Arranged Mafia Marriage



“No, absolutely, not!” I glare at Nonna, who is seated in the throne-like armchair in the living room. Hell, she could be the queen, and the rest of us her lowly subjects as she arches an eyebrow at the rest of us assembled in the room.

“Saying no is not a choice, Christian,” she informs me. “When you came on this family retreat, you agreed to take part in all the activities.”

“I did not agree to take part in a scavenger hunt.”

“Not just any scavenger hunt; it’s a Christmas-specific murder-mystery scavenger hunt,” Theresa pipes up.

“Fuck me,” Massimo murmurs under his breath.

“What was that?” Nonna swivels her head in his direction. “I don’t believe I heard you correctly.”

“I said,” Massimo coughs, “that, of course, I’ll take part in the, uh, Christmas-specific murder-mystery scavenger hunt, Nonna.”

Seb smirks, and Nonna turns her gimlet eye on him next. “Something funny, Sebastian?”

“Nope,” Seb straightens, “of course, not; I can’t wait to get started on the hunt.” He rubs his hands together, as if in anticipation.

Luca chuckles. “Turn it down, compare,” he murmurs, “you’re laying it on a little too thick.”

Of course, Nonna hears him, for she narrows her gaze on him. “Something you want to share with the rest of us, Luca?”

“Just excited, is all, about this chance to, uh … participate in a scavenger hunt with the rest of the family.”

“Don’t get so excited that you don’t listen to the rules properly,” Nonna says dryly.

“Me, not listen when you speak?” Luca thumps his hand over his heart. “That will be the day, Nonna.”

“You only have to command us, and we obey,” Adrian interjects from where he leans a hip against the wall.

“No need to flatter me.” Nonna sniffs. “Just as long as all of you take part in the game and play to the best of your ability.”

“We are on board, Nonna.” Michael pulls Karma closer into him. If those two were any closer, they’d be joined at the hip. Correction, they are already joined at the hip. My Flower, on the other hand… I glance toward where Aurora stands stiffly in a corner of the room. She’s half in shadows as if she’s trying to hide from the rest of us. Not that she can ever hide from me. I see you, my Flower. The more you shy away from me, the more I’m going to make sure that you’ll never evade me. This … using Nonna to put distance between us is a temporary reprieve, so make the most of it.

She must sense my perusal, for she turns her head in my direction. Our gazes catch, hold, then she scowls at me before glancing away.

Nonna glances in Cassandra’s direction. At her signal, Cassandra picks up an open box filled with what seems to be folded pieces of paper. She walks over to the table in the center of the room and places it there.

“It’s time to choose partners for this game.”

“Partners?” I scowl. “I don’t want to be saddled with any of my loser brothers.”

“Then you’d better pick the right one,” Nonna snaps. “Go on, boy,” she waves a hand in the air, “pick a slip.”

What-fucking-ever. Might as well as get this over with. I prowl over to the box, grab a slip, and open it. I can’t stop the grin that threatens to split my face in half.

“Well?” Nonna frowns. “Who is it? Share it with us, will you?”

“Don’t mind if I show you.” I smirk as I cross the room.

Aurora glances at me; her gaze widens as I approach her. By the time I pause in front of her, her features are contorted in an expression that’s part horror, part bemusement.

“No,” she whispers, “no, no, no.”

“Oh, yes, Flower.” I lower my head, so my mouth is next to her ear. “I get to partner with you fair and square; now you’re mine.”

“Fuck that.”

She begins to march past me, and I reach for her, but before I can grab her wrist, Nonna calls out, “I have no time for tantrums.” She scowls at Aurora. “Can you just partner with him for the duration of this game please?”

Outside, a gust of wind slams into the side of the chalet; Aurora jumps. I wind my arm around her shoulder. “Don’t be scared; I’ll take care of you.”

She grimaces. “That’s what I’m afraid of.” She tries to pull away, but I tighten my hold on her.

“Relax, you’re safe,” I murmur. “After all, we are in the presence of so many chaperones; surely, nothing can happen to you here.”

“I don’t trust you, not one bit,” she hisses back.

“Good,” I chuckle, “it’s good to be wary; you’ll last longer in this world if you are.”

“I am paired with Karma, of course.” Michael tips his chin up at Nonna, who waves a hand in the air.

“Yes, yes, all right.”

“What the-!” I scowl. “Doesn’t he have to pick a note like all the rest of us.”

“He’s the Don,” she says by way of explanation. “Anyway, you don’t have anything to complain about. After all, you are matched with your fiancee.”

“No thanks to you.” I scowl.

Nonna smiles. “Best make use of the hand you’re dealt, boy.”

“Oh, I plan to.” I glance around the room, taking in how the rest of them have been paired. Massimo with Luca. Seb and Adrian. Theresa and Cass stand next to each other.

