And Then There Were Four

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: First Day of School


When Trixie said she was going to be at my room early, I had no idea it was going to be before the sun even rose. I tried my hardest to ignore her

persistent knocking, but in the end, she let herself into my room and forced me from


“Remind me again why we are up so early,” I groaned as I took my brush to my hair, trying to tame the wavy locks which seemed to have a mind of

their own.

Trixie laughed at my comment as she stood from my bed and walked towards the open bathroom doorway. She had been insistent on waiting for

me to finish in the shower and get dressed. Proclaiming I would go back to sleep if left alone.

“Because breakfast is in thirty minutes, and our first class is in an hour. Now stop messing around. You’re lucky I’m agreeing to you wearing jeans.”

Glancing out the bathroom door, I stared at her before rolling my eyes. “I don’t even eat breakfast.” The grumbled response caused Trixie to groan.

“Stop, just brush your damn teeth so we can go.”

My mouth dropped open upon hearing Trixie’s annoyance. I hadn’t known her for long, but in that time, I had never heard her get annoyed like she

was now. Cocking a brow, I stared at her as a slow smile spread across my face. “Was that annoyance?”

She stared blankly, her eyes unmoving before a snort of laughter escaped her. “Oh, my God. Just come on already. I want coffee-”

“Wait, you guys have coffee here?” I asked, cutting her off, more than excited about getting coffee and perhaps using it to survive the day. My

question seemed to shock her as she stared at me as if I had grown a second head.

“Uh-yeah. Don’t you guys have that in the human realm?”

Opening and closing my mouth, I placed the brush upon the counter and nodded. “Yeah, we do. Sorry, I guess part of me just thought this place

would be super different.”

Glancing back at Trixie as I moved from the bathroom, I headed towards my bed where my small backpack sat waiting patiently for me to collect. I

contemplated what else I would uncover here that was similar to my old home.

“So about this coffee, there wouldn’t happen to be donuts

too, would there?”

Slinging my bag over my shoulder, Trixie grabbed her stuff

as we made our way out of my bedroom. A wide smile

spread across her face as she gave me a knowing glance which all but answered my question. “What’s your favorite flavor?”

I wasn’t sure what I had expected going to this school, but it definitely wasn’t to walk up to a massive gothic building amongst the white marbled

structures that surrounded it and be hit with the feelings of overwhelming chaos. It was

beautiful with it’s stained glass windows and high arches

which swirled with elegant mason work raising the roof high into the heavens.

My breath was taken away, and as I let my eyes take in the area, I was truly taken aback by the lush green gardens, peaked tops of a large glass greenhouse in the distance, and mass amounts of decorated ponds with waterfalls. The place reminded me so much of a high fantasy castle the only thing missing as the flying dragon and damsel in


“Cassie, are you coming?” Trixie called out from ahead of me, snapping me back to the present. I had stopped walking and stood in shock staring at the surrounding area

I hadn’t even paid attention to her continuing without me.

“Yeah, sorry. I was just-taking it all in.”

She let her glowing green eyes gaze around the area, taking in everything I myself was admiring, but as she did a puzzled look crossed her face before she turned back to me. “I guess I can see why you would find it pretty. I’m so used to looking at it I don’t even notice it like that


Moving towards her, I felt nothing but shock in her words.

How could she not want to admire this place all the time? It’

s beautiful.

“You’re crazy. I’d admire this place every moment of the day.”

Letting a small smirk of amusement escape her, she

shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe, but without coffee? I don’ t think so.”

Coffee… It was my best friend and comfort to survive anything.

Something my mother and I had in common. “Lead the way… I need like four cups.”

“Four cups?” Trixie laughed. “Why do you need so many?”

Staring at her with my mouth parting, I shook my head. “To get through today. How else do you expect me to be nice to anyone? It’s better to caffeinate me to make me cheerful otherwise I’m likely to bring this whole place down.”

“Yeah, okay let’s not do that.” She smirked as we passed through the large burnt red and black wooden doors accented with black iron that went from the ground high up

above me. The door had to have been at least twenty feet high, a little excessive in my opinion but to think about how they made that was pretty amazing.

The moment we passed the doors, I was stopped in my tracks once more. Outside there hadn’t been many people wandering around, but the moment I stepped inside, the building people were everywhere. It reminded me of the college my parent’s went to I had toured my senior year of high school.

There was no rhyme or reason to the chaos, but one distinct difference between them all was they didn’t look quite like the people I had known in the human realm. Most looked human-like which was nice, but others had brightly colored hair, gold shimmering accents, and most of all- wings.

“Trixie… that pink-haired girl has wings.”

They weren’t the glittering wings someone would have initially thought of when you say wings, and they weren’t exactly feathered either. They were red and white and though there were scattered feathers throughout, they were also almost fur-like. An odd look for someone who

was supposed to fly.

