Arranged Mafia Marriage



I expect her to freak out, but instead, she purses her lips and glowers at me. Probably because she’d already guessed why we’re headed there. No other reason to go to City Hall, after all. She opens and shuts her mouth a few times. Then, “You’re insane,” she says in a low voice.

Only where you’re concerned.

“We were supposed to get married in a week, and you didn’t want to get married at church, so-” I raise a shoulder. “This way, we can cut to the chase.”

She continues to stare at me for a few seconds more, then she glances down at herself. “I’m not dressed for any kind of a wedding.”

It wouldn’t matter if you were wearing a sack, you’d still look beautiful.

“You’re wearing my clothes.” A flush of satisfaction fills my chest. Goddam. Since when did I become so possessive about her? It’s bad enough I completely lost control when I saw that man toy with her hair. The fact she was tied up-that she’d allowed him to tie her up, that she would allow anyone other than me to tie her up… Cazzo! A growl rumbles up my chest. I lost my mind, I admit. I hadn’t intended to fuck her with my gun. Gesu Cristo, what the hell is wrong with me? How could I have done that? I pulled out the gun to scare off that motherfucker, and I ended up using it to pleasure her. At least, I hope it pleasured her. From her reaction, it certainly seemed that way. I wanted to punish her for how she provoked me, and finding her bound and at my mercy made me lose my head completely.

“Are you okay?” I finally ask.

When she doesn’t answer, I glance sideways at her. “Princess, I asked you a question.”

She draws in a breath. “Why, are you worried you emotionally scarred me? You don’t have to worry; my ex managed to do that just fine.”

Anger thuds at my temples. I squeeze the steering wheel, and brake for a red light. The road is empty of traffic. A lone piece of paper blows by in front of us.

“You follow traffic rules, even when there is no real need to,” she comments in an offhand voice.

“I am Mafia; I’m always watched by law enforcement. One slip up on my part, and there’s no telling where it’d land me. Not that we don’t have the cops on the payroll, but I find it best to save my influence for when I need to use it. That way, it’s more effective.”

The light changes, and I ease the car forward.

“You didn’t answer my earlier question.”

“I’m fine.” She shrugs.

“I’d be lying if I said I’m sorry for what I did. I was fully conscious, and in complete control of all of my faculties when I fucked you with my gun.”

“You wanted to teach me a lesson,” she says in a low voice.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You didn’t. What if I told you what you did took me by surprise… but it was weirdly erotic?”

“I’d say you were lying.”

She turns to me. “It pushed me out of my comfort zone.”

“That’s putting it lightly.”

“It was like Keanu Reeves had suddenly decided to get married.”

“Eh?” I glance at her, then back at the road. “You have a way of bringing Keanu Reeves into conversations when I least expect it.”

“But it’s always appropriate. Keanu has a gif for every mood.” She nods.

“If you say so.” I can’t stop my lips from twitching. “Still doesn’t answer my question.”

She blows out a breath. “It was unexpected, what you did. And a little scary; I won’t lie. My heart was in my mouth, but the danger inherent in these situations seems to turn me on even more.”

I shoot her a quick glance, then focus on the road.

“I’m not sorry I did it. I won’t make excuses for my actions, Elsa. That’s the kind of man I am. I live by the gun, will probably die by the gun and-”

“It seems you fuck by the gun, too,” she says in a wry tone.

“If you don’t want to marry me, now’s the time to back out.” I come to a halt in front of the steps to City Hall, turn off the ignition, and turn to her. “I can’t promise it won’t happen again, but I can promise I’ll never hurt you.”

“Not physically, at least,” she murmurs.

“I’m going to ensure you get full custody of your daughter, so I’ll be taking care of you emotionally, as well,” I point out.

She chuckles. “Tell me about it.”

“You can still leave.”

“And watch as that asshole wins the case in court and takes my daughter from me?” She squeezes her fingers together in front of her.

Something hot stabs at my chest. Why is it that seeing her get upset makes me want to protect her from whatever is causing her pain? In this case, me. Do I have to protect her from myself? I’ve never felt so protective about another person before this. But watching her with her daughter was an eye-opener. Once I saw that, I knew I could never let anything or anyone hurt either of them. And the only way to ensure that is to find a way to tether her to me. It’s the only way I can safeguard her from her ex, and from this world we live in.

“I will never let that happen,” I say in a low voice.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

She stills, then searches my features. “Somehow, I believe you. It’s why I’m here. Because you are the only one who’s been able to promise me the one thing that’s more important to me than life itself.”

You are more important to me than life itself.

I push open the door, then walk around to open hers. She steps out and wobbles a little on the stilettos she’s wearing, before she rights herself. I shut the car door and hold out my arm.

“Shall we?”

Ten minutes later, we’re standing in front of the mayor in his office at City Hall.

Adrian and Massimo flank us. I had informed these stronzi about my plan to get married today for two reasons. First of all, we need two witnesses. Secondly, and more importantly, I needed Massimo’s help in tracking down the mayor and calling in this favor, and I needed Adrian’s help to ensure that City Hall opened for us. Sometimes, family can be useful, apparently.

The mayor himself is a short man with jowls and a stomach that strains his shirt, which he seems to have hurriedly donned, given that his buttons are all done up wrong. He rubs his fingers over his head, displacing the long strands of hair that he’s combed over to hide the balding spot on the top.

“Uh, are we expecting anyone else?” He glances between us.

Before I can reply, I hear the sound of running footsteps before Theresa bursts in, followed by Axel.

“Oh, my god! We’re on time, aren’t we?” She runs up to Elsa and hugs her.

Axel rubs his chin. “I had a devil of a time asking her to slow down; woman rushes around like she’s not pregnant.”