“Right.” Nonna rubs her hands together. “Gather around, people; I need to hand each of the teams the list of your clues.”

“Hold on.” Seb scratches his chin, “How does this work, exactly? You give us clues which we are supposed to solve, and if we find the object we are looking for, we bring it back to you?”

“No, dummy.” Theresa rolls her eyes. “You need to work your way down the list of clues. As you solve each one, you collect the thing it leads you to. Then, when you have completed the list, you meet back here.”

Outside, another gust of wind slams a shutter against the pane. The resounding crack slices through the space. Next to me, Aurora shudders, and I tuck her into my side. “Shh,” I whisper, “it’s okay.”

“I don’t need you to take care of me.” She digs her elbow into my side, and I wince. My grasp on her loosens, and she pulls away. Just then, the lights overhead flicker and go off, then come on again.

“Guess the weather’s getting on board with the game.” Nonna cackles. “Speaking of, some safety rules that I hope all of you will take seriously.”

She nods toward Cassandra, who glances about the assembled faces. “Don’t go too far, but if you do, make sure you keep track of the landmarks. It can be tricky finding your way back to the chalets.”

“We’re not children.” Seb smirks. “Surely, we can find our way home.”

“Don’t be fooled by the seemingly genteel nature of this place.” Nonna gestures to the living room. “The forest in this area is particularly thick and has been known to misguide people. Why, one of my granduncles was lost in a snowstorm, and when they found him-dead, of course-it was less than a mile away, but he had, apparently, been unable to find his way back.”

“That was then; this is today.” I raise a shoulder. “As long as we have our phones about us, we should be okay, right?”

“Phone reception out here is patchy, at best, so please don’t go too far. If you do get lost, you could also try to find your way to the lodge, which is five miles from here, and wait there until someone comes for you,” Cassandra reminds us. “Please do keep clear of the pond, which is about three miles from here. It’s shallow, and it may seem like the surface is frozen, but it’s not safe enough to walk on. Even animals are known to be fooled and caught up in breaks in the ice, so keep a lookout, please. Also,” she hesitates, “I know I’m being overly careful, but please do watch out for the wolves.”

“W-wolves?” Theresa blinks rapidly. “There are wolves out there?”

“It’s a forest, there are animals; deal with it,” Nonna huffs. “Now that we have that out of the way,” she glances around the assembled faces, “are you all ready for your list of clues?”

“Bring it on.” Seb widens his stance. “I’m going to have this game in the bag before the rest of you have even cracked the first clue.”

“Don’t bet on it,” Massimo rumbles. “I’m not one for games, but once I participate, I warn you I can get competitive.”

“We’re not going to let you win. You know that, right?” Karma calls out.

“Women are better at scavenger hunts than men,” Theresa warns the men.

Luca laughs. “We’ll see about that, shall we?”

“Everyone, settle down so Nonna can hand out the lists of clues to the various teams,” Michael calls out.

The crowd quietens. Nonna pulls out a pair of spectacles, then glances around the room. “Is everyone really ready for this?” The old woman has a very pleased look on her face. One I’m not sure how to interpret.

“Go on, Nonna,” Luca calls out. “Hit us with your worst.”RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

“Are all Sovrano men born with big egos?” Aurora grumbles.

“The only thing bigger than our egos is the muscle between our legs,” I retort.

“Oh, please!” She snorts. “Enough with the cliches, and how do you know your brothers are as well-endowed as you, anyway?”

“So, you think I’m well-endowed?”

“Forget I said that.” She glances away, “Seriously, give you an inch, and you’ll take a mile.”

“I know my cock is wide, but to say that it will take up an entire mile is giving me too much credit.”

“Ugh!” She makes a gagging sound.

“Now, that’s what I’d like to hear from you when I’m choking you with my length down your throat.”

“Stop it.” She scowls. “Does every conversation have to begin and end with your dick?”

“Yes.” I smirk.

She glowers at me, her cheeks growing red. So fucking cute.

“Aurora and Christian, you guys ready?” Nonna calls out.

Aurora straightens. She pulls away, trying to put some distance between us, and I let her. Just because I’m feeling charitable. Only so I can lull her into a sense of complacency so when I move in for the kill, she’ll have no idea what hit her.

“Ready when you are,” I call out to Nonna, who reaches for the sheaves of papers by her side.


After Nonna handed out the lists of clues to each of the teams, Christian and I peeled off-or rather, he stalked off with the list, and I had no choice but to follow him. We found a quiet space in the study at the end of the corridor. Massimo, and later Seb, peeked in, only to be told off by Christian. The guys retreated, leaving us to examine the list of clues.

Now, Christian pulls his chair close to mine so our knees bump. I pull away, and of course, he shoots me a glance. “How long will you keep running, Flower?”

