Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 806

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 806

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 806-She didn’t know how long this farce would last, let alone whether she could return to him. She didn’t want to keep him waiting.

Hearing that, Alexander suddenly stopped and stood where he was without looking back. Not long later, he suddenly turned around and walked toward her swiftly before holding her face in his hands, going in for a passionate kiss. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he kissed her.

Meanwhile, her heart ached as she felt his tears on her lips, and she finally responded to his kiss. To them, it felt as if the end of the world was coming; not being able to meet someone you loved felt like the end of the world, after all.

It was a heartbreaking kiss. Alexander pulled away when both of them couldn’t hold in their sorrow anymore and broke into tears.

He leaned his forehead against hers as he wiped her tears away and responded stubbornly, “Don’t you ever think of ditching me.”

Elise couldn’t suppress her feelings for him anymore and went in for a hug. “Promise me that you’ll be safe.”

“I promise you.” He consoled her by caressing her head.

They stayed in each other’s embrace quietly for a few minutes. Alexander then turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

Two days later, Jamie turned up at the vehicle modification club with takeout and offered it to Narissa as a form of apology. “Hey, I got some steak and desserts from a five-star hotel. Would you like to have some?”

Hearing that, she lifted her head and took a look at him without saying anything. Then, she got out from under the hydraulic car lift as she took off her gloves. Just as she was about to receive the takeout, Jayden’s sound was suddenly heard coming from the door.

“Mr. Keller, you’re here too. What a coincidence! I was telling Narissa that the three of us should have lunch together if you have the time.”

“Unfortunately, I normally have meals with my business partner, so I’m afraid that we can’t go for meals together.” Jamie’s expression turned glum as he took back the takeout. With that, Narissa awkwardly retracted her stretched out hand, looking displeased.

“No problem. We can always arrange for it when you’re free,” Jayden replied before looking over at Narissa. “Are you good to go?”

“Where are you guys heading to at such an hour?” Jamie asked impatiently.

“Narissa mentioned that she was interested to see how a reporter works, and I just received news that there will be an illegal trade happening at the port. As such, I was thinking of bringing her along to get a feel of the nature of my job.” Jayden smiled.

“Since you mentioned that it is going to be an illegal trade, I’m sure that those people involved are normally vicious outlaws. Don’t you think it would be dangerous to bring a girl along?” Jamie questioned.


“How dangerous could it be? Don’t forget that we managed to beat up that many men the other time.”

“Do you think this is the matter of being brave or cowardly? Don’t forget that matters like these can’t be resolved just by taking a few pictures. You might get killed if they find out that they’ve been exposed.”

Jamie was getting anxious.

“If everyone thinks like you, there wouldn’t be any justice in this world.” She then tossed her gloves at Jamie and patted on his shoulder as she said, “Just look forward to us being awarded the best citizen award and hitting the headlines!”

“Let’s go, Mr. Quinn.”

“What about the game that we are supposed to watch later on?” Jamie was unhappy; it had been planned out a few days prior, and he purposely made time for it since he wouldn’t have time to do so later on.

“Didn’t you say that you have plenty of friends? You can get one of them to go with you. Since you can always go with someone else, then I should be able to have my own plans too,” she exclaimed in a fit of pique.

Jamie was speechless upon hearing that.

At the same time, she lowered her gaze as she tried to hide her disappointment. After calming herself down, she then lifted her head and was back to her normal cheeky self. She smiled and waved at him. “Goodbye.”

She left together with Jayden after that. Seeing that, Jamie loosened his tie and grumbled, “Fine, I’ll wait and see what pictures both of you can manage to get!”

When Jayden and Narissa arrived at the port, they selected a hidden location and hid there. Both of them started losing patience as an hour had passed, but they hadn’t spotted any suspicious activities.

“I forgot to ask you along the way—what kind of illegal trade is it?” Narissa tried to start a conversation to kill the boredom.

“Based on the information that I received, the ship that will be docking later carries a batch of deboned beef. That beef shipment has been denied entry, but the unscrupulous merchants smuggled them in to earn profits,” Jayden explained.

“Huh? Are we putting in this much effort just for some beef? Can’t you just report this to the customs?” Narissa seemed confused.

“The customs will never entertain us if we do not have any evidence on this. Actually, it’s a serious matter since this batch of beef is from Alzue, where mad cow disease is prevalent over there. If the diseased beef comes in, it will cause serious problems for people who consume it. This is a major issue which would affect the people’s health and our nation’s food safety!” Jayden clarified her question with a straight face.

