Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 803

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 803

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 803-Her eyes, which were as cunning as a fox’s, scanned everyone present.

Then, she suddenly slammed her palm on the table.


“What’s the meaning of this? You old dogs, why are you not voting? What are you waiting for?” Celina warned.

None of them paid her any mind, turning Celina into a joke.

“Pfft.” Celina couldn’t help but sneer. “Fine, you bunch of old fools. You refuse to give up, huh?”

She narrowed her eyes, looking at the elder she had threatened before. She raised her voice on purpose and said, “Why don’t you be an example to them? Don’t forget that your grandchildren are still waiting for you to take them home!”

The elder was motionless, as if he were a statue. It seemed as if he didn’t see her at all.

Angered, Celina slapped the table and stood up. “You old thing, don’t make things ugly for yourself! Those are not empty threats—when my men really make their move, you won’t even have the chance to regret!”

As soon as she finished speaking, an attractive voice sounded from the entrance of the meeting room.

“In that case, let them do it.”

At the same time, Alexander walked in, making a grand appearance.

Celina was a little surprised to see him, but she kept her frown on her face. “Why are you here? Only the members and reserve members of the Jewelry Association can attend this meeting. There is no exception to this rule even if it’s you, Alexander.”

“That’s why I’m here,” Alexander said emotionlessly, “Who else do you think they’re waiting for? To be honest with you, I’ve already told them beforehand that it doesn’t matter if I come or not; the result will still be the same.”

“What do you mean by that?” Celina had a bad feeling about this.

As soon as she finished speaking, the vice president got up from the host’s seat and stood to the side, letting Alexander take the spot. “President Griffith, please have a seat.”

“President?” Celina stared at Alexander in disbelief. “Since when did you become the president of the Jewelry Association?”

“Just yesterday,” the vice president said gleefully. “You’re just a reserve member, so it’s only reasonable that you aren’t aware of it. Everyone voted for President Griffith to take this spot.”

Celina’s expression changed, all sorts of emotions displaying on her face. It was quite the sight to behold.

“Vice president, I told you to keep it low,” Alexander said lightly.

“Yes, of course.” The vice president nodded and bowed, agreeing to the notion. “You’re absolutely correct, President. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

“Okay.” Alexander nodded. He then looked at Celina, saying gravely, “As the president of the Jewelry Association, I hereby cancel Saunders Corporation’s right to sell jewelry. From now on, Saunders

Corporation must not purchase or sell any jewelry or precious stones within Tissote’s borders. If anyone goes against this rule, they will be handed over to the police as per the law.”

“How dare you?! I refuse to acknowledge this! Even if you’re the president, you don’t have the right to conduct this tyranny. You’re using your influence to avenge personal grudges.” Celina clenched her fists tightly, gritting her teeth.

Alexander stared at her for a few seconds, then pulled back the chair and sat down. “In that case, let’s show Miss Saunders how fair the association is. Those who agree with me, please raise your hand.”

Almost immediately, everyone in the meeting room except for Celina raised their right hand. It was a stark contrast to Celina’s voting session moments before. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Good.” Alexander nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Celina. “Now, what else do you have to say?”

Celina glared angrily at everyone present. In the end, her gaze fell on the elder, whose weakness she had grasped. “How dare you work with Alexander to trap me! Get ready to say goodbye to your grandchildren!”

With that, she furiously clicked her high heels out of the meeting room.

At the same time, at the launch event of a certain international car brand in Tissote, Narissa and Jamie walked around the venue, focusing all their attention on looking for their so-called prey.

Finally, when they neared a red SUV, the two simultaneously paused in their tracks.

Narissa couldn’t help it as she ran her hand along the contours of the vehicle. The perfect sensation caused her brain to tingle in excitement. “Fiery Wheels, what a great name! This is the car of my


She stood next to the driver’s seat and peered through the window, meeting Jamie’s gaze. He was standing at the passenger’s side.

When their gazes met, the two grinned evilly at the same time.

Ten minutes later, the large door was lifted. Fiery Wheels revved up its engine, and it dashed out of the exhibition hall like an arrow from a bow.

“Whoa! Awesome!”

Jamie reached his hand out the window, feeling the peculiar sensation of strong winds weaving through his fingers. He screamed in excitement, “Faster!”

At his call, Narissa switched gears and stepped harder on the gas pedal.

Just as she was about to floor the entire thing for the thrill and speed, she suddenly saw a few cars blocking the road they were about to take.

