Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince Chapter 1301

Crystal’s POV.

As I slowly regained consciousness, I felt an unforgiving tug on all four corners of my body. Blinking awake, I was met with a sight that could only be described as a nightmare. Chains, thick and heavy, were wrapped around my limbs.

Hoping it was all)just a terrible dream, I squeezed my eyes shut again and again.

My breath grew ragged as my anxiety grew, coiling in the pit of my belly.

The chains remained a reality. The cold metal clung painfully to my skin.

Reality set in like a cold, bitter wind. I was being held captive!

And then, like a beacon of hope, I spotted Rufus sitting nearby. His presence, though comforting, only raised more questions. He was seated silently on the bed, donned in plain clothes, ruffling the back of his head as he frowned at a piece of paper in his hands.

My heart racing, I croaked out his name, hoping for some answers. “Rufus?

What’s going on?”

“You’re awake,” Rufus whispered as he turned his head towards me, his gaze softening. With a tender smile, he leaned forward and placed a scroll in my palm.

It was adorned with intricate drawings, twisting beautifully on the contours of the paper. My heart raced as I recognized the familiar artifact. It was the same scroll that Murray had given me. My mind clouded with confusion. How did it end up with Rufus?

His warm hand enveloped my cold fingers, sending a shiver down my spine.

“The time has come to settle the score,” he said in a soothing tone.

“What… what..” I stuttered. Only moments ago, we had been clinging to one another, and now his behavior had changed so drastically.

I tried to muster the words to defend myself, but my tongue was tied in knots as Rufus expression darkened.

“‘You’ve seen this scroll before, right? Murray gave it to you?” Rufus asked, his voice low and hushed as he narrowed his eyes.

I gave a small nod, my heart racing as I spoke. “Indeed, it’s all about the method of forcing Noreen’s soul into my body,” I replied.

Rufus smiled as he unfurled the ancient scroll, revealing the contents within.

“I can see how to force Noreen’s soul into you in here. You haven’t deceived me.

Relieved, I was about to beam with relief when Rufus’ tone changed suddenly, and his expression darkened. It was as if he was a police detective interrogating a criminal. “But what about the red-lettered paragraph at the end?” he demanded.

My eyes darted to the section he referred to, describing the devastating consequences of casting the spell, which was perishing together with the soul.

How could I ever reveal the truth to him? I stumbled over my words. “It’s just a warning that only b***d relatives can do the trick. Otherwise, the spell won’t work. And… it can only be attempted once.”

Rufus gazed at me intensely, silence filling the room. Finally, he spat out, “I don’t believe you.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at Rufus’ lack of trust in me. What was the matter with him?

“Well, if you refuse to believe me,” I said, my voice small and trembling, “then there’s nothing more I can do.” I tucked my chin into my neck and looked away.

Rufus’ sneer made my heart skip a beat as he reached out and lifted my chin.

“Stop lying, Crystal. You know I can always tell when you’re not being honest with me.”

My body shook with fear as I tried to keep my composure. “I swear, Rufus, I’m not lying.”

But as the words left my lips, I knew I sounded uncertain and unconvincing.

Thunder brewed in his eves and he curled his fists. “You’re still not telling me the truth?”

I bit my l*p and yanked my head away, unable to meet his accusing gaze.

“Crystal,” he said, his voice heavy with disappointment, “sometimes I wonder if you truly love me. Why do you always give up on us so easily?”

Rufus’ dismay pierced my heart like a dagger. My gaze locked with his, and my voice trembled as I confessed, “Rufus, I love you. I would lay down my life for you without hesitation. I don’t want to lie to you, but-“

Rufus inhaled deeply, folding his arms behind his back, and urged, “Then tell me.” his voice was firm as he said, ‘what happens after you use the spell?” I fell silent, feeling as if something was lodged in my throat. Waves of sadness washed over me as I lay there.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You will die, right? Do you want to perish with Noreen?” Rufus* chilly tone revealed his suspicions.

I knew I couldn’t evade the truth anymore, so I tightened my lips and refused to offer an explanation.

Yet, I couldn’t fathom when Rufus began to distrust me. I believed I had concealed my true feelings so flawlessly.

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