Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 70

Third-person Narrative.

When Gwen was brought before the triplets, they were surprised to see how emaciated and unkempt she looked. She wasn’t her usual sparkling self, and it appeared that she had been in misery for the past few days.

They couldn’t help but wonder what could have happened to her.

She, on the other hand, was speechless to see Derrick alive; fresh tears flowed from her eyes as she wished she had not lost her pregnancy.

The thought that she may have also lost her father made her miserable, as she felt she was all alone in the world.

Samuel had instructed his guards to make sure that Gwen confessed to her crime before they left the palace.

She knew she had no choice but to admit her crimes and face the consequences of her actions.

She was very remorseful as she bowed her head in shame before the triplets.

“What happened to her?” Denver asked the men who had brought her.

“She had a miscarriage, and ever since she has been sad, one of the men who appeared to be heading the team said.

The triplets were surprised to know that she was even pregnant as they stared unbelievably at her.

“How did she lose the pregnancy?” Devon demanded from the men.

“We can’t say for sure, but we think it has something to do with her being rejected by her mate.”

“Her mate?” Denver questioned her before returning his attention to Gwen.

“Who are they talking about?” he demanded of her.

“And who got you pregnant?” Derrick demanded,

“Samuel. He was my mate and also the father of my baby,” she said as her eyes kept raining tears.

“What?” Devon exclaimed in total disbelief as he exchanged looks with his brothers.

“If Samuel was your mate, then why did you want him dead?” Denver questioned.

“It’s because he was the only one who knew that I was the one who sent those apples that killed Gina’s maid,” she answered.

The triplets exchanged looks again, and even though they suspected Gwen had a hand in what happened, they also felt she did not act alone.

“And where did you get the apples?” Derrick demanded.

“My father handed it over to me,” she answered.

“I’m sure you know the punishment for your crimes.”

She slowly nodded her head, “Yes.”

The triplets were a bit saddened by the fact that she had lost her pup, but, notwithstanding, there was no way they were going to let her go. She had committed murder, which was considered an enormous crime in the pack.

“Take her to the dungeon; she will be executed alongside her father by sunrise tomorrow,” Denver said to his guards.

Hearing that her father was alive and in the dungeon gave her a sudden boost of confidence. She knew her father would try to find a way out for them to be freed from their punishment.

Gwen followed the guards to the dungeon and was very relieved to see her father as she ran to hug and cry on his shoulders.

But as soon as Lucas Amel saw Gwen, his heart was bittered towards her; she reminded him so much of his mistress’s betrayal.

Since Lucas Amel came to know that Gwen was not his biological daughter, he has been very miserable and has become aggressive. He would never have suspected his mistress of such betrayal.

He felt he had wasted all his life raising the child of another man—not just any man, but the child of a bloody omega. The fact that he felt everyone was going to mock him for being gullible enough to raise another man’s child turned his heart against the child he once loved.

“Dad, I am so sorry. I thought you were dead. I thought I was all alone, she said still, clenching onto the man she thought was her father.

But Lucas Amel was not thrilled by her display of affection, as he had hatched a perfect plan to rid him of his shame, and he could hardly wait for it to be nightfall.

Meanwhile, when the triplets later told Gina of Gwen’s confession and the death penalty, she was indecisive about how to take the news.

A part of her was happy that Gwen had been caught and wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone else. But there was this other part of her that felt bad for Gwen’s misfortune.

She couldn’t help but wonder if she would have turned out to be like Gwen if she had been raised by her biological father.

She couldn’t help but imagine if Gwen had been a better person if she had been raised by a different family.

When the triplets asked her why she was in a bad mood, she told them that she wasn’t comfortable with Gwen being executed. And that even though Gwen may have orchestrated the crimes that she committed, her father was the one who instilled those values in her.

The triplets then asked her what she wanted, and she informed them that she would prefer that they banish Gwen from the pack, so she could get the opportunity to start all over. And that she could turn out better for herself, as everyone deserves a second chance.

The triplets agreed with what she had said and notified her that they were going to banish Gwen from the pack first thing in the morning.

That night, while everyone slept, one of the guards that Lucas had planned to escape came to inform him that it was time.

Lucas Amel got up to look at Gwen, who was sleeping peacefully on the ground. After despitefully watching her for a while, he tapped Gwen to wake up.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Gwen woke up and was a little startled at first to see her father staring at her in the most despicable way.

“What is it?” She questioned herself as she panicked that perhaps the triplets were coming for her.

“You and your w***e of a mother ruined my life,” he said to her.

Gwen was confused as to what her father was talking about as she looked at him, lost for words.

Father, what are you talking about?” she questioned, greatly concerned by her father’s strange behavior.

“I loved her very much, and how does she have to repay me? By giving a bastard omega child to raise as my own,” he said, shifting his hand from fingers to claws.

“Father, are you alright?” Gwen, who was starting to get terrified of her father’s actions, demanded

But in response, she got a thunderous slap on her face that broke her lips and left several deep scratches on her face.

She winced her face in pain as warm b***d drew its ugly line across her face.

“You and your w***e of a mother ruined my life,” he snarled at her.

And at this point, Gwen has had enough; she screams back at him.

I don’t know what you are talking about, but if anything, you are the one that ruined my life; you made me like this,” she was saying when her father punched her harshly in the stomach with his claws digging deep into her skin.

The forceful impact shook her tiny body, and she fell to the floor.

“Father, please stop. What are you doing?” She cried as pain shot through her body.

“I am not your father. How the hell did I not see that you were too weak to be my daughter, you little swan?” he said, kicking her hard on the stomach.

Gwen screamed with the hope that someone would hear her, so they could come to save her from her father, whom she felt had gone insane.

But the dungeon was empty, and the two guards on duty were working with her father.

“You are going to meet that w***e of a mother, and when you see her, tell her that I will find out that bastard that fathered you, and when I do, I will kill him, so you all can have a miserable reunion in hell,” he said as he picked Gwen up from the floor, so she could stare at him straight in the eye.

Slowly, he shifted into his wolf form, and using his claws, he started scratching her face.

“Father, please don’t kill me,” Gwen pleaded while she bled heavily.

But Lucas Amel continued his torture of her until her entire face was covered in b***d.

In one swift and sharp move, he plunged his claws into her body and rippled out her heart. Gwen gasped in horror as she watched her father show her still-pumping heart seconds before she took her last breath.

On realizing she was dead, Lucas Amel let her body fall heavily to the ground, after which he threw her heart at one end of the room.

He shifted back into his human form and put on his clothes. Once he was ready, he knocked on the dungeon gate, and the guard came to open the gate for him.

Casting one final look at Gwen’s lifeless body on the floor, he spat on her body before leaving the dungeon and fading into the night.

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