Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 151


I took a long look around, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of guards. But there were none in sight. Either Dax had run out of guards or we had just walked right into a trap. I didn’t like it one bit.

Dax had been sending men to attack me and capture Kira, but they had never been able to make it past the gates. My guards had always killed them, burned the bodies, and sent them back to Dax. It was a message, a warning to leave us alone be he didn’t seem to get the hint and I was too busy to spell it out to him.

I had been distracted. I had been so caught up in the pack’s finances, trying to make sense of the numbers. They just weren’t adding up. I had been losing my mind, locked up in that office day and night, unable to see Kira. I wondered if she had eaten, if she needed anything, if she was bored. I just missed her like crazy.

As we approached the pack’s territory, I noticed that the gate was wide open. I was furious just thinking about how easily Dax’s men could have gotten to Kira. Ever since the attacks started, I had been taking extra precautions to ensure her safety. I had stationed guards at her door every night, without telling her, so she wouldn’t worry. I didn’t want to take any chances.

I was glad I had taken that precaution. If I hadn’t, Dax’s men might have succeeded in taking Kira. The thought sent a chill down my spine. I couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to her.

As we walked through the open gate, I saw the remnants of the battles that had taken place. The ashes that I had sent back were lined up where the guards should be.Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

“I think we should head back,” I said, looking around at the eerie surroundings. “I don’t want to take my chances. I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

But Kira just shook her head. “I think it’s too late for that now,” she said, her voice firm and resolute.

And then I saw them. The guards started to troop in from behind us, their eyes fixed on us with rage burning in them. Before we knew it, we were surrounded.

“Well, well, well,” one of the guards sneered, his eyes scanning the jars of ashes lying around. “Look what we have here. The ones responsible for our brothers’ deaths.”

I could see the rage in their eyes, the hurt and the anger. This was not going to be an easy fight. But I had no plans to lose.

“We’re not afraid of you,” Kira spat.

The guard sneered. “We’ll see about that.”

They charged. I fought hard, taking down guard after guard. But there were too many of them. I could feel myself getting tired, my muscles aching.

Kira was fighting hard too, her gun firing repeatedly. But I knew we couldn’t keep this up for much longer

Just when I thought we were going to be overwhelmed, I saw my men arrive. They fought their way through the guards, taking them down with ease.

“Thanks for the assist,” I said, grinning at my head of security.

He nodded. “Anytime, sir.”

I was glad my men had arrived to help, but I couldn’t help thinking they should have brought more backup. Dax’s men were three times our size, armed to the teeth with all sorts of weapons.

“Take cover!” I yelled to Kira and my men, as we started to shoot The sound of gunfire threatened to burst my ear drums, and I could smell the acrid scent of smoke.

I had my eyes on Kira the whole time, watching in awe as she reloaded her gun with ease. I had no idea she was so skilled with firearms. What other secrets was she hiding?

“Kira, get behind me!” I shouted, as the guards closed in. But she refused to budge.

“No way, I’ve got this!” she replied, her eyes fixed on the enemy. Her determination was admirable, but I knew I had to protect her.

I pushed her behind me, just as a guard lunged at us. My men took him down, but I knew we couldn’t keep this up for much longer, they just kept coming.

“Take him down!” I yelled to my men, as we fought off another attacker. But there were too many of them. They just kept coming, like a never-ending wave.

My men were getting wounded, and I knew we had to end this fight soon. I could see the concern in their eyes, but they refused to give up.

“We need to get out of here, now!” I shouted to Kira. But she was hesitant to leave.

“But what about your men?” she asked, her eyes scanning the battlefield.

“We’ll cover them, just go!” I yelled, as I took down another guard. I knew I had to get her to safety.

Kira nodded, and started to make a run for it. But just as we thought we had escaped, more guards appeared out of nowhere.

“We’re surrounded!” one of my men shouted. I knew we had to think fast.

We fought our way through the guards, taking them down one by one. It

I didn’t know how Dax had managed to gather such a large number of men, but I knew we were outnumbered and outgunned. This was a losing game, and I knew it was time to retreat.

“Retreat!” I yelled to my men, who were hesitant to leave but knew better than to disobey orders. They slowly backed away, still firing at the enemy, while I grabbed Kira’s wrist and pulled her along.

She struggled to free herself, her eyes flashing with anger. “It’s me he wants, you don’t have to go through so much for me. I’m not worth it,” she said, her voice laced with desperation.

I tightened my grip on her wrist. “I decide if you’re worth it or not, and I say you are. So stop resisting or I’ll have to carry you,” I warned her.

But she continued to struggle, her face set in determination. “Aston, please, just let me go to him and put an end to all of this so you can live in peace,” she begged.

I shook my head, my jaw clenched in frustration. “You can go to him when I’m dead, Kira,” I said, my voice firm.

I swung her over my shoulder, ignoring her kicks and punches. I hadn’t even taken a step when I heard Dax’s voice, dripping with malice.

“You might want to listen to her, Aston,” he sneered.

I turned to face him, my eyes narrowing. “You’re not getting her, Dax. Not while I’m still breathing,” I growled.

Dax snarled, his face twisted with anger. “We’ll see about that,” he spat, and charged towards me.

I stood my ground, Kira still struggling on my shoulder. I knew I had to protect her, no matter what. I could feel her heart racing against my back, and I knew she was scared.

“You’re not taking her from me, Dax,”

Dax laughed, a cruel sound. “Oh, I think I am,” I was desperately trying to shield Kira from harm, my eyes fixed on Dax but I didn’t see the knife coming, didn’t feel it until it sliced through my arm, sending a searing pain through my body. Blood gushed out, soaking my sleeve and dripping onto the floor.

Kira’s scream pierced the air, her hands shaking as she tried to stop the blood. I gritted my teeth, trying to stay upright, but my vision began to blur. I felt my legs weakening, my body trembling with pain. The knife was poisoned.

Dax sneered at me, his eyes glinting with evil. “You better let her go for your own good, Aston,” he taunted.

I snarled, my anger and pain fuelling my response. “You’re going to have to kill me first, Dax,” I spat, my voice dripping with venom. I tried to move, to protect Kira, but my body wouldn’t respond.

Dax laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. “Your wish is my command,” he said, raising his gun. I saw the glint of metal, the flash of light as the bullet left the barrel.

The first bullet hit me right above the heart, sending went right through my chest. I felt my legs buckle, my body crumpling to the ground. I tried to cry out, but my voice was h***se, barely audible.

But Dax wasn’t finished yet. He shot me again, the bullet hitting my thigh. And again, the third bullet hitting my other thigh. I felt my body jerk, my muscles screaming in pain.

I couldn’t stand straight, couldn’t even hold Kira. She was sobbing hard, her body shaking with fear. I tried to reach out to her, but my arms wouldn’t move. I was paralyzed with pain, unable to do anything but watch as Kira was taken from me.

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