She ignores him and peers into Elsa’s face. “You are okay, though? He’s not forcing you to do this against your will, right? If you don’t want to go through with it, I can ask Axel to intervene.”

Her voice is loud enough that I can hear everything. Clearly, she intended me to. I open my mouth to protest, when Elsa shakes her head. Her lips curve into a small smile which is, nevertheless, genuine. “It’s fine, really. I want to go through with this. And I’m actually thankful that it’s happening so suddenly; gives me less time to stress about it.”

“Hmph.” Theresa firms her lips. “Whatever the case, just so you know, you have the next few days off from the flower shop.”

Elsa stares up at her. “Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure, ” she scoffs. “You’re getting married. You’ll need a little time to get your head around everything. And hopefully, have a bit of a honeymoon. You sure you don’t want to get hold of a dress, at least?” She steps back and takes in what Elsa is wearing. “You sure you want to get married in that?”

“Absolutely.” Elsa pats her shoulder, then steps back. “Thanks for inviting Theresa. It means a lot to have her here,” she whispers to me.

I want to deny it, but sadly, she’s right. Clearly, I’ve become soft in my old age, or pussy-whipped before I’ve even gotten married. Despite the fact that it was last minute, I knew Elsa would appreciate having her friend with her as she gets married.

Elsa shuffles her feet, tugs on her-my jacket, which looks much better on her than it does on me. It also comes to mid-thigh, and the dress she’s wearing below it complements the jacket, so it seems like they’re part of the same ensemble. With her flushed cheeks and blonde hair that falls softly about her face, she looks every inch an angel.

I blink. Dio santo, I’ll be serenading her next. Why is it that every minute I spend in her presence seems to tie me more firmly to her? And nothing will be as permanent as the step I’m about to take. Marriage. I’ll be married to her, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, through ups and downs, for the rest of my life. Che cazzo, that seems permanent. Maybe too permanent.

I guess I make a noise because Massimo nudges me. “You okay, fratello?”

I swallow. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Seems like you suddenly realized what you’re getting into.”

I roll my shoulders, trying to ease the tension in my muscles. “Can you ask him to hurry up? Stronzo doesn’t seem to know his head from his ass. And he’s supposed to be the mayor?”

“Sure thing. Anything for you on your wedding day. And by the way, I made sure he’s been briefed with your full names, et cetera, et cetera. All the information he needs to marry the two of you. You’re welcome.” Massimo smirks, then leans forward and claps a hand on the mayor’s shoulder.

The man jumps. He has to tilt his head all the way back to meet Massimo’s gaze.

“Chop, chop, we don’t have all night,” Massimo drawls.

Heavy footsteps announce the arrival of Luca. “Someone told me there’s a wedding taking place here?”

I groan. That’s all I need-my wedding turning into a circus, similar to how it was when first Michael, then Christian, and Axel, got married. How the hell did Luca find out about it, anyway? I shoot Adrian a scowl. He raises his hands as if to say he didn’t have a choice. Bastardo!

Naturally, within moments, Michael prowls in, with Karma in tow. They’re followed by Christian and Aurora.

“Didn’t think you could sneak off and get married without my knowing, did you?” Michael smirks.

“Sorry, fratello. You get the entire family turning up to your wedding, just like those of us before you.” Christian chuckles.

“Anyone else missing? Did you invite the strangers on the road, as well?” I scowl at Adrian.

“Now that you mention it…” Adrian’s brow wrinkles.

I glare at him and he chuckles. “I had to inform la famiglia, else they never would’ve forgiven me.”

Both Karma and Aurora walk toward Elsa. Karma’s face is dominated by a huge smile. She hugs Elsa, then takes a step back. Aurora touches Elsa’s shoulder. “If you need anything…” she murmurs.

“I’m good,” Elsa reassures her. Her features are pale though.

My fingers tingle to wrap my arm around her and reassure her. Instead, I face the mayor, who’s watching the proceedings with a dazed look on his face.

Massimo jerks his chin toward the man. “Get on with it, then.”

The mayor mops his brow. He pockets his handkerchief and draws himself up to his full height. As is normal in Italy for a civil ceremony, he reads the three main civil laws and asks us both if we agree to uphold them. Once we agree, he turns to her.

“Do you, Elsa Tara Ducati, take Sebastiano Charles Domenico Sovrano as your husband?”

She stills and the color slides off of her face. She sways and I shoot out my arm to grip her shoulder. “You okay?”

She blinks rapidly. “Your… your second name is Charles?”

“Yes?” I scan her features. “Is everything okay?”

Elsa swallows. “It’s also Keanu’s middle name.”

“Is it, now?”

She nods.

The mayor clears his throat.

She pulls away from me and I release her. She swallows, then tips up her chin at the mayor. “I do,” she says softly.

“Do you Sebastiano-”

“I do,” I cut him off.

He looks askance. “But I haven’t asked the-”

Massimo makes a warning noise at the back of his throat. The mayor pales even more. He mops his forehead, then begins to rattle off words to the effect that he’s marrying us as per the laws in this country.

When he’s done glancing between us, he says, “Uh, I assume you don’t have rings to exchange, in which case-”

“I do, actually.” I don’t take my gaze off of Elsa. “Hold out your hand.”

“What?” She gapes.

I release her, only to reach over and take her left hand to slide the ring onto her ring finger. She glances down at the yellow sapphire embedded in the platinum band, which matches the engagement ring I placed there earlier.

When she looks up at me, her eyes are shining.

The band around my chest tightens. Don’t cry, please don’t cry. If you do, I won’t be able to bear it.

“I, uh, now pronounce you man and wife.” The mayor’s voice seems to come from far away. I close the distance to her, tip her chin up, then bend and touch my lips to hers.

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