Found by the Lycan King

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43


He spoke softly, and I tried not to shiver. Elijah was a different kind of handsome. While Callahan was all rugged, muscular, and brawny. Elijah gave me the boy next door vibe.

He always made an effort to talk to me, to make me feel comfortable, and made me laugh. I felt I had found a new friend in him. That was a nice start, considering the change of my plans.

Now, I was more keen on finding my wolf and learning how to completely transform without passing out.

Elijah wiped the sauce off my lips but he did not let go of me. His hand kept caressing my face, and I tried hard not to blush.

My eyelids fluttered as the pad of his thumb kept brushing over my skin, making me feel a slight tingle.

“You….you are handsome too, Elijah,” I said, and he came closer to me, standing directly in front of me.

“I have been told so.” He said with a grin, making me chuckle again. I could not remember the last time I had felt so happy and stress free.

Elijah and Drusilla were very nice to me and so were the other maids and servants. I could not form any opinion about Matteo because he was mostly busy with work.

And then there was the Lycan King who felt like a mysterious puzzle to me.

“Hey, where are you lost?” Elijah whispered, and I shook my head.


I smiled and was about to say something when a sharp voice reached my ears.


I looked behind Elijah to see none other than King Callahan walking towards us. Elijah sprang away from me as if we had been caught doing something scandalous, and I stepped away from him, too.

Callahan was walking towards us with fast strides, and he was exuding both power and annoyance.

“ood morning, King” Elijah bowed to him while I kept staring stupidly at him.

King Callahan did not pay me attention, as his eyes were fixed on his garma. Realizing that I should greet him too, I promptly lowered my head and muttered,

“Good morning, King”

But Callahan did not reply to me. Forget replying, he did not even look at me.

He was glaring at his gamma and had his hands thrust in his pockets. Something was off.

“Is…is something wrong. King?” Elijah asked, but King Callahan pulled his hands out of his pockets and looked at the wristwatch dangling from his wrist.

When he came and stood in front of Elijah, he asked, “What is the time now, Gamma

His voice was laced with authority and Elijah hastily checked his watch. “It is close to 9 a.m., King.”

Callahan kept glaring at him and asked in the same authoritative tone, “And what time were you supposed to come meet me?”

Elijah gulped nervously, “I did come to check twice, but you were busy working. I also came last night, but I saw you with Cynthia and I did not want to disturb you so…”

“So what?” Callahan growled while my ears pricked at the mention of Cynthia.

That girl had been in his office alone again, it seemed. Why did Callahan even entertain her so much?

Had she tried to seduce him again? She had mentioned how she was going to marry him soon and then throw me out of the


I had to gain my strength and leave this place before that happened.

Elijah fell silent and only mumbled, “I am sorry, King”

1 felt sorry for Elijah. He had not done a crime if Callahan was the one busy with some work or probably Cynthia.

Itried to ignore the latter part and kept looking at him, but Callahan behaved as if I was not even around. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and asked his gamma.

“You were supposed to come meet me at 8 a.m. Why is it that I have to go looking for you and then find you chitchatting with my breeder.”



Chapter 43 © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I raised my eyebrows at that.

Had he just called me his with a touch of authority? But then why was he not even looking at me?

His behavior was confusing at best.

“Y–your breeder? I…I thought she was going to be your anchor…” Elijah began, but Callahan raised his hand, cutting him abruptly.

“Enough. Stop wasting your time and focus on your work if you don’t want to be sent on a month long trip out of the kingdom.”

Callahan’s body posture was tense, and his shoulders were rigid. A muscle in his jaw twitched at Elijah’s words and he dragged him a few feet away from me.

Despite being just the start of the day. Callahan was ready in his work clothes, and I also saw a stain of ink on his hand.

Had he already started working at the crack of dawn?

Meanwhile, I stood there wondering what the hell Elijah was blabbering about. What was an anchor and why was I being considered that?

I recalled the cryptic way Drusilla had said that Callahan was dying and how I was the one who could save him.

Was this anchor stuff related to that? I wished to ask them more, but Callahan had dragged him away from me.

I looked around and found myself to be alone. Apparently, the few servants who were bustling around to start their day had run away when Callahan came walking towards us angrily.

I wished to talk to him about this but he stalked away from the open lawns with Elijah in tow, leaving me staring at his retreating figure until he disappeared behind the walls of the mansion.

What the hell was this behavior? I could not make sense of it and it irritated me.

If he did not want me around, he could simply ask me to leave. Not knowing what to do, I left the open grounds and decided to take a shower to cool down as well.

My muscles were burning after the running, but I felt refreshed, nonetheless. I decided to slowly add a few more steps to my traning regime and maybe do strength training so that I would be able to complete my shifting better next time.

After changing into fresh clothes, I stepped outside the room and wondered what to do for the rest of the day.

Maria saw me standing on the stairs and waved at me to come downstairs.

“Aren’t you hungry? Come on, eat something”

I smiled at her and replied, “Are you on a mission to make everybody cat as much as they can?”

Maria gasped and pretended to be shocked. “How did you find out?”

I giggled and sat on the chair as she brought some hot food for me to have. The aroma wafting through the air made me feel hungry, and I gobbled up everything that she served me.

My eyes kept drifting to the other side of the mansion, Callahan’s office, to be specific. The two seemed to be still in some meeting, but I did not want to go to his office again after the last incident.

Thus, I finished my food and got up from the table. And at the same moment, I saw Elijah walk out of the office.

I waited for him as he began climbing down the stairs, a worried look on his face. His shoulders were a little slumped, and he did not have his usual smile.

When he reached downstairs, he gave me a small smile, but it lacked his usual energy.

“Hey is everything alright?”

I asked and Elijah nodded his head, “Yeah”

I went closer to him and asked, “Are you sure? You don’t look okay to me.”

Elijah said in a low voice, “Well, Cal was not happy that I made him wait for two hours. He had been waiting for an important piece of information from me and I was goofing around with you.”

1 furrowed my eyebrows. “That is so wrong. You were trying to help me and you did say that you went to his office twice.” But Elijah shrugged it off. “He is punctual and does not like latecomers. I will be careful next time.”


Poor Elijah’s face looked so sad because Callahan had shouted at him for nothing. He was reminding me of Luna Celeste back home, who used to shout at me for little things.

“You should really stand up for yourself, you know. Just because he is the King does not mean he can treat you like this

I said, and Elijah quickly looked around. “No, it’s not like that. He just seemed a little off about something. Maybe all this. work is stressing him. He really needs to get a life.”

I chuckled at that. I could not imagine Callahan doing anything except digging his head in the files and sitting in his office.

And my body reminded me of how his head, or rather his face had been buried elsewhere, in between my legs, making me shudder.

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