Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 809

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 809

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 809-At this moment, Johnny walked over and whispered to Alexander, “Mr. Griffith, do we still proceed with destroying that shipment as per our initial plan?”

In fact, Smith Co. had planned to unload a shipment at this port, but they had changed the location at the last minute after Narissa tipped them off. However, this shipment didn’t belong to Smith Co., and the reason they took the shipment was to stop it from entering the market.

“Yes.” Alexander answered as he stared coldly in the direction where Narissa left. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Meanwhile, just as Narissa was about to catch up to Jayden, she suddenly received a call from Jamie.

She stopped and answered the phone. “What do you want?”

“I heard that your target this time round is Alexander, is it?” he questioned her.

“Yes,” she answered truthfully.

“Don’t you think that you’ve gone overboard? Do you think that Boss will be happy about this?” He couldn’t hide his disappointment.

“So, what are you getting at?” She sounded like she didn’t care.

“Are you determined to follow in Jayden’s footsteps and become a reporter?” he asked.

Hearing that, she raised her gaze and looked at Jayden’s back as she hesitated, but she eventually replied firmly, “Yes.”

“Fine, I have no comments if that’s the case. I hope that both of you will be happy together!” He ended the call right after.

As Narissa stood where she was, she stared at the remarks on her phone screen and mumbled, “You fool…”

Soon, the day of the concert had finally come. For the sake of Adelpha’s future, the White Family spent a fortune to purchase VIP seats so that they could meet the legendary maestro and ask him to take Adelpha as his protege after the concert ended. However, Adelpha left her seat halfway through the performance.

Firstly, she went to the washroom as she tried to conceal her trail. Following that, along the way toward the third floor, she purposely avoided areas with surveillance cameras. Once she was on the third floor, she stopped near the spiral staircase and took her phone out to make a call to Elise.

Elise answered the call instantly, but she spoke before Adelpha. “Adelpha, I’ll be waiting for you in the recital room on the fourth floor.” The call ended before Adelpha could say anything.

“What the heck? Is she commanding me?” Adelpha was annoyed.

However, after giving it some thought, she realized that the fourth floor and the third floor were near each other, so it wouldn’t be hard to get Anastasia to the third floor. With that, she calmed herself down and walked up the stairs. Within the large hall, all the other rooms were used as waiting rooms except for the recital room. The orchestra members would normally have rehearsals in the waiting rooms, which was why there weren’t many recital rooms within the hall.

After entering three of the recital rooms, she didn’t see Elise there and finally lost her patience upon entering the fourth. She stood by the piano as she was preparing to make a phone call to Elise.

The speaker in the room then rang, and a melodious song that filled the room was being played. The graceful piece seemed to have the ability to heal people’s emotions, and her restlessness suddenly

dissipated. Although Adelpha was just an amateur pianist, she could tell the piece that was being played was as good as the one at the concert. She put her phone down and slowly walked toward the piano before sitting down as she enjoyed the beautiful music.

The music stopped after some time had passed, but Adelpha was still immersed in the beautiful music that she just heard.

At that moment, Lyra’s voice was heard coming from the door. “Adelpha?!” She ran in excitedly and asked, “Did you just play that piece? You texted me and your father asking us to come over here just so that you could give us a surprise, right?”

“A text?” Adelpha seemed confused. “I didn’t send you any texts, though.”

Right after, a loud clapping sound could be heard from the outside as it neared them. The three of them looked out and saw a tall, old man dressed in a gray suit walking in.

“Hahaha! It was so good. They are right when they said that there are many talented pianists in Cittadel. The performance earlier on was just perfect!” The old man spoke in broken English, but he couldn’t hide his happiness.

“You are… Maestro Yorkson?” Adelpha’s eyes lit up. “You really are Maestro Yorkson!”

“Yes, I am,” Yorkson answered gently. “However, I’m not a maestro. Based on your talent, you will be able to overtake me in no time!”

“Me?” Adelpha pointed at herself.

“Of course.” He smiled before adding, “Weren’t you the one who played the piece earlier on?”

“I…” She wanted to say no, but the words were stuck in her throat. Then, she replied, “Yes, it was me.”

