Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty Five

Sixty Five

Elora’s POV

They took ages to fall asleep, and Silas never came to bed at all, still obviously in one of his moods. I

couldn’t wait any longer though. It was five 5AM and the Fae were meeting in the centre of town.

Yesterday Aldrin said they would follow, so now we would see if that were true. He told everyone to

pack light and only bring essentials.

Getting up, I rummage through the walk-in looking for a bag when Abigail walks in nearly making me

jump out of my skin in fright. My heart pounding and I heard Dragus and Matitus stir in their sleep.

Abigail places a finger to her lips before holding up a black bag. She hands it to me, and I quickly stuff

it full of clothes fit for the cold winter. Once that was done, I quickly get changed into jeans, boots, long

sleeved shirt and parker. Handing one of the parkers to Abigail she quickly puts it on, and I hand her a

pair of spare boots.

Abigail wanted to come but was leaving Claire behind with her mother until we found somewhere safe

to call home. Claire told us going outside was dangerous, that the broken ones were on the other side

but wouldn’t tell Abigail anymore when she took her home. So, to be on the safe side we were leaving

her behind until we were sure it was safe. Walking out, I look to my mates sleeping soundly in bed. I

knew they would follow me blindly, but I didn’t want to put them in a position to choose, that wasn’t fair

on them. As much as they disagreed with Silas, I knew they loved him, and he them so instead I chose

for them.

Just as I walk toward the door, I notice my mothers necklace sitting on the dresser and quickly pocket

it, something was urging me to take it, telling me I would need it although I wasn’t sure for what besides

being past down from generation to generation it was only a necklace. The urge was something else

like it was calling to me and me it. Shaking off the weird sensation that rolled over me, I follow Abigail

downstairs. Marian was staying behind to watch over Lilith and would come once we found pout

whether or not it was safe. We quickly creep to the front door passing the study, Silas was asleep in the

armchair next to the fireplace. His arms folded across his broad chest and his head slumped forward.

Abigail and I grab a cloak each wrapping it around us before cracking the door open. My heart pounds

in my chest when the heavy door creaks and Abigail freezes looking for any sign, we may have woke

Silas. When we hear no movement, we duck out. The wind blasting us, and I shiver from its icy

coldness. The sky completely white and the snow was thick on the ground.

We make our way to the centre of town, only Aldrin and his wife were there waiting, an I figured that

must be all who decided to come with us. Aldrin and his wife’s face lighting up when they see me and

Aldrin turns toward me when I notice an enchanted whip wrapping around his arm, feel the energy

coming of it, cerulean blue and strong. I had no doubt in my mind that Helcate Magic was running

through it. “Your child?”

“With my wife’s father till we know it is safe” Aldrin says, and I nod.

“What’s that”

“Family Heirloom, first time I have been able to use it, wouldn’t unlock without magic” I nod wondering

what he meant.

“Where’s yours?” He asks.

“Where my what?” I ask wondering what he meant.

“The Aziza sword,”

“Aziza sword? Never heard of it” I answer unsure. He looks me over and I wondered what he was

looking for.

“You don’t have anything from your bloodline, a bracelet?” He asks and I shake my head.

“No, only my mother’s necklace” I tell him pulling it from my pocket and showing him. He takes it from

me shaking his head a smile on his face.

“Hold out your arm” He says, and I do as he tells me.

“He pushes my sleeve up and I watched mesmerised as he runs the chain over the pattern of my

markings before I feel the Zap, my magic absorbed the necklace, wrapping around my arm becoming

attached my skin, the pendant bleeding into my palm and the rest of the chain slivering around my

fingers. It wasn’t tight but the Necklace changed becoming embedded in my skin and glowed the same

colour of my markings.

“Huh” I tell him shocked, I always thought it was a necklace and key to the book.

“How do I use it?”

“It will sense when you are in danger. Never take it off my Queen” He says bowing slightly and I look to

his, and realise he too has the Fae markings. Though his were blue and slightly different instead of

blossoms and flames like I had, his were leaves and vines.

Noticing my stare, he points to them “Helcate markings. Zane had suns, yours a different because your

mates are fire creatures.”

“So, if I have the Aziza sword and you have a whip, what did Zana have?” I ask curious.

“Time ring, Zana bloodline was eradicated that much I do know, nobody has seen the ring. Not that it

matters only Zana can yield it. Each are forged by the bloodlines and their magic, only those of the

bloodline can yield them” Aldrin says, and I knew I would have fun picking his brain about Fae. It

actually made me think he would be better to rule, he had the knowledge of the Fae so having him on

my side was going to be a huge help.

“We should head off; this snowstorm looks like it’s going to be a doozy and we need to get to the caves

before it hits” His wife tells me, and I look up at the sky. We start heading toward the main gates when

people start coming from the streets and houses. All falling behind us, each with bags and I recognise

the Fae people, but that isn’t what shocked me. It was the humans. Hundreds of people following

creating an army. All dressed and eager to leave the city, eager to come with us. I thought only the Fae

would come but even I had my doubts when I only saw Aldrin and his wife only standing in the town

centre. Abigail nudges me with her elbow and I could tell by the look on her face she was just as

shocked. I didn’t know how to feel about it. But the further we walked through the city, the more people

came out and joined us.

