Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 77

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 77

with her? Ewww...

“Then what do I do?” Amy asked. “Delay the response. Tell him to give you time,” Broderick said. “Then he will keep disturbing me again and again. How long will I keep telling him to give me time?” Amy asked.

“Please do as I‘ve advised, Miss. Cleo. I have a plan but I can‘t tell you,” Broderick said.

Amy hummed and wondered if it was reasonable for her to just keep telling Michael to give her time. M aybe she just have to trust Broderick and do as he had advised.

“My family want me outside of NorthHill cause they beleived I was the reason behind the collapse of ou r company,” Broderick said with a sad look.

“What! How can they do such? That‘s cruel,” Amy said angrily. “I guess people only value us cause of what we have, as soon as we lost it, they stop valuing us, “Broderick said.

“Those are wicked people. I respect and value you irrespective of whether you are the CEO of a compa ny or not,” Amy said.

“Thank you, friends like you are rare. My family has given me forty eight hours to evacuate NorthHill, I‘m left wit h just twelve hours…” Broderick said sadly.

“This is serious. Just forty eight hours. Can‘t they even consider your kids?” Amy lamented in frustration ,” what if you give them some money, will they accept it and let you stay?” “They won‘t. They said I hav e caused them disgrace so I have to leave.” Broderick said. Amy became very sad that she almost beg an to cry,” Mr. Broderick, what do you do now?” Broderick lowered his head as if he was terribly sad,” I‘l l leave North Hill.”

“What!” Amy exclaimed so loudly. She had reacted that way cause she knows that if Broderick leaves N orth Hill with the kids, she won‘t get to see the kids again.

Broderick nodded and then looked up at her,” can you let us leave NorthHill together?”

“But why can‘t you fight them? You can‘t act like a coward. I‘ll fight with you, okay?” Amy said and Brod erick smiled inwardly. He loved how supportive Amy was.

Who was Nell and Michael to send him out of NorthHill? They are not even worthy of loosening the sole of his shoe.

Amy‘s phone chirped briefly and she casually check only to see a notification about the popular blog that writes about ‘Ba,‘ the mysterious ugly and scarred man who was presently t he most powerful man in NorthHill.

She had been particular interested in following up news about that man, well, everyone in

NorthHill is. Everyone wants to know more about Ba

She clicked on the notification link and it lead her to a page where she read that the man was erecting a building that will be twice as big as the Alessandro‘s company that had been burnt down and that interested companies can start bidding for contract.

She immediately stood and went to Broderick‘s side, “read this, please.” Once she confirmed that Brod erick had read it, she said,” we can also bid and we may be lucky to secure a contract, I‘m sure their co ntracts will worth millions.”

“We?” Broderick asked. Cause they were not family yet so why was she using the word ‘we?‘

“I mean, we are both skilled in design, right? While some other companies are bidding for what they can do in the erection of the building, we can bid for designs

and decorations and show them our works in the past. If we are able to secure a contract, I can let you have all the money so you can extablish yourself again, maybe create another company or something, ” Amy said. “You will let me have all the money?” Broderick asked. He had never seen a woman as swe et as Amy. Trying to help him in his ‘trying times.‘ “Yes, I promise to give you all.” Amy said. “Okay, go a head and do the bidding.”

“Erm… what name can we call our small company. It‘s funny that it‘s just a company of two,” Amy chuckled and Broderick chuckled too.

“Erm… let‘s name our little company the first letters of our name… like B and C group.” “Got it. I‘ll draft out our application this night then send it to you for review. make su re you tell me what you think about it before morning so I can take it over to their address and submit… hopefully, we can get the contract.” Broderic k hummed,” hopefully!”

Ruthless Irvin

Nell stepped down from the cab that took her to the mini building that was built before the large piece of land that Ba‘s mega company was to be bult. Whe n she was about entering the mini building, she heard someone call her name from behind and on turni ng, she saw Martha.

She immediately remembered that her father‘s company were also focused on Designs and Decoration s. Were they also here to bid for a contract. If the mayor‘s family bid for a contract, then she and Broder ick doesn‘t even have a chance to win. She was thinking about this as Martha approached her.

“Hey, Miss Cleo,” Martha greeted. It‘s been a couple of months that Amy hasn‘t seen Martha so she greeted back gently.

“Hi, miss.” Since she was putting on a new identity, she had to pretend like she doesn‘t recognize her. “ I‘m Martha, the daughter of the mayor of this City. I’ve heard a few things about you and it‘s really nice to see you,” Martha said. Amy smiled,” nice to meet with you too. I‘m guessing you are here to apply for a contract , right?”

