Find me in your labyrinth (Stella and Jonathan)

Chapter 2204

Chapter 2204

It was 8 p.m. when Sylvia and Gabriel made their entrance into Blue Oasis

They headed up to the ninth floor, found the private room, and knocked. The sight that greeted them was expected.

Blake stood up with a wide grin, "Ah, Ms. Jarvis has arrived. Perfect timing, I've invited a few friends over. Hope you don't mind!" Sylvia glanced over Audrey and Baron, offering a light smile, "All familiar faces. Of course, I don’t mind!"

Dennis got up, feigning surprise, "Blake mentioned we were expecting guests, but I didn't realize it was you two. Seems like fate is at play here. Have a seat!"

Gabriel and Sylvia made their way to the couch and sat down. Audrey watched their cozy demeanor, her eyes darkening with malice as she pretended to pour drinks.

Sylvia turned to Blake, "I've brought the contract with me, detailing your company's expenses and the overall budget for the launch event. You might want to take a look."

Blake took the contract but casually set it aside, “No rush. It's rare for Ms. Jarvis and our lady here to meet up. Let's not talk business today. How about we all have a drink and chat instead?"

Sylvia's lips curved slightly, but she didn't comment further.

Baron poured several drinks and pushed them towards Gabriel and Sylvia, grinning, "Heard about the trouble today. Those thugs definitely needed a lesson. I was worried about Sylvia, so I made a call to see if she needed any help. Also reached out to the police to make sure things were smoothed over. Thankfully, it was all a false alarm. To calm Gabriel's nerves, I say we all toast!"

His face was the picture of innocence, and he downed his drink in one go. Dennis raised his voice, "In J City, nothing can touch Gabriel. Mentioning Baron's name is enough to solve most problems. Let's drink to Baron!” With that, Dennis also finished his drink.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Sylvia lifted her glass. her gaze sweeping the room, her tone meaningful, "We'll definitely remember today's incident and find a way to repay everyone.”

She emphasized the word "repay," her face still adorned with a charming smile. Across from her, Audrey's eyes flickered, trying to gauge how much Sylvia really knew.

Dennis chuckled, "Let's leave that behind. How about some singing? I'll pick a song!"

He chose aduet, and Audrey stood* up, walking over to Gabriel as ifs

Sylvia didn't exist, "Gabriel, sing with re!"

Gabriel didn't even look up, his expression indifferent, "I don't sing.” Audrey flopped down beside him, staring intently, "Don't lie to me. I heard you sing at the gala years ago!" Gabriel's tone remained cool, "It's been years. I've forgotten.”

A shadow crossed Audrey's face as she grabbed a glass of wine, "Fine, no singing, just drinking. Drink this.”

As she pushed the glass towards Gabriel, he blocked it, causing her to spill half of it on his pants.

"Sorry, that was unintentional!" Audrey reached for a napkin

But Sylvia was quicker, grabbing a~ few napkins to dab at the stain ont Gabriet's pants, frowning, "Your should go clean that up in the restroom." Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org -

"Right," Gabriel glanced at her, “I'll be right back."

Sylvia nodded, "Okay."

AS Gabriel . Stood up and walked out, Audrey's face fell when she realized Gabriel was ignoring her, making a subtle signal to Blake. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org =

Understanding the cue, Blake quickly found an excuse to follow Gabriel out.

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