“Oh, her?” Trixie replied with a sigh. “Yeah, that’s Cersei. She has Griffin in her, and honestly, I don’t see how but don’t get too close to that one. She is a bit… unstable.”

Trixie wasn’t someone who typically said bad things about anyone, and hearing her say this girl was unstable, and I was best to basically stay clear from her was shocking.


Pulling me along behind her, Trixie took me down various hallways lined with photos, and floral decor, dark wood floors lining wall to wall. Every inch of the place I admired until we approached the dining hall as she explained and I was taken back by how many people actually filled it.

Tables upon tables littered the massive hall adorned with black, white, and red table clothes. Floral centerpieces with strange flowers I had never seen before, not to mention the awesome black steel candle hanging candle chandelier sitting massively in the center of the room.

As soon as I entered the room with Trixie all eyes fell upon me.

Being put on the spot like wasn’t something I enjoyed. And as I followed Trixie past the vast amount of people lingering about their tables eating breakfast and drinking coffee, among other things, I took note of the brightly colored hair, eyes, and even tails which adorned some of the figures.

Even though they were different from the type of people I was used to, I could see couples, best friends, and what appeared to be siblings.

“You keep staring like you have been, Cassie, and someone

is likely to think you, weird.”

Weird… I was weird. I had been called weird and dangerous my entire life and though I played it out by acting like I didn’t care, truth be told, deep down I really did. I just was very good at not letting people see my emotions.

Hiding was something I did well.

“I’m not worried about what people think,” I replied with a grin as I nudged her with my shoulder. “Now, where’s this coffee? As pretty as it is here, I need coffee before anyone else comes to speak to me.”

As the giggle escaped her, we made our way towards a

small bar area in the far back right corner of the hall where a pretty brunette with golden eyes stood handing out cups of drinks to students in line. The entire place seemed like an upscale resort with the way staff seemed to maintain

everything, at least from what I had seen so far.

“What can I get you ladies today?” The brunette woman said with a razor sharp smile. Her fanged teeth caught me off guard as my eyes widened in surprise by the sight of them. I hadn’t meant to stare, but when she frowned at me I quickly realized I was.

“I’m sorry… I just-I’ll take a coffee with cream, no sugar, please.”

The woman’s smile was shy, but she gave me a knowing look which had nothing but amusement dancing within her eyes. “It’s okay. You must be

Cassie, the new girl.” Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Surprised she knew who I was, I nodded slowly, and glanced at Trixie who shrugged her shoulders. “I am.” As she handed my coffee I continued

down the line with Trixie towards where the spread of food sat upon platters. Heaps of meat, fruit, and breads. Enjoy food to feed an army, but

instead simply feed a bunch of shifters.

“Cassie, you’re awfully quiet for someone who wouldn’t stop talking yesterday.”

Glancing up at Trixie once more, I sighed, shrugging my shoulders. “It’s not that I mean to be quiet, I’m just taking all

of this in… It’s a little-”

“Overwhelming?” she replied finishing my sentence.

“Yeah, something like that.” I nodded as we turned and made our way towards an empty table. I didn’t want to seem awkward, but shit… this place

was more than

overwhelming and honestly, I just wanted to go back to bed.

“Trixie!” an annoyingly sweet voice said with a slight bit of

amusement. I watched Trixie’s shoulders tense for a

moment before we both turned and took in the overly prideful figure of a girl with golden blonde hair and fiery golden red eyes. “Is this her?”

“Am I the new girl?” I asked, causing the girl’s eyes to widen as a smile spread across her face. She didn’t seem to expect my outburst but frankly I

didn’t care. I had only just arrived here and currently I felt like an animal at the zoo

with how everyone kept looking at me.

“This is Cassie,” Trixie replied quickly, giving me a wide eyed look to stop talking.

“Cassie—” the girl purred with a grin. “Well, Cassie, I’m Ambrozia but everyone calls me Zia. If you ever need

anything don’t hesitate to ask. I’d love it if we could be friends.”

It was more than obvious this girl was only acting the way she was because she wanted something, and if there was one thing I hated more than

being stared at-was fake ass people with secret agendas.

“Thanks,” I replied, trying to tame the disgust brewing at the bottom of my stomach. “But I think Trixie has everything covered.”

“Excuse me?” Zia scoffed, placing her hands on her hips.

“That’s a bit rude.”

I nodded my head in agreement with a smile before crossing my arms over my chest. She wasn’t wrong. It was rude, but it was intended to be. “So

is being fake just to make yourself look better.”

I hadn’t planned to come here and start problems but it seemed like this girl thought to highly of herself. “You’re going to regret that decision.”

“Perhaps.” I laughed while taking a seat at the table. “I guess we will wait and see.”

It didn’t take Zia long to get the hint and disappear and as she did, Trixie sat next to me with her mouth wide open in

complete shock over what I had just done. “No one talks to her like that.”

“Maybe no.. But she won’t get me with her fake shit.”

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