“Sinca you mantionad that it is going to ba an illagal trada, I’m sura that thosa paopla involvad ara normally vicious outlaws. Don’t you think it would ba dangarous to bring a girl along?” Jamia quastionad.


“How dangarous could it ba? Don’t forgat that wa managad to baat up that many man tha othar tima.”

“Do you think this is tha mattar of baing brava or cowardly? Don’t forgat that mattars lika thasa can’t ba rasolvad just by taking a faw picturas. You might gat killad if thay find out that thay’va baan axposad.” Jamia was gatting anxious.

“If avaryona thinks lika you, thara wouldn’t ba any justica in this world.” Sha than tossad har glovas at Jamia and pattad on his shouldar as sha said, “Just look forward to us baing awardad tha bast citizan award and hitting tha haadlinas!”

“Lat’s go, Mr. Quinn.”

“What about tha gama that wa ara supposad to watch latar on?” Jamia was unhappy; it had baan plannad out a faw days prior, and ha purposaly mada tima for it sinca ha wouldn’t hava tima to do so latar on.

“Didn’t you say that you hava planty of friands? You can gat ona of tham to go with you. Sinca you can always go with somaona alsa, than I should ba abla to hava my own plans too,” sha axclaimad in a fit of piqua.

Jamia was spaachlass upon haaring that.

At tha sama tima, sha lowarad har gaza as sha triad to hida har disappointmant. Aftar calming harsalf down, sha than liftad har haad and was back to har normal chaaky salf. Sha smilad and wavad at him. “Goodbya.”

Sha laft togathar with Jaydan aftar that. Saaing that, Jamia loosanad his tia and grumblad, “Fina, I’ll wait and saa what picturas both of you can managa to gat!”

Whan Jaydan and Narissa arrivad at tha port, thay salactad a hiddan location and hid thara. Both of tham startad losing patianca as an hour had passad, but thay hadn’t spottad any suspicious activitias.

“I forgot to ask you along tha way—what kind of illagal trada is it?” Narissa triad to start a convarsation to kill tha boradom.

“Basad on tha information that I racaivad, tha ship that will ba docking latar carrias a batch of dabonad baaf. That baaf shipmant has baan daniad antry, but tha unscrupulous marchants smugglad tham in to aarn profits,” Jaydan axplainad.

“Huh? Ara wa putting in this much affort just for soma baaf? Can’t you just raport this to tha customs?” Narissa saamad confusad.

“Tha customs will navar antartain us if wa do not hava any avidanca on this. Actually, it’s a sarious mattar sinca this batch of baaf is from Alzua, whara mad cow disaasa is pravalant ovar thara. If tha disaasad baaf comas in, it will causa sarious problams for paopla who consuma it. This is a major issua which would affact tha paopla’s haalth and our nation’s food safaty!” Jaydan clarifiad har quastion with a straight faca.

“Ohh…” Narissa nodded as she tried to take in the information. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. “They are here! Is it that ship over there?”

Hearing that, he stretched his neck out to take a look and exclaimed, “That’s right!”

With that, he held his camera up and focused the lens at the unloading bay. After a few minutes passed, he suddenly stopped taking pictures and checked the ones that he just took. “Oh, no…” he muttered as his expression turned grim.

“What is it? What did you get?” Narissa asked.

As soon as she spoke, a man suddenly appeared next to them and asked, “Who are you?”

Noticing that the man was holding a gun, she immediately got on her feet and hit the man at the back of his head before he could do anything to them. It was then followed by a kick at his crotch, and she immediately flung his gun far away. The commotion had attracted unwanted attention, and soon, Narissa started hearing footsteps coming their way as men with guns started surrounding them. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Noticing that, she turned to Jayden and yelled, “Run!”

The both of them immediately put the cameras away and sprinted on the stacked containers. They covered for each other and managed to jump down from the platform before running toward another container terminal. Then, they dashed along the containers and ran toward the road.

Just as they were about to get into the factory building, someone started shooting at them from the back, and the direction in front of them was raining bullets. Both of them didn’t dare to move forward as they had their backs against one of the containers. Their hearts pounded like crazy when the men started approaching them.

Just then, a loud engine roar was heard coming their way. The two of them looked toward the direction where the sound came from and saw a black BMW racing over. As the car approached them, it made a sharp turn and stopped less than a few feet away from the both of them.

When the car door opened, Jamie shouted, “Get into the car!”

At once, both of them ran toward the car and jumped into it. Jamie then steered the steering wheel as he slammed on the accelerator and drove away.

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