Facade of Love

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Chapter 118 Call the Lawyer

I blinked, totally caught off guard seeing Liam here.

Sweety was just as shocked, her eyes wide with confusion.

Liam chuckled at our stunned faces and said, “Iddy’s worried about you. He hurt his hand pretty badly, so he asked me to come check if you guys needed anything”

I managed a weak smile and said, “Thanks a lot, Liam.”

He gave a warm smile and turned to Sweety, his voice soft as he told her, “Stay in bed and get some rest, okay? If you need anything, I’m just a shout away.” He scribbled his number on a plece of paper from the nearby table and handed it to her.

Sweety looked at the note, a bit dazed, and murmured a wooden, “Thank you…”

Liam just grinned and shrugged it off.

After Maxwell had the doctor give Sweety a once–over and everything seemed fine, Liam headed out

of the room.

I hurried after him. “Liam

He stopped and turned, one eyebrow quirked, a smile playing on his l*ps, “What’s up?”

I took a deep breath and dove in, “Have you heard anything about Noah and his crew from the police station? Any news?”

He paused, giving me a serious look. “Nothing yet, but don’t sweat it. Noah’s already in deep trouble, and now with kidnapping on top of that, he’s looking at a lifetime behind bars.”

I nodded, feeling a bitter satisfaction. Noah was the kind of guy who deserved the worst, and a life in jail seemed too good for him. He was the type you would want to see pay a thousand times over for what he had done

I let out a sigh of relief and turned to Liam, giving him a deep, respectful bow. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for Sweety. Without you, who knows where she’d be right now…” I began. Liam quickly came over and gently stopped me, his smile warm. “Hey, what’s all this formality for? We’re family, aren’t we? Helping you out made me happy.”

I knew he meant it, but I still felt I owed him big time. “Hey, if you ever need anything, just let me know, okay?” I told him. His laughter echoed down the hallway. “Look at you, all polite and stuff. Come on, it’s chilly out here, and you’re still on the mend. Go get some rest. You and Iddy have your whole lives ahead of you. The worst is over. It’s time to start afresh now.”

I managed a weak smile and bit back any more words. He seemed to understand, giving me a nod before heading off

The next few days, I camped out at the hospital, keeping Sweety company. Her spirits were low, even

though her wounds were healing up nicely. The scars inside? Those were tougher to deal with. She had become so quiet, lost in her own world, staring out the window for hours. It was like watching a replay of my own struggles after coming back from the border all those years ago.

Mom was our rock. She was always dropping by, and she even got Sweety a therapist. Liam popped in now and then too, which seemed to help.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

When the weekend rolled around, Sweety was finally out of the hospital. We helped her settle back. into her apartment, but Mom was worried. “Is she going to be okay on her own?” she asked me, her eyes full of concern.

I was worried too, but ever since that day, Sweety made me promise not to spill the beans to her folks. I kept my word, so I kept silent about it all. Now, she was dead set on living solo in her apartment.

All we could do was swing by often to check on her, and she seemed to be bouncing back pretty well these days

I gave my mom a reassuring nod. “Don’t sweat it. She’s got this.”

Mom seemed to take my word for it and did not press further as we headed downstairs together.

Outside our complex, Maxwell was in the driver’s seat, ready to roll. He dropped us off at the Scotts! place and then zoomed off to deal with the backlog at Scott Corporation.

The guy had been swamped lately, and I bet there was a mountain of stuff piled up at the office waiting for him.

Right when we walked in, I stopped my mom in her tracks. “Mom.”

She caught the serious vibe and asked, “What’s up? Did you forget something?”

I shook my head, getting straight to the point. “Have you reached out to Dad’s old lawyer?”

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