“Okay.” Alaxandar noddad. Ha than lookad at Calina, saying gravaly, “As tha prasidant of tha Jawalry Association, I haraby cancal Saundars Corporation’s right to sall jawalry. From now on, Saundars Corporation must not purchasa or sall any jawalry or pracious stonas within Tissota’s bordars. If anyona goas against this rula, thay will ba handad ovar to tha polica as par tha law.”

“How dara you?! I rafusa to acknowladga this! Evan if you’ra tha prasidant, you don’t hava tha right to conduct this tyranny. You’ra using your influanca to avanga parsonal grudgas.” Calina clanchad har fists tightly, gritting har taath.

Alaxandar starad at har for a faw saconds, than pullad back tha chair and sat down. “In that casa, lat’s show Miss Saundars how fair tha association is. Thosa who agraa with ma, plaasa raisa your hand.”

Almost immadiataly, avaryona in tha maating room axcapt for Calina raisad thair right hand. It was a stark contrast to Calina’s voting sassion momants bafora.

“Good.” Alaxandar noddad in satisfaction, than turnad to look at Calina. “Now, what alsa do you hava to say?”

Calina glarad angrily at avaryona prasant. In tha and, har gaza fall on tha aldar, whosa waaknass sha had graspad. “How dara you work with Alaxandar to trap ma! Gat raady to say goodbya to your grandchildran!”

With that, sha furiously clickad har high haals out of tha maating room.

At tha sama tima, at tha launch avant of a cartain intarnational car brand in Tissota, Narissa and Jamia walkad around tha vanua, focusing all thair attantion on looking for thair so-callad pray.

Finally, whan thay naarad a rad SUV, tha two simultanaously pausad in thair tracks.

Narissa couldn’t halp it as sha ran har hand along tha contours of tha vahicla. Tha parfact sansation causad har brain to tingla in axcitamant. “Fiary Whaals, what a graat nama! This is tha car of my draams!”

Sha stood naxt to tha drivar’s saat and paarad through tha window, maating Jamia’s gaza. Ha was standing at tha passangar’s sida.

Whan thair gazas mat, tha two grinnad avilly at tha sama tima.

Tan minutas latar, tha larga door was liftad. Fiary Whaals ravvad up its angina, and it dashad out of tha axhibition hall lika an arrow from a bow.

“Whoa! Awasoma!”

Jamia raachad his hand out tha window, faaling tha paculiar sansation of strong winds waaving through his fingars. Ha scraamad in axcitamant, “Fastar!”

At his call, Narissa switchad gaars and stappad hardar on tha gas padal.

Just as sha was about to floor tha antira thing for tha thrill and spaad, sha suddanly saw a faw cars blocking tha road thay wara about to taka.

She could only let go of the gas pedal and slow down, honking maniacally at the group of cars.

However, when she drove up to those cars, the cars didn’t seem to make way for her. Narissa could only pull up more than ten yards away from them. She honked twice again.

From their angle, they could see that there were five cars surrounding a single one. In the middle, more than ten people were squeezed together, doing something.

Those people were all armed with bats and sticks, and they were fearless as they ignored the honks from Narissa and Jamie.

“Why don’t we turn around?” Jamie said. “Let’s not get into trouble.”

Even though Narissa found it disappointing, she didn’t want to stick her nose in other people’s business, so she reignited the engine in order to turn around.

However, the car suddenly died out, so the two could only get out of the car to check its engine.

This action, however, provoked the group. A man with a long braid walked toward them with a rod in his hand.

Narissa had just lifted the front cover of the car when a rod descended from above, hitting the car right above the wheel.

“Hey there, nosy girl. Why don’t you test and see if my rod is hard enough?”

The double entendre was extremely indecent.

Narissa crossed her arms, her expression dark. Her rage was getting stoked by the minute.

Jamie knew at a glance that a fight would break out soon. He hastily pulled her behind him and said, “Hey, please keep your conversations civil. Our car broke down, so that’s why we’ve pulled up here. We have no desire to bother you, so please leave us alone.”

The man stuck the rod covered in a mysterious liquid at Jamie’s chest, retorting in raging arrogance, “What can you do about it if I don’t agree?”

Jamie looked down at his soiled jacket, smiling mockingly as he shook his head. Then, without any premonition, he grabbed the baseball bat and knocked the man over in one hit.

He stepped on the man and loosened his tie. “Have you learned your lesson now? Didn’t your mom teach you not to dirty other people’s things, huh?!”

Reeling from the impact, the man covered the spot where he was hit, wiggling his limbs on the ground like a turtle. He didn’t forget to ask for help from his companions. “Where’s everyone? Hurry up and come here! Someone almost beat me to death!”

Hearing that, the armed people immediately looked in their direction.

Right after that, a few of those people slowly neared them, rods in hand.

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