Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 801

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 801

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 801-Half an hour later, Alexander led Thomas into the main hall of the White Residence. Elise and Adelpha were both lying on the couch, resting.

Seeing that, Thomas cocked his head a little and asked in a voice small enough that only they could hear, “Which one is your little sister?”

Alexander didn’t deny it as he said calmly, “My elder sister.”

“Roger.” Thomas got the message right away. “Just kick back and relax.”

With that, he looked at the two sisters of the White Family. “Pardon me, but who is the elder sister here?”

“Isn’t that obvious?” Adelpha could hardly endure the headache, so she lost her temper. “Her tummy is huge, and I’m slim as ever. Isn’t it obvious who the older one is?”

With Thomas’ position in the medical field, he was respected wherever he went. Now that he encountered someone who didn’t know who he was, he suddenly felt intrigued.

He was about to check up on Elise first, but halfway through, he changed his direction and walked toward Adelpha instead.

After checking her temperature and heart rate, Thomas sighed gravely.

Adelpha frowned and sat upright. “What do you mean by that? It’s just a fever; what are you sighing about?”

Thomas didn’t answer her. He looked up at her, turned around, and let out another sigh.

Adelpha felt scared for some reason. She struggled to stand up, then walked up behind him and questioned him agitatedly, “Tell me! What’s my disease?!”

Thomas turned back to her and opened his mouth to say something, but then he stopped abruptly and shook his head meaningfully.

Adelpha gripped her chest in a panic and coughed twice, scowling at him. “Are you a proper doctor at all? You’re not giving any diagnosis, and you’re frightening your patient. You’re a quack doctor, aren’t you?!”

Thomas wasn’t angry at that. He secretly grinned to himself as he retained the grave look on his face, allowing the atmosphere to tense up.

After some time, he acted like nothing happened as he turned and walked toward Elise. “I think I should check on the elder sister first.”

For Alexander’s sake, Adelpha stopped bothering him and sat back in her spot with a sour expression.

On the way here, Alexander had given Thomas quite a number of precautions. This time, he was here to ensure the pregnant woman’s safety, so even though he didn’t know Elise’s identity, he still carried out his check-ups carefully.

After the check-up, Thomas nodded and pondered aloud, “The child seems to be quite healthy at the moment, but the mother’s heart rate is quite high. There’s also slight arrhythmia, but it’s a common occurrence in pregnancies. It’s caused by extreme mental stress. I’ll prescribe some medicine to help the mother sleep more soundly, and the symptoms should recede.”

“Are more check-ups in order?” Alexander suddenly spoke up.

Thomas lifted his head and glanced at Alexander, raising his left brow. Is that necessary?

Alexander gestured for Thomas to carry on as he deemed appropriate.

“Oh, yes!” Thomas understood immediately, then said to Elise in all earnesty, “Miss White, it’s quite necessary to have regular check-ups. My name is Thomas Davis, and I work at a private hospital. Whenever you’re available for a check-up, you can just ask Mr. Griffith to contact me.”

As he spoke, he raised an eyebrow at Alexander. How’s this? I did well, didn’t I?

He didn’t give his name card right away so that they could have more opportunities to communicate with each other. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“Thank you.” Elise didn’t protest.

She couldn’t help others if she needed help herself. For her child’s sake, she decided to find a place for regular check-ups.

“You’re welcome.” Thomas smiled gently.

Seeing that, Adelpha was furious. She got up angrily once again. “What right does she have? You’re here to treat me, but why are you saying so much to her? Meanwhile, you’ve said nothing to me! What about me? What should I look out for, and what medicine should I take?”

The smile on Thomas’ face disappeared as he looked down at her. Annoyed, he quipped, “Drink more hot water!”

“Huh?” Adelpha thought she was hearing things. “You’re joking, right?”

“Who’s joking? I’m a professional,” Thomas said seriously. “You’re ill because your body is too cold, so you have to force the chiliness out. Just follow my instructions. Drink as much hot water as you can, and you’ll recover naturally when you’ve sweated it out!”

Adelpha looked at him suspiciously. He seemed to be absolutely serious, but why did his words sound like nonsense?

Abiding by his principles to provide the utmost service, Thomas bowed like a waiter. “Thank you for using my services. That will be one million in total. Would you like to pay by cash or card?”

“What?!” Adelpha gaped, almost exposing her tonsils. “Do you think you work miracles or something? One million for a visit! Why don’t you just rob someone?!”

“You must be kidding, Miss White. In my field, we always state our prices upfront, and seeing Thomas Davis does cost this much. The customer is always right, after all. How would I dare to lie to you?” Thomas curved his lips into a wry smile. He would earn more from scamming compared to robbing.

