Bleeding obsession

49) I won't leave you!

49) I won't leave you!

Authors pov

Sarah went home in the night after finishing her work. She can still feel her head throbbing in pain Even

after sleep.

'Why these people are set on destroying my life. I was doing so good, I didn't need these medicines

whole week until he came back with his disgusting face. Everything is negative when those people are

around me. I can't let them ruin me this time. I have to be stronger than before. Xavier is with me and I

don't have to be scared of them anymore. He will never leave me and I trust him. I will fight with them,

fight for everything which I have now...'

She thought.

Her guard parked the car in front of the mansion and turned around to face her.

"Ma'am is your brother troubling you?... We Heard it from one of your employees. If that's the case then

we have to inform the boss and take care of it..."

He said.

Sarah shook her head.

"No, it's not like that... We definitely don't have good relationship but he is no threat. You don't need to

bother Xavier about it."

She can fight for herself, she doesn't need to hide behind Xavier for every small trouble.

"Very well ma'am..."

He got out and opened the car door for her.

Sarah walked inside the mansion and straight away went to her bedroom. She freshen up and came

out wearing shorts and loose t-shirt.

Xavier entered the room and looked at her. She smiled looking at him and he smiled back.

"How was your day?"

She asked. It has become her habit of asking him that. May be because no one asked her that till now.

These small gestures and little things can make big difference in someone's life.

Xavier took off his coat answering.

"As always, you don't want to know..."

He sighed throwing it on the couch.

"But it feels so good whenever you ask this... It feels like at least someone is there who cares..."

He looked at her lovingly.

Sarah smiled tiredly.

"Because I do..."

She even sounds tired.

Xavier walked towards her and cupped her cheeks.

"But what happened to you?... Why are you looking so down... Did something happened, did Peter do


He asked frowning.

Sarah held his hands which were cupping her face and shook her head.

"No! It was just a hectic day... I have a headache..."

She lied.

"Hmm... Sit down... I'll make it go..."

He smiled cheekily.


She asked confused.

"Just sit..."

He said and sat down on the couch.

Sarah sat between his legs confused. Xavier rolled his sleeves up and started massaging her head


"It will make you feel good..."

He said.

Sarah smiled at his loving act.

"Thank you... I needed this..."

Xavier massaged her head and moan escaped her lips.

"Don't do it or this massage will end up in something else..."

He warned and she blushed.

"Xavier can I ask you something?"

She asked and he hummed.

"You won't leave me ever, right?"

Xavier stiffened at her words.

"Why would you think like that?"

He frowned.

"Just tell me... Someone said that mafia's lose their interests in their wives quickly..."

She confessed and looked at him sadly.

Xavier clenched his jaw Angrily.

"Bullshit... Who said that?"

"Just tell me"

She asked again.

Xavier pulled her in his lap and hugged her.

"No! I can never leave you baby... I love you... Don't you trust me..."

Sarah hugged him tightly.

"I do! I trust you more than myself Xavier and that's why I can't handle the separation from you. It will

break me..."

"It won't happen... You don't have to overthink..."

He assured.

"Don't listen to anyone's bullshit..."

"I love you..."

She confessed hugging him tightly.

"I love you too..."

He kissed her forehead while rubbing her back soothingly.

"Have you finished your work, we are going on a honeymoon..."

He changed the topic.

She looked at him and nodded.

"Yes, I am excited... But where are we going and what should I pack?"

He chuckled.

"You don't have to worry about it... My stylist will take care of that... You just prepare yourself..."

She smiled nodding.


The week went in blur and they were finally leaving on their honeymoon.

It was peaceful after that day, Henry haven't tried anything yet. Sarah has almost forgot about him as

her days are like heaven. Xavier has made her fallen for him so badly that she can't stay away from

him for too much hours.

He was Pampering and treating her like queen. She can remember their passionate time clearly and

still can't get enough of him.

She is also trying to stop her medicines. In this week she has taken it only two times. The frequency

has definitely come down.

She gets headache because of that but it's tolerable and she really wants to stop so she handles it.

Sarah tried to make Xavier open about his past but before she brought that topic up Xavier cut it off. He

usually ignores talking about it and she has stopped bringing it up as she doesn't want to hurt his


She tried to ask Ace but too has no idea about it. He only knows in beads and it's of no help. Sarah

decided to leave it on him. When he is comfortable he will share it with her. She doesn't want to force


On other hand she couldn't tell him about her either past either.

"You have a private jet?"

Her mouth dropped as she saw luxurious jet.


He chuckled.

"You didn't told me..."

She complained.

"I don't like to show off..."

He shrugged.


He held her hand and they walked inside.

"Where are we going?... I have asked you so many times..."

She whined.

"And I have told you that it's a surprise... So many times..."

He mimicked her.

Sarah rolled her eyes and frowned.

"Don't roll your eyes at me..."

He warned.

He has warned her before too but she loves to tease him. She wants to know what he can do.

"Or what?..."

"Trust me, you don't want to know that right now..."

He said. Sarah Smirked and rolled her eyes again. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

"You need a good reminder..."

Xavier Smirked and grabbed her arm.

Sarah gasped when he dragged her in Private room and closed the door. All the flight attendants was

looking at them with wide eyes.

Xavier threw her on the bed and locked the door.

"Take off your Jean's and on your four, now!..."

He ordered in dominating voice.

Sarah's eyes widened.

"No! You can't do that... I am not kid... Seriously Xavier?"

She asked in disbelief.

"I'll show you how much serious I am..."

He took off his jacket.

"Do it before I make you... You are adding in your punishment..."

He said as he rolled up his sleeves.

Sarah didn't moved from her place and Suddenly jumped out the bed when he took a step forward.


She screamed and laughed as she started running towards the door.

Her laugh got louder as Xavier grabbed her by the waist and pushed her on the bed.

She couldn't control her laugh and rolled on the bed.

Xavier chuckled at her reaction.

"Is it funny?... Just wait you won't be laughing after I am done with you..."

He mocked and she stopped laughing.

"You can't be serious..."

She gulped.

"You will see baby..."

He smirked.

He sat on the bed and pulled her across his lap making her scream.

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