Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 33

Two days passed, and I heard the news that Aston had travelled. felt a mix of emotions relief, anxiety, and fear. I wanted him to be gone more often because now that he was, it felt like could finally breathe. It felt like the weight on my chest was finally lighter. I wanted nothing more than for him to never come back. For me to be free from all the shackles of this wicked pack

I was getting used to my new room and the comfortable bed made me feel ten times more better than I felt every morning in the cell. The room had a door too which meant a little more privacy for me. It had a bathroom and a working toilet too meaning that I didn’t have to pee in a bucket and used the maids quarters to have my bath. It was a really significant upgrade and it was easy to get used to be but I was still on the edge about the whole thing and it didn’t make me feel better about loosing my baby one bit. The bed was as soft as fluffy clouds but still couldn’t get more than a few hours of sleep every night.

The few hours of sleep that I was even privileged to enjoy was thanks to the drugs that I got from the infirmary. I sat on my bed after crying my eyes out in the shower. I was loosing weight, the size of my stomach had reduced significantly and I hated it. I hated how quickly my body was starting to forget about the child that I learned for for years.

After what seemed like an hour of solitude, my eyes were starting to close, Mara summoned me to her chambers. I knew I was in for a treat, and my instincts were right. They were never wrong anyway.

“Here comes the mother of the year that sacrificed her child to get a room. Mara said and I felt the words cul through me like sharp glass. How could she say such a thing? Was she not a woman too? Did she really have no emotions?


It wasn’t why of my business if she did or not, her words were harsh and I was going to teach her a lesson she wouldn’t forget about on her entire life but I wasn’t going to do anything that would get me in Aston’s bad books when he came back from wherever he travelled to..

“I wonder why the hell she’s throwing a pity party, the only person that needs to be pitied is the baby for choosing such a mother. I’m sure the baby died out of panic of coming out of a woman as ugly as she is.”

Mara and her p personal maids mocked me, their cruel words cutting deep into my soul. They all laughed like loosing a child was something to laugh about.

They taunted me about my lost child, their laughter and sneers piercing my heart. I tried to appear strong, but it was a struggle. I bit my lip, holding back tears. I couldn’t let Mara get the best of me.

Once alone, I let my grief consume me. I cried until my eyes were dry, my body shaking with sobs.

Mara continued to make my life a living hell for the next three days. She claimed I was the reason for her current misfortune, but I had no idea what she meant. I took the maltreatment, trying not to provoke her further. I didn’t want to anger Aston when he returned, and I liked my new room too much to risk being sent back to my old cell. But it was hard to bear, and I seethed with anger and resentment.

The next day, a knock on my door revealed the alpha who had made me suffer before.

Ryker, with his deceiving smile and cruel eyes. I had only learned his name recently when I was overheard the maids gossiping about him. He was a lot dirtier than what met the eyes

He asked about my well-being, but I knew it was a ruse. I tried closing the door, but he forced himself in, his strength. overpowering me. I haven’t had anything to eat, thanks to the witch, Mara and I’d cried most of my strength away.

My heart raced at the thoughts of his evil intentions.

heard the good news, pumpkin. The only thing keeping you from spreading those legs really wide is finally gone. Let’s not waste time now. Let’s get down to it, I promise to make your eyes roll to the back of your head and when I’m done, I’m going to get you out of here before Aston gets back and f*k y*ou in ways that would blow your mind.” I was mad! I was real mad, not only because he thought he could get down with me, he referred to my baby as a f**g obstacle.

How dare him?!

I asked him to leave, but he refused. My heart starter to race real hard.

Terror surged through my veins like a wildfire, my heart pounding in my chest as the alpha lunged at me with a predatory look in his eyes. He threw me onto the bed, his weight crushing me beneath him as he began to tear at my clothes.

I screamed, kicking and flailing as I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong, too determined in his depravity. “Stop!” 1 cried, my voice a ragged sob as his hands roved hungrily over my body.

The alpha’s grin was cruel, his breath hot and rank against my skin as he whispered his intentions in my ear, each word at dagger in my soul.

“No one can hear you scream, little wolf, he growled, his fingers digging into my flesh as he tried to force my legs apart. “You can either submit willingly, or I’ll take you by force. It doesn’t matter to me either way all 1 want is me inside of you.” I cried out again, my tears mixing with sweat as I struggled against his iron grip.

In that moment, when it felt like everything was over, I saw the door burst open. Brax stood there, his face a thunderous mask of rage as he took in the scene before him

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he roared, his voice ringing with fury.

The alpha froze, his hands still clutching my wrists as he turned to face Brax. “What’s it to you?” he sneered, his arrogance undiminished. “I’m just having a bit of fun with the little wolf here.”

Brax’s eyes narrowed, the tendons in his neck standing out like cords as he stalked towards the alpha. “You’re lucky Aston isn’t here to deal with you,” he growled, his hands clenching into lists at his sides. “But don’t think I won’t put a stop to this myself if you don’t get off her right now.”

The alpha’s expression hardened, but even he seemed to recognize the threat Brax posed. Slowly, reluctantly, he climbed of me, his gaze never leaving Brax’s.

I scrambled away from the alpha, my breath coming in quick, ragged gasps as I struggled to cover myself, the remnants of my clothing barely enough to protect my body, I felt so f**g ashamed.

Brax turned to me, his face softening as he saw my distress. “Are you alright, Kira?” he asked, his voice a mix of concern and anger.

I nodded, my hands shaking as I tried to hold back my tears. “I’m fine,” I whispered, my voice breaking. “Thank you.”This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Brax’s gaze shifted back to the alpha, his expression hardening once more. “You’re a disgrace,” he spat, his voice dripping with contempt. “If I ever catch you touching Kira again, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

The alpha snarled, his lips curling back to reveal sharp, gleaming teeth. “She’s just a worthless slave,” he snapped, his voice full of venom. “Aston made a mistake by sparing her. She should have been executed for her crimes.

Brax’s fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white, his muscles tense and ready for a fight “You’re the one who should be executed,” he growled, his voice low and dangerous. “You’re a sick, twisted monster who deserves to be put down like the rabid dog you are.”

The alpha bared his teeth, a low growl rumbling in his chest. “You want to try your luck, pup?” he snarled, his eyes blazing with challenge

Brax didn’t hesitate to send him send him flying with a hard punch. His body crashed hard against the door denting it a Hale but I didn’t care.

The fight seemed to last an eternity, but in reality, it was over in seconds. It was more of a beat up tharra fight.

Brax turned to me, his expression fierce but protective. “Are you sure you’re okay, Kira?” he asked, his voice rough

I nodded, my body still trembling from the shock of it all. “Y-year I stammered, my eyes glued to the b**d on the fl that almost had his way with me. “Thank you, Brax..

Brax stepped closer, his large, muscular body seeming to fill the room with his presence. “You shouldn’t thank me, Kira, said, his voice gentle now, but with a note of concern. “You shouldn’t have to endure this kind of abuse. You de

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