Blind Date Turned Proposal

Chapter 1363 Do You Still Remember Him

"But he had everything figured out. The moment he disembarked the ship, he immediately flew back to Rivodia to search for Grape personally. He didn't catch a wink of sleep during those two days. As a father, how could he possibly not be worried?" Moses spoke with grave concern. "I haven't seen him this furious in a long time. When he finally found Grape, she was in a wolf's den, surrounded by ferocious, starving wolves. He could've been severely harmed if he hadn't been careful and focused. Despite having bodyguards, he insisted on going himself. Fortunately, no mishaps occurred in the end."

Josie was slightly taken aback. "Did you come looking for me just to say these things?"

Seeing that she was unfazed, Moses felt a bit awkward and scratched his head. "Just hear me out. Whether you believe it or not is up to you."

After Moses finished speaking, he opened the car door and got in.

The car sped away, leaving Josie standing in the wind. Her hair was tousled by the breeze. She squinted her eyes, looking somewhat in a daze.

News about Eccentric Corporation's affiliation with Olsen Group quickly reached Laura's ears. She was taken aback. "Did we really secure it so easily?"

Josie sat in front of her desk, propping up her face with one hand. "Hector was spouting nonsense. I only chatted a bit more because I used to be friends with Eccentric Corporation's boss."


"You know him, too. He even served as your psychiatrist once." Josie smiled lightly. "Do you remember Morgan Bastille?"

Laura narrowed her eyes slightly and pondered for a moment. "Dr. Morgan? How come he has a side job?"

Josie didn't respond.

"I suppose part of the reason he took a liking to Olsen Group might have been because of you. After all, you two shared a friendly relationship when he was your attending physician." Laura didn't express an opinion on the matter. She simply said, "I haven't seen him in quite a while. I should find an opportunity to pay him a visit."

"Let's do it another day. I've already arranged our next meeting."

Laura pursed her lips and smiled.

The proposal that was presented to Morgan didn't meet the standards. Having a rough understanding of the situation now, Josie was able to craft a more effective plan.

In the entire VIP building, only the light in Mark's hospital room remained on.

Josie was seated in a small room, with her laptop resting on her lap. She was partially leaning against the couch, working on a proposal.

She had learned a little about

venture capital when training under

Wyatt's guidance previously.

However, Josie had forgotten most of it over time, so it wasn't easy for her to reacquire the knowledge.

"Aren't you sleeping yet?" Claudia entered, turning on the light.

Josie rolled her neck. "I'm not done with work yet."

Claudia approached with her hands behind her back, speaking in an

undertone. "You've been work

it the whole night. Haven't

thought to go out and ask


Mark was undoubtedly top-notch in that field, but Josie didn't want to trouble him. "I can handle it myself."

Claudia let out a soft sigh. "He's very excited. He didn't want to sleep at all the whole night."

"Why is he acting like a child?" Josie couldn't help but laugh. "Tell him everything's fine and to get some rest early."All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Claudia stood beside Josie, her face

softened with affection. She tenderly arranged the latter's hair and let out a gentle sigh. "He's getting'

discharged from the hospital tomorrow, so he doesn't have to suffer here anymore. Things will get a bit easier afterward. Your father mentioned updating the household register to me. Let's move that up on our agenda soon."


Josie was taken aback. The sudden affection, devoid of any resentment, left her feeling both warm and surprised. "O-Okay."

At three in the morning, Josie was finally done with her work. She rose to tidy up, only to discover an additional document on the table.

She flipped it open and saw two pages worth of content. It wasn't much, but every word and sentence was crucial. Most importantly, it was handwritten.

The handwriting was strikingly bold and elegant, incredibly beautiful.

Claudia had brought in the document earlier.

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