roles. I was assigned to Mrs. Gina, so that’s why I’m here.”

“We don’t want you here. Go out and bring in a female doctor. I’m sure there are a lot of female doctors in this hospital, so why does it have to be him?” Devon supported them from behind, while Denver just stood watching them.

“Yeah, we-” Derrick started but was cut off.

“What the hell do you guys think you’re doing?” Gina screamed.

“I’m lying here feeling like I’m going to die from how much pain I’m feeling, and you boys are arguing about whether a male doctor should do this or not? Are you even listening to yourselves?”

Gina’s scream was so loud that even the nurses were shocked and had to cover their ears.

“All I need to know is for them to get these babies out of me, nothing more. I’ve already divorced you three in my heart, and now you’re making me think of murdering you!”

“I want the three of you out of here, and don’t even think about coming close to me and my babies!” She shouted.

“But,” Derrick and Devon tried to say, but she cut them off.


The handsome doctor smirked as he watched Devon and Derrick walk out the door, but a low growl from Denver sent the silly look off his face.

“For your sake, I hope you know what you are doing,” he said in a low warning tone to Dr. Hayes.

He then walked behind his brothers, disappointment written all over his face.

They stood right outside the door, and not long after, the door opened with the nurses dragging Gina’s stretcher behind them.

They walked with the stretcher as it approached the delivery room.

“Don’t worry, Gina, we’re right here. We’re not leaving. We’ll be here for you, okay?” Denver said, assuring her, his hand slipping into hers and squeezing it, and she nodded her head.

“We’re here, okay?” Derrick added.

“I don’t care!” She screamed back at him.

Denver scoffed as they watched the door close.

They all moved away from the door and went to sit down, all twitching with impatience. They could hear Gina’s screams from where they were, and they didn’t sound pleasant at all.

“I don’t think I can bear to see something like this happen again.” Denver started.

“What do you mean?” His brothers asked him.

“I don’t care if she had just one pup; she’s not getting pregnant again.” He continued.

“I kind of agree with you.” Devon started. “All of this is too stressful for her, and what we feel isn’t even up to half of the pain she’s feeling, so I think we should stop here.”

“I just hope she and the pups are safe; that’s all that matters for now,” Derrick said as they all looked at the door that she was behind.

Meanwhile, Gina was screaming in pain, tears rolling down her face.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

The nurses were encouraging her to push more, but she had become tired and was taking even more time between pushes.

She didn’t know how many babies they had pulled out of her, but all she knew was that she was tired and wanted it to stop already. She could hear the babies crying, and that encouraged her.

“Come on, this is the last time. Just once more, and it’s going to be over, okay?” Doctor Hayes said, and she nodded.

Gina took a deep breath and pushed for the last time, pushing as hard as she could. She could feel the child coming out of her, and when she felt it finally leave her, she collapsed on the bed, taking in fast, short breaths.

The nurses moved around, cleaning her up and making sure she was okay, while the others cleaned up the babies.

After she was cleaned up, they placed the babies in a cot and brought them close to her so that she could see them.

She smiled weakly as she saw them. They looked so tiny, squirming and crying. She felt her heart swell as she placed her hand in one of their tiny hands. She smiled as tears rolled down her face.

She had never felt happier in her entire life. There were four babies—three boys and one girl.

Seeing one of the pups was a girl made her super happy.

Gina fell back onto the bed, tired, but her eyes never left her babies.

“We’re calling your friends in now.” One of the nurses said so, and she nodded.

Not even a minute later, the triplets burst into the room and rushed to her side. The sight of the babies had them freezing in their spots.

They stared in awe at the four bundles of joy, and then Derrick burst into tears while Devon moved to look at the babies and Denver went to her side.

Denver caressed Gina’s hair, praising her and telling her what a good job she had done.

“Thank you for being so strong.” He said this to her, and she smiled, looking him in the eye.

“Thank you three for being by my side.” She said this, tears filling her eyes again. “I don’t think I would have done it without you.”

Denver placed a k**s on her forehead before the both of them turned to look at Devon and Derrick, cooing and gushing over the babies.

Gina smiled, happy that they were all happy and together.

“I love all of you.” She said it suddenly, and they all turned to her.

“We love you too, Gina,” they chorused.

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