Find me in your labyrinth (Stella and Jonathan)

Chapter 2210

Chapter 2210

Last night, Dennis was riding high on liquid courage. In the wee hours, they ditched Audrey at the Blue Oasis bar and bolted.

This morning, with the alcohol long gone from his system, Dennis was hit with a wave of regret.

He didn’t even bother going to work, instead, he rushed over to Baran’s office to seek counsel, “Do you think Audrey will seek revenge?"

The Brights might not be at the top of J City's social ladder, but they had more than enough pull to make life difficult for a regular Joe like him. Baron was unfazed, “Chill out, man. I've got your back. Audrey wouldn't dare lay a finger on you!”

That offered Dennis a sliver of comfort. “I’m gonna take a few days off work, just lay low at your place for a bit.”

Baron laughed at him, “Look at you, all scared!”Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

Dennis gave a sheepish grin, “Audrey’s always been fierce. I'm just worried she'll take this to my office!”

“She won't dare. She's got a part in this mess too, she'll just have to swallow her pride. Relax!” Baron reassured him, confidence oozing from every word.

Baron then lit a cigarette, his eyes gleaming with a sly light, “What about Sylvia, though? Are we just gonna let this slide?”

“Let it slide?” Baron scoffed, "I haven't yet met a dish I wanted that I couldn’t have.”

Dennis added, “The drinks last night must've been tampered with by Sylvia. She’s too guarded, hard to get to.”

“If subtlety doesn’t work, we go in hard!” Baron said, a cold edge to his voice, “I've been too lenient with her before!

Dennis agreed, “It's time Sylvia and Gabriel saw what you're really capable of. Otherwise, they'll keep thinking they're untouchable.”

Baron's resolve only hardened, “Just you wait.”

After lunch,Gabriel found himself loungingson the sofa with a book as Sylvia. wrapped up some paperwork. Thes Sight of him, basked in sunlight, made her increasingly distracted.

She sauntered over, lying across his lap, cuddling his waist softly, "I don’t feel like working anymore.

Gabriel, engrossed in his book, i gently caressed her face, “What's.on your mind now? You've been. c> skipping work for two days straight. Get back to it.”

Sylvia toyed with the buttons on his shirt, whispering, “I've just realized why I could never fully concentrate before.”

“Hmm?” Gabriel looked up, her words not quite registering.

Sylvia just smiled, looking up at him, “I mean, you were right.”

With a tender gesture, Gabriel tapped her cheek, "If you're tired, close your eyes and rest for a bit. I'll wake you in half an hour.” “Okay.” Sylvia obediently closed her eyes.

Resting on his lap, enveloped in his embrace, she breathed in his comforting scent. Surrounded by warmth and safety, she quickly drifted off to sleep.

Gabriel fetehed a light blanket to ~ cover her observing her curled- up form. Even in a spacious bed, she'd clingto him just like this, a clear sign of.her deep-seated need for security.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, gently patting her back. As he gazed out at the brilliant sunshine, his thoughts grew profound and shadowed.

Half an hour passed, and Sylvia slept on, peaceful and undisturbed

Gabriel checked the time but decided not to wake her. The day was too beautiful to interrupt her rest. Another ten minutes slipped by before a knock on the door forced him to act,


“Wake up!”

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