Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

I continue to repeat in my mind the scene I encountered at the apartment. Jason's attitude toward

Grace... could only be described as "gentle".

But that doesn’t make sense.

Jason Reed is not… gentle.

The man is all ice.

This Alpha has never been gentle to a woman. Not even Jennifer Atkinson, his fiancee, had been

treated with such reverence. I recall the cold interactions between the couple, the few times I crossed

path with them, and even Lily mentioned that their marriage was probably one of convenience, and for

business. Despite that Jennifer truly loved him.

Suddenly, the matter of the engagement advertisement being taken down flashes in my mind. I thought

it was because of Grace—in the sense that I’d formerly been engaged to the Alpha’s murderer. Then, I

speculated that Alpha Reed opposed my match to Lily on the account of the of the power dynamic—

because merging Pack Stevens and Pack Atkinson would shift the scales. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Then I’d thought it was just some personal grudge that came from Jason Reed wanting to maintain his

authority and to prevent him from rising in power.

But now… I have to think that the motivations behind Alpha Reed’s actions are far more personal.

I’m reeling. Even though I saw him with her. With my own eyes.

I still can’t believe what I’ve seen…


This has come to be my favorite time of day.

The quiet, calming part I look forward to when Grace and I sit down to dinner. Though the meals are

modest, they’re always satisfying and the conversation is fulfilling while also relatively mundane.

This, perhaps, is how the ‘other’ half lives.

The life for people who do not wield power and who are not in positions that necessitate hard choices

for the betterment of their societies.

There is something to be said of this simpler existence.

“Tell me about your day,” I encourage her.

Grace doesn’t complain. She’ll always have a story of something positive. One day it was the kittens

she’d found and brought to the shelter—when I asked why she hadn’t brought them home, she’d

giggled and said, ‘when you shift… I think that big beast of yours might think them too tasty of a treat.’

Another time, it was the update on a co-worker whose child had won a scholarship to college. Or the

time she spoke of the new park going into the south section of this part of town and the senior citizen

building that was being constructed beside it.

Little details. Silly details.

But each a reminder of a world that contained billions of people and numerous living things.

Her eyes are bright today. She looks almost a bit guilty. “What is it, sister? I feel like here is something

you aren’t telling me.”

She leans across our tiny table and whispers conspiratorially, “I don't know why, but the Director

actually fired Farah for picking on me. I thought I would be the one getting dismissed."

"Isn't that good?" I ask.

Grace says with some hesitation, "Of course, I'm okay with it since I've not been fired, but I don't know

if Farah will take revenge on me. She was really angry about losing her job.”

"She can't do anything," I say. As for Farah Steele, I would, naturally, help Grace solve any lurking


But I’m not worried about some human laborer.

It’s the wolf that was hiding outside this apartment.

A wolf that had seemingly strolled past what security is supposed to be positioned here. Although I did

not see the person's appearance clearly, if I guessed correctly, it’s probably Sean Stevens.

Last night at the intersection, Sean must have seen that I was with Grace, so he had come to seek


"Do you like living with me like this?" I ask Grace.

Grace does not hesitate as she replies, "Of course I do."

"Then even if I were to change my identity in the future, would you still be willing to live with me?"

I watch her carefully. Assessing any change in her eyes or any body movements that might suggest

she’s lying.

“I, uh, I’m not sure what you mean about changing your identity. Were you thinking of going back to

your pack’s lands? It’s beautiful there. I’d like that very much, but, Jay, you know given who I am…that

isn’t possible for me.

She smiles faintly. “Lina said that you don’t seem like a homeless man. But I won’t pry, Jay. Who or

what you are doesn’t matter to me. You are my brother.”

"No matter what kind of status I have, will you be willing to accept me?" I press.

Grace’s gaze is intense. “You’ve protected and supported me, Jay. You even tried to help me bring my

wolf back… will I judge you or accept you!? Brother, there is no question. You have my trust… Yes, no

matter what, okay?" She smiles and nods toward my plate. “Now eat or else the food will go cold."

I smile, my lips rising in a crooked smile that’s a little smug.

She turns back to her food and I study her the way a wolf analyzes its prey.

She has no idea the power she’s granted me with that promise.

It makes me want to possess her. Mind. Body. Everything.

But I fight the impulse even as my wolf howls obstinately.

My ‘sister’ might be sexy and her declaration its own offering to me, but as her ‘brother,’ I’d be wise not

to think of her in that way.

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