“As long as I am breathing.”

“Not what you were saying earlier.” He smirks.

“Can we focus on the task at hand-namely, this treasure hunt?”

“Technically, it’s a Christmas-specific murder-mystery scavenger hunt,” he reminds me.

“Whatever.” I blow out a breath.

Can you share the list with me, please?”

He holds it up, and I lean in closer to read it.

Bring your gloves to this clue!

At least, that’s what I’m told.

I hear it’s very cool-

Maybe even too cold to hold.

I am your winter.

I halt; I put time on ice.

Untended, I burn.

Under the skies,

Among the trees

In a place not too far away,

though you’ll have to look for it

You’ll find it…

And when the sun goes behind the clouds,

And the wind blows

And the blood runs cold

You’ll need it…

I read it a second time. “Okay, what does that mean?” I frown.

“Something cold,” Christian says slowly. “Maybe too cold to hold?”

“That’s what it says.” I scowl. “And it’s somewhere outside, not too far away?”

“Maybe we should step out and go in search of it?” Christian offers.

“Maybe, that’s the first really good suggestion you have come up with in a long time?”

“Getting sassy, are we?” Christian wraps his fingers about my neck and pulls me so close that I can make out the individual lines fanning out from the corners of his eyes. The heat of his body surrounds me; the force of his dominance presses down on my shoulders. I try to draw in a breath, and my lungs burn.

“Getting violent, are we?” I manage to force out the words.

He peers into my features.

I lick my lips, and his gaze drops to my mouth. The air between us thrums with electricity. The hair on the back of my neck rises and my toes curl.

“If you think this is violent, then you have no idea what I am capable of, Flower.” His hot breath sears my cheeks. A bead of sweat trickles down my throat and into the valley between my breasts. He follows it with his gaze, and the tension between us skyrockets further.

“I think,” I clear my throat, “I think we need to leave if we have any hope of winning this scavenger hunt.”

“And is that important for you?” he murmurs. “Winning?”

“It’s what most people aspire to.”

“But you and I are not like the others, are we?” He releases his hold on me, and I draw in a breath. Another. What the hell was that all about? Why did he look at me like he wanted to … kiss me, hold me, ravish me? Why does every part of me want him to do that and more?

“Better dress warmly. It’s going to be cold outside.”

Ten minutes later, we walk across the garden at the back of the chalet. Or rather, Christian walks ahead, and I half-run to keep up with him. Of course, the asshole doesn’t realize that my legs are much shorter than his, so I have to literally jog to keep up with him. Not that it would make a difference, even if he did comprehend it. He’d probably purposely walk fast so that I’d have to struggle to keep up. The wind blows again, and I shiver. I stab my hands into the pockets of my jacket and draw abreast with him. “Where are we going?”

“Searching for something that fits the description of the damn clue.”

“But where would we look?”

“Where would we not look?” He gestures to the area around us, “Under the bushes? Behind tree trunks? No wait, maybe it’s hidden somewhere up in the branches of one of these ancient fir trees?”

I follow his gaze to the tall trees that crowd the slope ahead of us.

“You really don’t have a clue, do you?” I scowl.

“Do you?” he retorts.

“Nope,” I heave out a sigh. “Surely, it can’t be that difficult?”

He laughs. “Nonna came up with the clues; don’t expect it to be a cakewalk.”

“Not that I am underestimating her or anything, but this is a Christmas scavenger hunt. Surely, she would want us to solve the clues and find the objects that we are seeking and bring them back?”

“Doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy.” He begins to walk through the dense trees, and I follow.

A soft, powder-like substance drifts down in front of my eyes. “Oh…” I hold out my palm, then glance up to find snowflakes floating down. “Oh, wow, it’s snowing.” I pause, take in the sight, then because I can’t stop myself, I open my mouth, pop out my tongue, and try to catch a flake.

A couple of them hit my lips, and I lick them off. I glance up to find him staring at me. The look in his eyes… It’s hot and yearning, and yet also, strangely, shut off. Like he wants me, knows that I know that he wants me, and is not happy about it.

“Why do you dislike me?” I burst out.

He frowns. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“I’m not being ridiculous.” I march up to him and thrust a finger in his chest. “Since the first time you saw me, you… You’ve had this thing for me. It’s like you can’t stop noticing me, and you hate yourself for doing it. Like you want to throw me down and fuck me, but you’re afraid that you’ll enjoy it so much that you’ll never walk away from me.”

“Is that what you think?”

“It’s what I know.” I tip up my chin. “It’s why you saved me from your brother’s anger. Knowing that I’d be fully dependent on you. That you’d own me and be able to command me to do whatever you want, but you know what?”


“I’m not the kind who gives in that easily.” Turning, I race through the trees and up the slope.

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