Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Elora’s POV

The next morning, I woke early eager to get back to the children in the warehouse, my back was killing

from sleeping on the couch in the room. I refused to sleep in the bed, just because they helped the kids

yesterday didn’t mean I was forgiving of everything. One thing I was aware of though was that halfway

through the night Silas got up and walked out of the room. The shutting of the bedroom door woke me

and when I got up this morning his scent was only faint, indicating he didn’t come back once he left.

Getting up, the first thing I did was get dressed and race downstairs and check on Lilith. I couldn’t find

her in my old room but found her eating breakfast with Dragus in the dining room. Silas walked in

behind me as I walked over to her. Lilith eyes Silas warily but didn’t move, she seemed to have become

quite comfortable around Dragus and was smiling when I walked in.

Sitting next to her, I stole a piece of toast off Dragus’s plate making him smirk. “Did you sleep well?” I

asked Lilith and she nodded while eating her pancake before answering.

“Yes, it is warmer here than out there” I nodded in agreement when Silas walked over, placing his

hands on the back of my chair looking down at me and making me look up at his closeness.

“I need to speak to you” he whispered below my ear, making me shiver. There was something about

the way he spoke that had worry eating at me. Pushing my chair out, I got up following him out of the

room. Matitus seeing us walk toward the library followed making me wonder what it was he wanted to

speak about.

Matitus sat down on the armchair and I sat at the end of the desk. Silas stood silently watching me and

I could feel anger through the bond that he was trying to mask, if it weren’t for the bond, I wouldn’t have

even been able to read the cold expression on his face.

“What did you want to speak about?” I ask, my heart skipping a beat when I saw the corners of his lips

tug up, like he was enjoying the fear in me.

Silas stepped closer, making my heart rate spike as he stopped in front of me.

“You’re nervous” he stated as he braced his hands on either side of my waist on the desk.

“Should I be?” I ask, wondering what he wants.

“Yes, I don’t like liars and you lied to me again” he answers, and I see Matitus out of the corner of my

eye giving me a worried look. I swallow my mouth suddenly feeling dry. Silas smiled seeing how

nervous I had become at his accusation, but it just made me more curious as to what he was referring


“I don’t know what you are talking about” I answer honestly. Silas smiles sadistically, his face moving

closer to mine.

“I will only ask you once and if you lie to me, I won’t be held responsible for what I do next” he whispers

against my lips before biting down on my bottom lip. Silas pushes my knees apart and moves between

my legs trapping me between him and the desk giving me no opportunity to get out of this situation.

“What are you talking about?” I ask looking toward Matitus who shrugs clearly not understanding where

Silas was going with this either. Silas grips my chin, forcing me to look back at him.

“I was up all night wondering why Abigail would let her daughter leave without her, now why would a

mother let daughter go unless she was scared of something happening to her?” Silas said, watching

my face carefully. I felt the blood drain right out of me at his words.

“And I gather by your reaction, you know exactly what I am talking about and why Abigail would rather

take the risk of her daughter escaping the kingdom then remain within the safety of the borders”

I look away. I knew exactly why Abigail did what she did. I understood her need to protect her daughter

especially from someone like Silas.

“So, my question is Elora. Why would Abigail tell her mother to take her daughter and run?” I open my

mouth to answer when he speaks again. My heart beats erratically in my chest as his hands go to my

thighs gripping them tightly.

“Now Don’t lie to me Elora” he whispers, and I feel my blood run cold.

“What will you do?” I ask worried if I tell him, yet by the look he is giving me, he is daring me to lie to

him because he knows the answer already.

Silas looks to Matitus who was watching intently trying to figure out what Silas knew.

“I want you to go get Abigail’s family and bring them here, '' he tells Matitus.

“Silas what is this about?” Matitus asks standing up. Silas looks at me and smiles his sharp teeth

gleaming in the light.

“Why would I want Claire, Elora?” he asks, his grip on my thighs tightening making me whimper.

“Elora?” Matitus asks looking at me worriedly.

I shake my head when Silas growls before gripping my chin tightly between his fingers. I feel tears brim

in my eyes.

“She is just a child,” I tell him.

“Answer him?” Silas growls and goosebumps rise all over my body and a tear slips down my cheek.

“She is the oracle” I whisper and Matitus gasps, Silas however smiles sadistically before kissing my lips

and I pull away. Silas steps away, turning to Matitus.

“Bring her to the castle” he tells Matitus but Matitus steps back shaking his head. I grip Silas’s arm and

he looks back at me.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You shouldn’t have lied to me, you knew all along what she was, what Abigail was, and you still chose

to lie to me”

“She is a child Silas” I snapped at him.

“I am well aware of that” he growls.

“I want Abigail’s daughter here; you have an hour, or I kill her mother, understand?” he says.

“You’re a monster,” I tell him getting off the desk. Silas grips my arm tightly tugging me to him.

“You knew that already so don’t act surprised, Elora”

I went to walk out when Silas pointed to the armchair.

“Sit, I don’t need you warning Abigail” he says, and I do as I am told.

“Abigail’s here?” Silas nods, not adding anything. Matitus still hadn’t moved, and I could feel his

hesitation through the bond. I pleaded with my eyes for him not to do what Silas asked but the next

words that left Silas’s lips, I knew he would do anything Silas asked.

“Don’t make me tell you again Matitus or would you like me to show Elora what I did to you, last time

you lied to me” Matitus fear filled eyes dart to mine before he turns on his heel and walks out. Making

wonder what Matitus lied to him about and what Silas did to instil the amount terror I could see in his


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