A Night's Mistake: The Besotted CEO's Obsession

Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Jonathan stepped forward his demeanor calm and unaffected, almost as though he was merely discussing a mundane decision about dinner rather than negotiating a hostage situation. “Yolanda, if you let Queena go. Il do whatever you want, he declared, trying to mask the gravity of the situation with a tone of indifference. Vincent, unable to intervene and feeling helpless, silently prayed that Liam and the rest would find them soon. His own injuries hadn’t fully healed, and he doubted his ability to confront Arvin if it came to that. For now, they had to proceed cautiously.

Their opponent’s response to Jonathan’s offer was a mix of arrogance and delight, their faces contorting into a twisted smile. Meanwhile, Yolanda reveled in the anticipation of avenging the wrongs she felt she had endured. Her laughter pierced the air, unhinged and chilling. “Ha! Jonathan, who would’ve thought you’d see this day? If you knew this would happen, why did you even bother? Tell me, if you end up crippled, do you think your father will still hand over Frost Group! Her joy seemed to grow with each word, the knife in her hand wavering dangerously close to causing fatal harm to Querna

Jonathan, observing her maniacal state, narrowed his eyes and replied icily, “Yolanda, remember, Queena is your only leverage. If you harm her.

none of you will escape”

His warning was firm, yet Yolanda’s laughter ceased, replaced by a defiant sneer. “Don’t worry, shell stay alive… for now. You, however, might want to enjoy the use of your legs while you still can.”

“So, who’s going to do it?” Jonathan challenged them with a sneer. His eyes scanned Yolanda and then Arvin, clearly disgusted by his former fi


Yolanda, holding Queena captive, was not in a position to mcapacitate Jonathan herself, so she naturally looked to Arvin. “Go find a stick and break his legs,” she commanded.

Arvin, initially pleased at the prospect of Jonathan suffering a similar fate, suddenly faltered when tasked with the act. The smile vanished from his face, replaced by an awkward expression as he remembered his own Imitations. He had sustained severe injuries to his hand, his severed wrist tendons rendering him largely incapable of wielding enough force to break someone’s legs. While he hesitated, Yolanda urged impatiently, “Hurry up! What are you waiting for!”

At this, Arvin had no choice but to reveal the deep scars on his wrist, proof of his disability Yolanda’s face twisted into a look of disdain as she remembered Jonathan mentioning he had severed Arvin’s wrist tendons. Realizing Arvin was incapacitated, she intemally scoffed at his weakness. What a loser. I was thinking about spending the rest of my life with him since he loves me so much, but I didn’t expect him to be a cripple. Looks like I’ll have to look for someone else Despite her internal revulsion, Yolanda masked her feelings well, knowing her escape was hinged on Arvin. Redirecting her attention to Vincent, she ordered sharply, “Vincent, smash his legs Although she felt disgusted in her heart, she still pointed at him and took herself away. So she was smart enough not to show it Yolanda rolled her eyes and finally set her target on Vincent. “Smash his legs.”

Vincent, taken aback, resisted. “What?” His face was etched with reluctance and despair.

Jonathan flashed a grin and casually remarked, “Why not take care of it yourself?”

This was met with Yolanda’s sharp retort. “Do you really think I’m that foolish? If I were to do it myself, I’d have to release Queena. And now, with Arvin’s tendon severed, losing Queena again would completely foil our plans for escape. Quit your babbling and get on with it”

Jonathan had already guessed as much. After all, it was he who had incapacitated Arvin’s tendon, and he was well aware of the implications of his actions. Yolanda, always on edge and distrustful, was not going to risk doing the deed herself. That left only Vincent as the remaining option. Given the circumstances where each was left to their own devices, the outcome rested firmly in their collective grasp. Noticing Vincent’s besitation, Jonathan reached out and gave him a firm, encouraging pat on the shoulder. As Vincent glanced up, slightly puzzled, Jonathan’s gaze intensified, a slight narrowing of his eyes signaling the gravity of the situation. “Vince, you have to do this for Queena’s sake,” he implored carnestly.

Vincent felt the weight of Jonathan’s hand pressing down on his shoulder and instantly understood. Since I’m the one making the move, I can manage my force carefully, he mused. This thought brought him a measure of reassurance,

Scouting nearby, he found a relatively slender stick and grasped it, but was quickly critiqued by Yolanda’s skeptical voice at the side. “You think I’m that easily tricked? What are you planning to do with such a flimsy stick? Go find a more suitable one,” she demanded. With no ahersive, Vincem reluctantly searched for and selected a thicker stick, but this too failed to meet Yolanda’s exacting standards. She only expressed satisfaction when he returned with a considerably larger stick, which looked more like a dry tree limb than a simple stick.

Approaching Jonathan, Vincent cautioned, “Endure this. I will try to minimize the force.

“Okay,” Jonathan responded with a nod of understanding

As Vincent was about to swing the stick, he cleverly positioned it to block Yolanda’s view. The anticipation of what was about to transpire caused Yolanda to grow anxious as her view was obstructed. Impatiently, she yelled, “Vincent, get out of my way!” Vincent, however, did not budge, and his actions appeared to decelerate intentionally.

As the stick neared its target, Yolanda, eager not to miss a moment, dragged Queen closer. Concurrently, she shifted the position of the sharp knife she held. It was in that brief moment that a small stone, seemingly hurled from nowhere, struck precisely on Yolanda’s numbing point, causing her hand to momentarily lose sensation. The grip on Queens weakened, and Queena managed to slip to the ground. Vincent, observing all from the corner of his eye, allowed a cold smile to form. Before anyone could react, he swiftly redirected the stick toward Yolanda. The unexpected strike left NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Chapter 352

Yolanda dazed and disoriented, sprawled on the ground, her face umeared with blood, struggling to grasp what had just occurred.

As she attempted to recapture Queena, the young woman had already found refuge behind Vincent. Yolanda, though furious, knew that rash actions would not salvage the dire situation. With the hostage now gone, the only option left was a hasty retreat. “Let’s go,” she urgently told Arvin, who, recognizing his limited capabilities, quickly accompanied her to their nearby vehicle. Their intention to thee was thwarted, however, by the car’s refusal to start. As Jonathan approached, panic moimted.


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