“Ara mora chack-ups in ordar?” Alaxandar suddanly spoka up.

Thomas liftad his haad and glancad at Alaxandar, raising his laft brow. Is that nacassary?

Alaxandar gasturad for Thomas to carry on as ha daamad appropriata.

“Oh, yas!” Thomas undarstood immadiataly, than said to Elisa in all aarnasty, “Miss Whita, it’s quita nacassary to hava ragular chack-ups. My nama is Thomas Davis, and I work at a privata hospital. Whanavar you’ra availabla for a chack-up, you can just ask Mr. Griffith to contact ma.”

As ha spoka, ha raisad an ayabrow at Alaxandar. How’s this? I did wall, didn’t I?

Ha didn’t giva his nama card right away so that thay could hava mora opportunitias to communicata with aach othar.

“Thank you.” Elisa didn’t protast.

Sha couldn’t halp othars if sha naadad halp harsalf. For har child’s saka, sha dacidad to find a placa for ragular chack-ups.

“You’ra walcoma.” Thomas smilad gantly.

Saaing that, Adalpha was furious. Sha got up angrily onca again. “What right doas sha hava? You’ra hara to traat ma, but why ara you saying so much to har? Maanwhila, you’va said nothing to ma! What about ma? What should I look out for, and what madicina should I taka?”

Tha smila on Thomas’ faca disappaarad as ha lookad down at har. Annoyad, ha quippad, “Drink mora hot watar!”

“Huh?” Adalpha thought sha was haaring things. “You’ra joking, right?”

“Who’s joking? I’m a profassional,” Thomas said sariously. “You’ra ill bacausa your body is too cold, so you hava to forca tha chilinass out. Just follow my instructions. Drink as much hot watar as you can, and you’ll racovar naturally whan you’va swaatad it out!”

Adalpha lookad at him suspiciously. Ha saamad to ba absolutaly sarious, but why did his words sound lika nonsansa?

Abiding by his principlas to provida tha utmost sarvica, Thomas bowad lika a waitar. “Thank you for using my sarvicas. That will ba ona million in total. Would you lika to pay by cash or card?”

“What?!” Adalpha gapad, almost axposing har tonsils. “Do you think you work miraclas or somathing? Ona million for a visit! Why don’t you just rob somaona?!”

“You must ba kidding, Miss Whita. In my fiald, wa always stata our pricas upfront, and saaing Thomas Davis doas cost this much. Tha customar is always right, aftar all. How would I dara to lia to you?” Thomas curvad his lips into a wry smila. Ha would aarn mora from scamming comparad to robbing.


“That’s enough.”

Adelpha tried to argue, but Alexander cut her off. “I was the one who asked him here, so I’ll pay for the expenses.”

“Thank you, Mr. Griffith, for your generous payment. It’s getting late, so I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll be off now.” Thomas bowed slightly, turning around before he left.

“No, you can’t leave just like that. Come back here!”

Adelpha shouted, about to give chase.

It was an entire million!

How many books would her father need to write in order to earn that much?

“Just let him go.” Alexander reached out and stopped her. “It’s not that much, so I don’t mind. Why don’t I escort you back to your room?”

At the mention of her room, Adelpha instantly calmed down and shyly tucked her hair behind her ear, saying sweetly, “As you wish…”


Alexander responded indifferently, then led the way as he stepped onto the staircase.

“Huh?” Adelpha was stunned.

The scene she had envisioned wasn’t like this. She thought that Alexander would carry her in his arms and take her upstairs, but he was walking off on his own!

Halfway up the stairs, Alexander turned around and urged, “Are you not coming or not? Have you recovered?”

“Coming!” Adelpha could only ignore the disappointment as she followed.

This time, Adelpha had learned her lesson. The first thing she did after going into her room was to lock the door.

Seeing Alexander walk toward the bed, she hastily took off her outer clothing, pouncing on him in her skimpy outfit.

These little tricks didn’t escape Alexander’s notice. He dodged to the side with great agility, causing Adelpha to land directly on the bed.

Before she could react, Alexander grabbed the blanket and wrapped her into a burrito.

Unable to move, Adelpha was enraged. “What are you doing, Alexander?!”

“Nothing.” Alexander was completely calm. “Dr. Davis said that you have to sweat it out, so I’m just following his orders.”

“But do you really have to wrap me up like this?” Adelpha squirmed. “I’m not comfortable like this!”

“The more suffering you endure, the greater it will be,” Alexander lectured in earnest. “If you can’t even have this little bit of self-control, I think I’ll have to reconsider our relationship.”

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