Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 804

Chapter 804

Ning Ran sensed something different about Ding Fei when she met the latter.

She looked haggard, and her eyes were bloodshot. Her already stiff face looked more frightening than usual.

What puzzled Ning Ran the most was that the hatred in Ding Fei's eyes seemed less intense than it used to be.

The resentment emanating from her was less overpowering as well. That was the most significant change.

Clad in loose-fitting pajamas, she was seated on the massage table in the sauna, and her hair fell messily over her shoulders. She wore no makeup, not even lipstick.

That puzzled Ning Ran, too.

Ding Fei had always thought of Ning Ran as her enemy. At the very least, she had always imagined the latter to be her arch-nemesis.

Not wanting to be outdone by Ning Ran in any aspect, she always made sure she was well-dressed and dolled up whenever she met the former.

However, that day, she presented herself before Ning Ran in a casual and indifferent manner. She even looked rather wretched, which was highly unusual.

“Thank you for coming. I really appreciate it.”

The first words that popped out of Ding Fei's mouth astounded Ning Ran even more.

Did she just thank me? I can't believe Ding Fei said that. Did the sun rise from the west today? Or did she misspeak? Something's not right. Is she plotting another evil scheme? Why else would she be this courteous?

However, Ning Ran was not afraid, for Qiao Zhan was on the other side of the door. He did not join her in the room simply because it was an area for female patrons only, and his presence was not permitted.

“Why are you so anxious to see me?” Ning Ran asked abruptly.

No matter what act Ding Fei is putting up, I must see through it and not fall for any tricks she might pull.

“I have some cash on hand. In fact, I have a lot of cash which Ruan Anxi told me to launder for him. Then, he and I had a falling out, so I hid some of it. I initially thought I could bring them abroad, but I found that it was impossible to bring that much cash with me. I also can't launder it via Ouyang Li at such short notice. Unfortunately, I have run into some problems. I need to elude Ruan Anxi, which is why I'm asking for your help.”

Ning Ran was amused. Ding Fei is such an interesting character. She was the one who got involved with a demon just so she could exact revenge on me. Not only did her ploy fail, but she also ended up offending the demon and incurring his wrath. Now that things had come to this, she is actually asking me for my help? What kind of joke is this?

“Why should I help you?”

“I have done too many evil things to you, and I'm willing to apologize. I will give you all of Ruan Anxi's money as long as you save me.”

Ding Fei gazed at Ning Ran with a piteous look in her eyes.

Ning Ran was so close to believing her.

“That's it? Is this why you asked to see me?”

“Yes, this is precisely the reason why. I never took your mother's USB drive, and I've told you everything I know. I'm sorry for all the lies and harm I've brought upon you in the past. Please, you need to help me just this once.”

Ning Ran sneered. “First of all, why should I help you? You've nearly killed me numerous times. Do you expect me to help you so you can stay alive to harm my family and me some other day in the future? Second of all, how am I supposed to help you? Ruan Anxi is ruthless. Even the police may not be able to protect you if he's dead set on killing you. How can I help you? Are you clutching at straws, or are you just messing with me?”

Ding Fei fell momentarily silent upon being lambasted by Ning Ran.

“I'll give you all the money. I don't want any of it,” she mumbled.

“I don't need your money. It's filthy and illegal. Furthermore, the money belongs to that devil, Ruan Anxi. He's not going to let me go if I took his money. Ah, I see. This is your new scheme, isn't it? You want to dump all that money on me to make the problem mine, don't you? You want him to hate me, see me as an enemy, and harass my family and me, right? As expected, you're despicable for still trying to harm me at this point!” Ning Ran raged.

Ding Fei hastened to explain, “No, that's not what I meant! Please don't get me wrong. I—”

“I'm telling you, I will not believe you, nor will I help you.”

Ding Fei's expression darkened with dismay. Suddenly, she fell to her knees before the other woman. “I'm begging you...”

Stunned, Ning Ran did not expect Ding Fei to resort to begging for help.

She wasn't used to begging others, nor was she used to being begged by others.

“Get up. I'm not falling for that!”

“I'm begging you to save my child's life, Ran. I will be eternally in your debt if you would help me.” Ding Fei began sobbing.

Ning Ran was taken aback when she heard Ding Fei mention a child. Save her child? Am I hearing things? Since when did Ding Fei have a child?

“I'm pregnant, Ran. Please save my child and me. I'm sorry for what I did to you in the past. I will never do those heinous things again.”

Ding Fei's sudden emotional outburst didn't look like an act but a genuine expression of despair.

Ning Ran did not speak. She was trying to ascertain if this was another one of Ding Fei's tricks.

However, Ning Ran noticed Ding Fei seemed different than usual as soon as she saw the latter that day.

Everything from her gaze to her expression is different. Could she really have gotten pregnant? Who is the father? D*mn. It can't be Nan Chen, can it? No. That's impossible. Nan Chen didn't even come into contact with her, let alone get her pregnant. Besides, Nan Chen isn't someone who's fine with anything. He has his standards, so he wouldn't be interested in Ding Fei's surgically enhanced face.

Ning Ran told herself that she shouldn't think of Nan Chen as someone unscrupulous. It isn't fair to him. He's not like that.

“You're pregnant?” she repeated suspiciously. “Whose child is it? Ruan Anxi's?”

“It's not his. He has never touched me due to his poor health. Back when I was in Livingsfill, I wanted his subordinate to do something for me behind his back, so the subordinate and I...” Ding Fei trailed off, becoming uncharacteristically too embarrassed to go on.

“Ruan Anxi's subordinate? You actually hooked up with his subordinate?”

“That guy fears Ruan Anxi and reports everything to him. Aside from bribing him, I could only... Anyway, it was only one night. I didn't expect I would get pregnant.”

Ning Ran was starting to believe Ding Fei's explanation. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

It is logically sound. Ding Fei wanted to steal from Ruan Anxi and mobilize his strength to harm me behind his back, and the only way to do so was to instigate his men. She must have thought she was just putting on an act to get her way and did not expect to get pregnant. God has such a twisted sense of humor.

“Where is the father now?”

Ding Fei wept even harder. “He kidnapped the wrong person and was shot to death...”

“He's dead?” Ning Ran exclaimed.

“Yes. All eight of them had died at the border.”

That was also true. According to Lu Jingyuan, every single one of the men who had abducted her had been shot at the border. None of them survived.

So DIng Fei is carrying the child of a thief? What a morbid joke this is!

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