“Yes. Ever since the Alessandro‘s company went bankrupt, my Father‘s company has been leading the design and decorations world and I‘m 100 percent sure we would get this contract, “Martha said. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Wow! That‘s great!” “What feild are you applying for, miss Cleo?” Martha asked.

“The electronics of the building,” Amy lied.

“Oh! Great. Why don‘t we walk in together to submit?” Martha asked and Amy nodded. She wondered why Martha was acting like a good person here. After her mother died and Martha and her mother mov ed inside her father‘s house, they maltreated her so much. She still carry the scar they caused her both in her heart and her body.

The both of them soon sat where numerous other contract applicants sat.

While waiting for their turn, Martha said to Amy, “So miss. Cleo, did you you mind telling me about your self?”

“Nothing much to say about myself, except that I love to play volleyball,” Amy said. “I also love volleybal l,” Martha said and then a voice could be heard from inside, “Next.”

Martha stood and gestured for Amy,” let‘s go in together. People have been entering in twos.

Amy didn‘t even notice that people were been invited in in twos. Won‘t Martha find out that she actually came to submit an application to secure the design and decoration works of the buildi

ng? What if she does? She doesn‘t care. It‘s not like they are friends or she has anything useful to offer.

“Sure,” Amy smiled and they both walked inside the room.

Irvin sat in his big and tall chair, he was so short that his legs didn‘t even reach the ground, His legs we re floating from the chair he sat. Perhaps, because the chair was quiet tall. He was the one interviewing folks who are submitting the contract application. Of course, he was dressed in his white suit and white shoe.

When Amy and Martha appeared in his office, they composed themselves greatly and greeted him polit ely

“Have your sit,” he said and the two women sat.

“Your application?” He requested from Amy first and Amy handed over the carefully drafted application l etter and proposal to him. “B and C group?” He said as he reviewed their proposals. “I‘m guessing you people have many apprentices under you, right?” “No, but we could hire the best of hands. We are a ne w company,” Amy said.

“Oh!” He exclaimed, “You previous designs and decorations are good though?” When Martha heard the word ‘design and decoration,‘ she looked at Amy in surprise. Was she lying to her? Martha thought. Th ought she said she was here for electronics work?

He dropped the letters on a side and then requested for that of Martha, he began to review the works a nd she saw how outstanding their works had been.

“Wow! Your company has done so many great jobs in the past,” Irvin said to Martha. He was impressed by what he saw.

“Yes, sir. Our clan had always been focused on Designs and Decorations. We will perform excellently, s ir,” Martha said.

“Obviously,” he said and her full names rang a bell on his ears all of a sudden. “Are you the daughter of the mayor?”

“Yes, sir.” Martha replied proudly.

“Oh!” Irvin didn‘t like the mayor at all. He bore a heavy grudge against him. But he should employ the b est of hands in this work and keep his grudges aside.

“Well, we‘ll get back to you,” he said.

“And me, sir?” Amy asked, seeing that she seemed to be totally ignored.

“Miss. Cleo, we need the best of hands. Not just people who are skilled in design, people who have loads of experience and have done many good works on many buildings in the past,” Irvin said.

“My partner has loads of experience when it comes to design, did you know whom he is?” Amy asked. Amy was sure that Broderick must have supervised the design and decorations of more than fifty big b uildinhs in NorthHill.

She may not have much experience when it comes to designs and decorations but Broderick? He‘s a master of it.

“Loads of experience?” Irvin thought and lowered his head, he carefully checked the name beside that of Amy, he had only read her name and skipped the name of her partner when examining her proposal.

“Broderick Alessandro!” He read the name out loud.

Martha looked at Amy in shock again. Broderick was her partner, huh? How?

Irvin raised her gaze up to her and examined her then picked up his phone and placed a call across to Broderick,” boss!”

“It‘s me,” Broderick responded. Broderick was watching the whole scene from his house cause there w as a camera placed strategically in Irvin‘s office

Irvin was shocked and placed the phone back gently. Who was this woman to his boss? For this woma n to have some connections to his boss, she must mean a lot to him.

He pretend to be reading the proposal before him again and then lifted his gaze, ,” you are right. Your p artner has loads of experience. The job is yours. We will send you all necessary details and the contract to sign to your mail.”

Amy was super glad. “Thank you so much. Wow!” She had almost given up because of the mayor‘s fa mily that was her competitor but she just decide to leverage on Broderick‘s name and it worked

“The two of you may leave,” Irvin said.

