Caged Between the beta and alpha

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

36. Sounds RAVEN Damon and I quickly rushed downstairs, not wanting to disturb Aunty M with Dad’s shouting. I pulled

open the front door to see Dad standing there, his eyes blazing as he glared at me with such hatred

that my heart skipped a beat.

“Who told you about him?” He hissed, advancing towards me.

I stepped back, flinching, a vague memory of long ago flitting through my head.

Dad had never hit me, had he? NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Subconsciously, something didn’t feel right.

He stopped a few feet away, holding out Sparks.

“I SAID WHO TOLD YOU!” He thundered.

“What the… Calm down.” Damon said warningly.

Placing his hand on my back comfortingly.

“I’m talking to her.” Dad hissed back, shaking Sparks in front

of me.

My breath hitched, my chest aching as I stared at Sparks, a plushie that meant a lot to me. I had made

him when I was a child, all by myself, with needle and thread. I had pricked myself a hundred times that

day, but I wanted a plushie. Dad and Mom didn’t want to get me one, so I made Sparks. I remember

everyone asking why it was so ugly, but I told them I liked it and I didn’t want it to be one of those

perfect, pretty teddies you can get from the shop. Since then, I have always picked the most eccentric,

oddest plushies I could find, because they were just like me; lonely, neglected, and alone.

Dad was shouting, shaking Sparks wildly as he said something I could no longer hear. My eyes were

fixed on Sparks.

Please don’t hurt it.

“Mr Jacobs, calm down.” Damon said, his voice quiet, yet a dangerous finality was in it.

“Oh, did I disturb you both?” Dad spat, taking in Damon’s shirtless torso.

“This isn’t what it looks like.” Damon said curtly.

“I’m sure it isn’t. She’s always had a habit of playing people.” Dad said hurtfully.

I wish I’d stop being so quiet, but I knew if I opened my mouth, I would end up saying everything and

anything that

came to mind. Perhaps that is what I needed to do. But I wouldn’t do that when Aunty M was sleeping


I felt the hair at the back of my neck prickle, almost as if someone was watching me from inside the

house. I turned back, staring over my shoulder into the dark hallway. But there was no one there.

Shaking my head, I turned back to Dad and Damon.

“Stay out of this, Damon. This is between me and her. Let’s go. “Dad hissed now, trying to grab my


“No, if you want to say something to me, you can say it right here.” I said, trying to grab Sparks.

He stared at me hatefully, his claws digging into Sparks.

Don’t cry, Raven.

“You had no right to visit him! What did you think? That you could go there and cast your shadow of

darkness upon him?! Don’t you get that you are nothing but an omen!” Dad spat.

“Mr Jacobs, stop it!” Damon growled, now moving protectively in front of me.

“I told you to step aside!” Dad growled, trying to push Damon aside.

“Dad, stop it.” I warned quietly, my eyes fixed on Sparks.

His claws were already tearing through it. I felt as if a part of m y soul was being stabbed and


“You know, there are already several questionable things on your head. Mr Jacobs, the Alpha wishes to

see you. Now.” Damon growled venomously.

“So, you will protect the whore!” Dad hissed.

“That’s it, I’m done being nice.” Damon growled, grabbing

Dad by his cuff and glaring at him. “Yes, I’ll protect Raven, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call her that

shit. I’ll accompany you to the Alpha.”

Do as you want! Raven! If you visit there again, I swear I will disown you and have Renji moved! You

don’t deserve to speak t o him or see him! You should have been the one to be lying there, not him! I

don’t know why Selene didn’t do just that!’ His words rang through the mind link.

With every word, I felt a stab of pain through me, but I remained silent, fighting back the tears that I

refused to let fall… My face remained stoic and indifferent. Damon looked at me concerned but I simply

gave him a small nod, telling him I was fine.

Sparks’ head suddenly rolled to the ground before Dad’s claws ripped his body apart.

‘I hate you!

‘I know.’ I replied emotionlessly.

“I’ll be back.” Damon growled, dragging Dad away.

I didn’t reply, staring at Sparks’ remnants…


“…. And then Kia and I hid away. When Liam and Damon came out in their teeny, little shorts, and

started looking for their clothes, Well, let’s just say they never found them.”

I laughed, resting my weight back on my hands as I crossed m y stretched legs at the ankles and

smiled at the grave.

“You know, if you were here, you would have made a great addition to our little group. We could have

had just one more person to tease. Boys are so much fun to tease.” I said, smiling down at the grave.

“Anyway, Renji… I want to apologise for not visiting before. I’m sorry that I’ve been a horrible sister

and, you know… I want to thank you for the gift of sight. For this eye. Do you know what I’m super

lucky about? That despite it all, there is a part of you beside me forever. No matter how long Dad kept

me from you, he could never keep you away fully because even though I didn’t know, you were always

by my side.”

I looked at the grave, my heart clenching painfully. I didn’t know it was possible, but I felt such strong

emotions for someone I never even knew existed.

“Lastly, I am sorry I spent the last three hours boring you with my silly stories! But don’t worry, I’m going

to go for now, give you a break, but I’ll be back another day to tell you about my life at Aunty A’s pack…

In my absence, Sparks will keep you company. He doesn’t talk as much as I do, but he’s great. As long

as he’s by your side, you won’t feel alone, Renji… I.. love you.”

I stared down at the grave, a few tears escaping my eyes. Wasn’t I worth anything? Is that why I was

never told about m y brother? He was easy to talk to, I felt at peace here… I wish he hadn’t had to die, I

wish we could have grown up as brother and sister. I wish I had been strong enough to give him my

bone marrow… But we often wish for things that will never be.

Wishing will never get us what we want. We just learn to live with life as it is.

I stood up, waving at the grave before I walked away, my heart aching painfully…


I fell to my knees by Sparks’ remains, picking up his head. What had I done to be hated so much?

I needed to talk to my parents, just once, to put my feelings on the table and then end it with them. I

was done with this toxic relationship. I had no time for fake relationships anymore.

As for Renji, I would find a picture of him and I would keep him close. I didn’t need to go to the

graveyard to be close to him. Gathering up the wool and the bits of remains left of Sparks, I walked

back inside, feeling down.

I was about to head upstairs when I heard the backdoor shut quietly in the kitchen, my head snapped

towards the sound and I calmed my heartbeat, slowly making my way down the hall and towards the


Trying to catch a scent, but there was nothing out of the ordinary here. Had I imagined it?

Silently, I padded towards the kitchen and entered. Darkness bathed the entire room, but my eyes

snapped to the back door.

It was shut and nothing seemed out of place.

How strange…

I was about to turn away when I saw the string of the blinds on the back door moving ever so slightly, a

clear signal that I hadn’t imagined I had heard it. I rushed to the door, yanking it open and frowning. It

was unlocked.

I scanned the area outside, my heart pounding, but everything looked to be in place.

Slowly, I closed the door and locked it, staring around the kitchen.

Someone had been here regardless of the fact that there wasn’t a scent… There were certain sprays

and things to disguise a scent, but who was it?

I was about to leave the kitchen when my stomach plummeted with dread.

Was it the killer? If so, why were they… My thoughts died and my eyes went to the ceiling, my heart

thumping. I ran from the kitchen straight up the stairs, fear consuming me as I rushed to Aunty

Monica’s room.

Please be ok…

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