Aftar antaring thraa of tha racital rooms, sha didn’t saa Elisa thara and finally lost har patianca upon antaring tha fourth. Sha stood by tha piano as sha was praparing to maka a phona call to Elisa.

Tha spaakar in tha room than rang, and a malodious song that fillad tha room was baing playad. Tha gracaful piaca saamad to hava tha ability to haal paopla’s amotions, and har rastlassnass suddanly dissipatad. Although Adalpha was just an amataur pianist, sha could tall tha piaca that was baing playad was as good as tha ona at tha concart. Sha put har phona down and slowly walkad toward tha piano bafora sitting down as sha anjoyad tha baautiful music.

Tha music stoppad aftar soma tima had passad, but Adalpha was still immarsad in tha baautiful music that sha just haard.

At that momant, Lyra’s voica was haard coming from tha door. “Adalpha?!” Sha ran in axcitadly and askad, “Did you just play that piaca? You taxtad ma and your fathar asking us to coma ovar hara just so that you could giva us a surprisa, right?”

“A taxt?” Adalpha saamad confusad. “I didn’t sand you any taxts, though.”

Right aftar, a loud clapping sound could ba haard from tha outsida as it naarad tham. Tha thraa of tham lookad out and saw a tall, old man drassad in a gray suit walking in.

“Hahaha! It was so good. Thay ara right whan thay said that thara ara many talantad pianists in Cittadal. Tha parformanca aarliar on was just parfact!” Tha old man spoka in brokan English, but ha couldn’t hida his happinass.

“You ara… Maastro Yorkson?” Adalpha’s ayas lit up. “You raally ara Maastro Yorkson!”

“Yas, I am,” Yorkson answarad gantly. “Howavar, I’m not a maastro. Basad on your talant, you will ba abla to ovartaka ma in no tima!”

“Ma?” Adalpha pointad at harsalf.

“Of coursa.” Ha smilad bafora adding, “Waran’t you tha ona who playad tha piaca aarliar on?”

“I…” Sha wantad to say no, but tha words wara stuck in har throat. Than, sha rapliad, “Yas, it was ma.”

“Dear, would you be interested in coming to Alzue with me to further your studies? We will be leaving tomorrow.” Yorkson extended the invitation to her.

“Well, why not?” She pursed her lips and smiled.

“That’s great!” The overjoyed Lyra tugged on Onyx’s sleeve and exclaimed, “Adelpha’s talent is being recognized by Maestro Yorkson! She is definitely going places!”

“Earlier on, didn’t you say that it was Maestro Sinclair instead of Maestro Yorkson? Why is it a different person? Did you hire someone to put on a show?” Onyx’s expression was grim since he was skeptical about it.

“Dad! You are being rude! Maestro Sinclair is world-renowned, but Maestro Yorkson is considered one of the best in the world too! Aren’t you afraid of being a laughing stock for saying those things?” Adelpha chided.

“What’s there to worry about?” Onyx replied as he adjusted his spectacles. “Asking questions is part of learning. There’s nothing to be ashamed of if I ask questions. Besides, he’s a maestro, so I’m sure that he wouldn’t take such matters to heart. Isn’t that right, Maestro Yorkson?”

“Haha, that’s true. We are never too old to learn.” He then took out his name card and passed it to her. “Do contact me after the concert is over. I look forward to having you join us at Alzue.”

As the wide-eyed Adelpha stared at the intricate name card, she took a deep breath. She was glad that she had finally achieved something big. Now that she was the protege of a maestro, no one would dare

to look down on her from now on. She bit her lip as she tried to calm herself down before stretching her hand out to grab the name card.

Just then, Elise’s voice was heard. “Maestro Yorkson, are you sure that she is the right person?”

The startled Adelpha immediately retracted her hand. The next moment, Elise was already standing in front of her. She was irritated as she saw how calm Elise looked. “What nonsense are you sputtering? If Maestro Yorkson doesn’t select me to be his protege, do you think that he would select a tone-deaf student like you?”

“Can’t a tone-deaf person learn to play piano?” Elise laughed.

“Nonsense. If you can, you would have learned it earlier on. I see that you are trying to make a big fuss because you want to ride on Maestro Yorkson’s coattails!”

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