Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 624 I Definitely Won't Fall For Her

Chapter 624 I Definitely Won't Fall For Her

"I..." Moore looked deep into Jean's eyes and nodded. "Yeah, you should be happy for me."

Upon hearing Moore's agreement, Jean laughed gleefully, happy that Moore understood her.

Seeing her bright smile, Moore lowered his head, a bitter expression on his face. His words to her were

entirely different to what he was feeling.

'Jean, I know you. I've always known and understood you.

And because I know you so well, I can't help but accept your good intentions, and so I pursued Avery to

be my girlfriend.

As long as you're happy like that and you'll keep smiling, no matter what it is, I'd gladly do it.

Avery's a good girl. She's a great girl.

But that's it. I didn't fall for her four years ago, and I definitely won't fall for her now or later, whether she

is Avery or Vikki.

These days, the only reason I'm staying with her is because I don't want you to worry about me.

It's all because of that.

I don't want my feelings to be a burden for you, nor do I want you to be embarrassed because of me.

That's the last thing I want.

So now that you're telling me to fully accept Avery, I will.

But I want you to know, whoever I'm with, they can never take your place in here and there.

I never knew my feelings for you would be so strong, but today, when I heard that vile assistant director

backstabbing you in the restroom and saying all those obscene things, everything just went dark, and

the only thing I was thinking of was to hit the guy.

That's when I realized my feelings for you never went away. They only grew stronger. A few moments

later, when the assistant director was insulting Avery on the shoot, I saw my chance and rushed to hit

him. I only used her as an excuse, because I did that for you.

Only you can make me so damn crazy.

Avery is just an excuse. I was using her to conceal my true feelings.

That's how I know all of this will never see the light of day. Everything I said, it'll never be known by


I'm the only one who will know this. The only one who will ever feel this. It's enough.' Moore was eerily

quiet. He was feeling the intense bitterness in his heart, like an arrow that struck him and the sharp

pain lingered. He sat there in silence, waiting for the pain to pass.

Noticing his long silence and sad vibe, Jean patted him on the shoulder with a big grin. "Okay, I'll stop,

Moore. I know how easily you get embarrassed. Don't worry. I won't say it again. No matter how happy

I am right now, I won't embarrass you again by saying that," Jean said with a playful tone.

"Jean..." Moore put on a fake smile, but had no idea what to say, so he closed his mouth as soon as he


Meanwhile, Zed pushed the door opening the ward. He went in and the first person he noticed amidst

the sea of nurses, doctors and patients - was Wade Wang, the assistant director beaten up by Moore.

Looking closely, Zed noticed his injuries were nothing serious, mostly just bruises. When the doctor told

Zed that Wade Wang was pressing for hospitalization and a full range of tests just now, Zed had an

inkling of what was happening.

Everything a star did was paid attention to. Their mistakes? More so. Once the media got wind of it, it

would definitely be blown out of proportion. So Zed was not at all surprised that the assistant director

would want to blackmail them over what happened at the shoot.

Although Zed didn't want this to escalate further and hasten the information spreading that could

damage Avery's reputation, he was going to show Wade Wang what would happen to those who

offended his friends, if he really intended to blackmail them.

"Mr. Qi!" Wade Wang blurted out in surprise when he saw Zed come in the ward. "Who dares to make

you come here? Please don't worry, Mr. Qi. It's all just minor injuries. Nothing serious at all."

Wade Wang was oblivious to Zed's friendship with Moore and Avery and even had the nerve to assume

that Zed came to see how he was personally.

Zed, with a smile on his face, approached Wade Wang's bedside and gently asked, "So all of your

injuries are minor? Nothing serious?"

"Yes, all minor. Nothing major. I was just pissed at that man's attitude. I ought to teach him a lesson!"

Wade Wang said all this fervently, thinking he had found a friend.

Zed nodded thoughtfully and said, "Oh, I see. I dislike arrogant people as well. It seems that we have

that much in common."