“What! Broderick was so incompetent that he lost his company, how can he and Miss. Cleo get the cont ract?” Martha asked angrily.

How dare this woman speak to his boss this way? Irvin thought and stood angrily, he walked over to he r and grabbed her by her shirt then dragged her out roughly and threw her out of the building that she f ell with her back to the floor. Her hands and head get wounded and she began to bleed but Irvin didn‘t care, he walked angrily back inside his office.

The underground world is filled of ruthless people who doesn‘t know what mercy is. Irvin had lived all hi s life as a beast and so doesn‘t care about gender when dealing with people.

Amy was shocked. Why was he so harsh on Martha? Yes, Martha said some words against Broderick, so? Was that enough reason to act in such an irrational manner? Did he think he‘s God just because he‘s the secretary to the most p owerful man in NorthHill.

“Sir….I think it‘s not right that you treat her that way,” Amy said. “You can simply shout on her to get out at the very least not treat a human being that way.”

Irvin slammed his hand on the table angrily and shouted on her,” woman, you are seeking for your own death?” Irvin has such an high temper, even more than that of Broderick Alessandro

“You want to throw me out too? Huh? Did you think I‘ll be licking your ass just because I want a contrac t?” Amy asked, standing firmly.

Irvin couldn‘t really do much cause of whatever relationship she may have with Broderick plus Broderick veins could be seen on his forehead.

“I will let you beg for death before the next five hours,” he whispered to her, backing the camera purposely so that Broderick will not

Irvin‘s phone rang. He knew it that Broderick was going to call him. He walked over to the phone but the caller wasn‘t even Bro

“Hey John,” Irvin calmed, cleaning the angry sweats that had quickly formed on his face with an handke

“I‘ve found her,” John‘s voice came through.

“Are you for real?” Irvin had been searching for someone dearest to him ever since he became the second in com barely have time for himself.

“Yes, but she‘s dead,” John answered.

Irvin‘s happy mood deflated and tears formed quickly on his face,” dead? Where is her grave? Did you h

“Yes, I do. I‘ll send it to you. I’ll send the address of her grave is to you also,” John said.

“Thank you,” Irvin said and turned to the wall, he hit the wall multiple times until his hand start hurting. He burst out into an

His phone chirped briefly and seeing that the sender was John, he quickly opened it and on seeing the picture, his eyes furrowed. “Huh! Why does she look like that woman?” He said and quick

“Hey!” He called and Amy looked at him angrily, “You told me to get out of your office and I have.”

“Sorry!” He apologized and showed her his phone,” did you know whom this person is?”

Amy checked and saw that it was her picture, “why asking?”

“I have been searching for her for a long time. I have a gift for her.” He said.

Amy was confused on whether to admit that she‘s the one or not, “who are you to her?”

Irvin swallowed,” she‘s my sister. I ran away from home when I was 11 because my stepmother was tryi

Amy was shocked to hear him say this. Did she has an elder brother? Did she not know she has a brother because she lost her memory when she was 10 years?

“Since you both looked alike, I thought you may have heard about her,” Irvin said.

“Why don‘t you come for her since, or did she also run away from her father‘s house like you do?” Amy a

Irvin sighed, “My life took a massive turn when I ran away from my father‘s house. You can‘t understand

Amy wasn‘t ready to reveal her identity yet plus she needs to be sure of what Irvin was saying first,” I do

A sport car parked before Amy and Irvin at that moment and the door opened immediately, once Amy saw Broderick, she excused herself from Irvin and walked inside.

“Did we secure the contract, miss Cleo?” Broderick asked as he drove.

“Yes,” Amy replied dully. Her heart became very heavy ever since Irvin revealed his identity to him. With

Broderick glanced at her and on seeing her dull face, he asked, “miss Cleo. You should be happy we get the contract, why are you sad? Did anyone bully you?” “No. Though t would be able to work with such a man with very high temper.” Amy said.

“As long as we deliver our job well, we shouldn‘t have any problem with him.”


“Can I ask what that man was talking to you about?” Broderick asked. Before Amy could respond, her phone chirped briefly and she opened the text message that an unknown number sent, and it was a picture of her moth tell her, brother misses her and that she should reach out to me to collect the gift mother kept with me to give her when she becomes an adult.” Amy knew the sender was certainly Irvin. With the picture that Amy saw, s getting convinced that Irvin may really be her brother. Afterall, only her and her father has her mother’s p to give her?

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