By the time we got to the gates the sky had darkened from the brewing storm. Stopping at the heavily

guarded gates. Vampires surround us but even they seemed weary by the overwhelming number of us,

they were definitely worried about the silver eyes glowing back at them, Fae with magic weren’t be

messed with but if this turned into a bloodbath, I didn’t know how we would fair considering no one

knew how to use their magic. Though I was quite certain Aldrin did, his knowledge was unbelievable,

and I too knew I could trust my guides to help me and show me.

Stepping forward when he approaches, the humans cringe back but Aldrin steps forward with me.

“Do your owners know you’re out” The vampire sneered. His red eyes glowing brightly against his pale

skin and black hair.

“My owners?” I ask,

“Yes, girl you’re the dragon kings pet, now get back home before I send word to them” He says, but he

suddenly steps, back all of them do. Looking over my shoulder Abigail’s hands were glowing green,

and all the Fae had stepped forward moving to the front their silver eyes glowing brightly.

“Step aside leech” Aldrin warns him, and the vampire looks uncertain, looking to his comrades who

also looked just as confused.

“You don’t know what you’re asking, you can’t go out there. What lies beyond these gates isn’t safe” He

tells us.

“Well, that is for us to decide, so step aside and let us through. We won’t ask again” I warn him. He

stares at me and I could tell he didn’t like taking orders from a Fae, let alone a woman.

“Your funeral” He says before nodding to the men by the gates. Motioning with his hand toward them.

They press some buttons and the gates slowing start to open. We all start walking toward them.

“You’re going to die, you just killed everyone here by leaving the safety of the City”

“We are no safer out there than we are in here” Aldrin tells him and the vampire glares at him. We

march through the gates to the other side. I could feel everyone’s excitement about breaking out of the

City, but I was to nervous to feel excited along with them. All I could see was white, a sea of white

everything dusted in snow.

“Stay alert” I yell to everyone and they fall silent. We continue walking toward the mountain knowing

there must be caves in them. We walk for hours and I never let my guard down, too many people had

given warning about leaving the confines of the castle so obviously there was something that had them


Suddenly out of nowhere, I hear a thunderous roar coming from the direction of the castle. They were

awake and I was actually surprised the vampire didn’t warn them earlier about us leaving maybe he

was hoping we all died. Everyone picked up pace. It was freezing and I could tell the humans were

really struggling with icy blast of the wind, hear their teeth chattering. The snowstorm becoming so bad

it started to get hard to see what was directly in front of us, like walking into a wall of snow, you couldn’t

tell where the ground ended, and the sky started. All you could see was white.

Everyone holding hands so no one drifted off or got lost. That’s when I saw something. I stop, Aldrin’s

wife bumping into my back.

” What is it?” She asks as I squint, trying to see anything through the wind. Even with my enhanced

eyesight I could hardly see anything, but I swear I saw something dark move and what ever it was, was

huge. Blinking, I strain my eyes looking for movement when I feel a cold sensation rush down my arm,

feel my magic seeping into my fingertips, feeling something wrap around my hand before feeling the

coldness of steel pressed in my palm. Looking down, I see the Aziza sword and gasp, it looked

crystalline like my wings but felt hard as steel, purple veins of my magic woven and intertwined in it.

That’s when the awe of it shattered into a million pieces. Aldrin said the sword would come forward

when danger was lurking so as much as I was amazed by it, it frightened me. Aldrin rushes over and I

see his whip in his hand spiralling to the ground.

“Well, whatever is out here, we just found it” He whispers looking down at my sword.

“Can you see anything?” I ask

“Not a god damn thing” He says, squinting through the wind.

“Human’s move to the centre, those who know how to use magic form a perimeter around them, we are

not alone out here anymore” I call over the wind unsure if everyone heard but I feel movement on the

ground and through the tugging of hands and clothes. Abigail’s hand glows subtly, her eyes searching,

looking for any danger. That’s when I see it out of the corner of my eye, and I whirl around trying to

catch a glimpse of it, but it once again disappeared.

Everyone on edge and alert. The wind dying down slightly making it a little easier to see before we

notice it. Scales. Though it didn’t look like a Dragon, it was grotesque and bigger than human, yet have

a long-barbed tail, talons but stood on two feet. Everyone holding their breath when the too notice it in

the distance. It turns around its face morphed reptilian coldblooded eyes staring back at us and I could

just make out its features.

He looked like a half-shifted Dragon, stuck in an unnatural form between shifts. It doesn’t move for a Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

second just staring like it was shocked to see anyone out here, then suddenly it roared which more

sounded like a wail, my ears ringing but I refuse to take my eyes off it. The broken one's, I now

understood what Claire meant by the broken ones, what I was most shocked by was the fact that the

broken ones are Dragon's

Author Note

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