Wade Wang could barely contain his excitement when he heard Zed's words. "Rest assured. I am

alright, Mr. Qi! Please go back to the office! I can be discharged after three to five days after my tests."

"What do you mean three to five days?" Zed asked, visibly disappointed at what he just heard.

"Actually, I would really like you to finish shooting this advertisement. You are dedicated and above all,

offer unique insights. I would have loved to assign you more advertisements in the future, but..."

said Zed, showing mock regret. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

"No, no, no, Mr. Qi! I can actually leave the hospital this instant!" When Wade Wang heard Zed's plans

for him, he climbed out of the hospital bed in glee. He moved so flexibly as if he hadn't been beaten up

at all.

When he saw how crude and brazen Wade Wang was, Zed threw him an icy cold stare that could have

easily pierced his soul.

Wade Wang froze. Feeling the CEO's icy gaze, he had a hard time breathing and his waist bent


Not a moment too soon, Avery slowly opened the door. She was just in time to see Wade Wang bowing

towards Zed in respect.

As Avery entered, Wade Wang's head shot up and saw she had entered the room. His face turned grim

in an instant and he seemed to have forgotten his fears. He asked in a harsh tone, "Why are you here,

Vikki? If you are still trying to intercede for that arrogant man, I must advise you to stop wasting your


However, instead of talking to Wade Wang, Avery walked up to Zed and spoke with a contrite tone,

"Zed, you didn't have to involve yourself in all of this. Something as trivial as this is beyond you."

When Wade Wang heard how casual Avery's tone was when she said this to Zed, he panicked and

looked at Zed in dismay.

Zed, no longer as nice as before, stared sharply at Wade Wang, as if he wanted to burn a hole on his


Wade Wang felt terror in his heart and immediately realized what was happening. His face went ashen.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qi. I had no idea you and Vikki are..."

Wade Wang stammered and couldn't even finish his sentence from the sheer terror he was


"You don't know what? That I'm a close friend of Vikki? Did you honestly believe that I came here

personally, to invite you back to finish the advertisement?" Zed was furious now. "Where do you find

the nerve to think that people like you, who have no professional qualities and morals, would have

value to me, Wade Wang? Since you seem to be completely fine and nothing serious, right? Why don't

you get the hell out of my face? If I ever see you again. I swear to God I'll feed you to the fish!"

Zed shouted with murderous intent.

"Yes, okay, okay. I'll get out." Wade Wang quickly gathered his things, ran out of the ward and

disappeared without a trace.

"I'm sorry, Zed." Avery looked at Zed apologetically. "I've caused you trouble again."

"It's alright, Avery. It was nothing big. I have to ask though, is the cause of Moore's outburst really what

he said?"

Zed turned towards Avery, frowning.

"Uhm..." Avery nodded at Zed. "This is the first time I saw Moore being so impulsive, so you can

imagine my surprise at that time."

"Alright, enough of that. It's over now, so don't mention this to anyone again, or we'll go through all of

this all over again. We won't see that vile man anytime soon," Zed reassured her.

"Thank you, Zed." Avery hugged Zed in gratitude.

"Don't mention it, Avery. By the way, where is your amazing manager? All things considered, he's the

best at dealing with these kinds of things. I haven't seen him for a long while now."

Zed looked around the ward, hoping to spot Adolf, but to no avail.

"I honestly have no idea, either. Just after Adolf drove us to the hospital, I haven't seen him after that."

Avery shook her head after hearing Zed's words.

While they were talking, the door slid open to reveal a sweaty and visibly exhausted Adolf, who was still

catching his breath, shouting, "Mr. Wang! Here are the soup dumplings that you ordered. They're still

hot so you have to eat them quick..."

Hearing no response from Wade Wang, he raised his head and was surprised to see Avery and Zed

right in front of him. Adolf's face flushed which spread to the tops of ears, coloring them a subtle red.

Then he asked, clearly embarrassed, "When did you guys get here?"

"Adolf!" Avery's expression was grim, her tone tense. She stared at Adolf with anger and asked, "Don't

tell me that you've been buttering up Wade Wang all this time right before we came..."

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