Faux Vows, True Desires

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Lucinda thought for a moment, then looked at Stefan, she had been friends with him for eleven years. She wouldn’t be at a loss even if they became a real married couple.

“So, let’s sign a contract shall we?”-

Stefan’s eyes sparkled, “Okay, so should I draft up the contract or you?”

Lucinda immediately responded, “I’ll do it. After it’s done, you can check it out. If there’s no issue, we’ll sign it. This sham marriage can finally shut my mom up and give me some peace.”

Stefan laughed, “Alright then, start writing. Once it’s done, I’ll take a look. If there’s no issue, we can head to the vital records office this afternoon. I happen to be free today.”

Lucinda was a bit surprised. Why did she feel like Stefan was more anxious than she was? It must be her imagination. Stefan was just doing her a favor.

“Okay, I’ll start writing now. I’ll print out two copies later. Stefan, just wait here for a bit.” This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

As she spoke, Lucinda stood up. Stefan smiled and nodded, indicating for her to get on with it.

Only after Lucinda stood up did she remember where they were. She nervously looked around. The other customers were either tasting their coffee or chatting with friends. No one was paying attention to her. It seemed that their conversation hadn’t been overheard.

Lucinda breathed a sigh of relief and quickly started to draft the marriage contract.

After Lucinda left, Stefan took out his phone and made a call. Once connected, he whispered,“Iris, push back this afternoon’s meeting to 9 a.m. next Monday.”

Iris was a bit taken aback as the afternoon meeting was quite important, but she didn’t question it and respectfully replied: “Alright, Mr. Coleman.”

Stefan ended the call.

Half an hour later, Lucinda brought two copies of the marriage contract over. She handed one copy to Stefan, sat down, and quietly said to Stefan, “Stefan, check out the agreement I’ve written.”

Stefan took the agreement and read it carefully.

Lucinda listed four conditions.

First, Stefan will act as Lucinda’s boyfriend (or husband), with a monthly salary of $500, including board and clothing for all seasons.

Second, during the contract period, if either party meets true love, they can break the contract without compensation.

Third, during the contract period, both parties will not interfere with each other’s private lives.

Fourth, if neither party finds true love during the contract period, the contract will remain valid for one year.

Lucinda, a bit awkward, explained, “Stefan, the coffee shop I opened last year is still in the red. Although it’s not losing money this year, it’s not making any profit either. The salary I can offer you is only that much, but I can cover your living expenses.”

Stefan casually replied, “No worries, I have a job.”

Then, he asked Lucinda, “Can I make changes to this contract?”

Lucinda quickly nodded, “Of course, if you see anything inappropriate, just point it out.”

Stefan borrowed a pen from Lucinda, crossed out the third condition, and handed the paper back to her. He told her, “We only need three conditions. Print out another two copies and we can sign.”

So, he was now being “kept” by Lucinda.

Lucinda looked at the crossed-out third condition and frowned thoughtfully for a while. In the end, she complied with Stefan’s request and printed out two new copies. They both signed them.

Stefan checked his watch and said to Lucinda, “It’s still working hours for the vital records office, let's go finish the paperwork now.”

Lucinda hesitated, “But, Stefan, I only have my ID. My birth certificate is with my mom.”

If she had to go back and get her birth certificate, it would take several hours back and forth. By then, the vital records office might have already closed.

Stefan smiled, “You have your ID. We can go to the police station for a temporary certification and that will do it. Plus, I have friends working at both the police station and the vital records office.”

Lucinda was once again puzzled. It seemed like Stefan really wanted to get it done by today.

A few minutes later, Stefan led Lucinda out of the café. He walked her to a Mercedes, unlocked the door, and gentlemanly opened the door for her to get in.

Lucinda stared at the luxury car. Thanks to her brother’s influence, she knew this type of car was worth hundreds of thousands. Was Stefan rich?

Stefan seemed to see Lucinda’s confusion and took the initiative to explain, “I bought this second- hand car from a friend for just a few tens of thousands. It helps to boost my image when I’m out and about.”

Lucinda silently looked at him. This car, even second-hand, was worth more than tens of thousands. Besides, it looked almost brand new.

However, this was Stefan’s business. She didn’t ask further.

Once Lucinda got in the car, Stefan closed the door for her and then took out his phone to make a call.

Less than two minutes later, Stefan got in the car. He buckled his seatbelt and told Lucinda, “I’ve already contacted my friend. We’ll head to the police station for the certification now, and then we can go to the vital records office.”

Lucinda nodded, “Stefan, your friends are really impressive.”

Stefan smiled. His friends were indeed very impressive.

As the car started, Lucinda cautiously asked about Stefan’s situation. Even though they had known each other for eleven years, they weren’t close. Even her brother didn’t know much about Stefan.

“Stefan, where do you live? Where do you work?”

After asking, Lucinda quickly clarified, "Hey, I'm not prying or anything, but we've known each other for quite a while now and I still have no clue where you live. Now that we're getting married, I think I should know."

Stefan replied in a good-natured manner, "I rent a place in Diamond Ridge Estates. It's a bit of a trek from where I work. I work at Ascend Global."

Upon hearing that he was just renting, Lucinda let out a sigh of relief. She was worried that his family background might be messy and she could land herself in hot water. Like his folks might think she's not good enough and give her a half-million dollar check just to get lost and leave their son.

"You must have a good job at Ascend Global. Those apartments in Diamond Ridge Estates don't come cheap. The rent must be pretty steep each month."

Not like she had that kind of dough to rent a place in Diamond Ridge Estates anyway.

Stefan patiently explained, "My work is indeed not bad. I've been there since I graduated college. Been there for quite a few years now and the pay is decent enough for me to get by."

He glanced sideways at Lucinda, adding, "Even after we're married, I can still provide for my wife and kids."

Lucinda gave him a compliment, "That's for certain, Stefan. You're a real catch."

Stefan grinned and accepted her compliment.

An hour later.

The Vital Records Office.

A man about Stefan's age was waiting outside the Vital Records Office. Seeing Stefan's car slowly approaching, he quickly walked over with a big grin. Once the car came to a stop, his smile could have outshone the sun.

Stefan and Lucinda got out of the car, one after the other.

The man looked at Lucinda and jokingly asked Stefan, "Stefan, is this your girlfriend?"

Stefan turned to look at Lucinda. Lucinda, not at all shy considering they were just playing house, confidently extended her right hand towards the man and said, "Hi, I'm Lucinda."

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