A Night's Mistake: The Besotted CEO's Obsession

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

“What did you say then?” Liam inquired, arching an eyebrow in curiosity.

Cynthia scowled, her voice tinged with irritation, “At that moment, I didn’t realize they were referring to you. Had I known, I would’ve given them a piece of my mind.” She then rested her head on Liam’s arm, lamenting. “How dare they claim my husband to be gay! Are they tired of living?”

Liam looked down at her pouting expression and found it utterly adorable. He affectionately pinched the tip of Cynthia’s nose and murmured soothingly. “Well, aren’t you kind? Looks like all my love and affection for you wasn’t in vain

After the incident, Cynthia’s stomach felt much better. Together, they descended in the elevator to the underground parking lot where Liam opened the rear door of the car for her. After she climbed in, he didn’t hurry to join her. Instead, he went around to the passenger side and pulled our the seat cushion. Cynthia, sporting the blood stain on it, her cheeks flushed with shock, gripped the front seat and leaned forward, offering “Why don’t I wash this for you, or perhaps replace the cushion?”

Liam, momentarily pausing with the cushion in hand, shot her a brief look and replied coolly. These cushions aren’t cheap, you know.”

“How expensive could one cushion possibly be Cynthia retorted, unfazed.

It was only when Liam spoke again that she realized her naive assumption “Replacing this cushion means replacing the entire set, which costs more than 330 thousand dollars”

“What?” Cynthia could hardly believe her ears. That much for a single cushion? Is it crafted from gold?”

Watching her astonishment, Liam couldn’t help but smile faintly. He slowed the cushion in the trunk and slid into the driver’s seat. Swiveling to face her, he asked, “Have you thought about how you’ll pay for it?”

While Cynthia grumbled about the greed of merchants, she nervously calculated her dwindling finances. Eventually, she hesitantly asked. “Is there an option to pay in installment?”

“No,” came his firm rejection. As she grimaced, realizing most of her funds were tied up in company ventures

es that hadn’t yet borne fruit, she found herself in a tough spot financially. At that moment, Liam offered, “I have a solution”

“What is it?” Cynthia looked up eagerly.

Liam produced a familiar black card from his card holder. “As you are now my wife, half of what Sullivan Group makes is yours. You can use your share to settle this. He handed her the black card, adding, “Once your period is over, pick out a replacement cushion.”

Blushing deeper, Cynthia held the card positily “So it was with you all along! I was wondering where it had disappeared to.” This card had been a gift from Liam shortly after their marriage. Initially reluctant to use his money, she had left it untouched, unaware of when it had vanished:

Liam watched her impassively and disclosed, “The card turned up under the bed during the recent cleaning?

Cynthia, lost for words and unable to justify herself, simply bowed her head in admission of her error. “I’m sorry,” she murmured.

The car was silent for a few moments before Charles‘ clear voice broke the silence, parting her head randomly. “Ill let it go this time. Just don’t lose it again.”

“Absolutely, I won’t, Cynthia quickly agreed.

“And from now on, I expect to see

to see this card ex

every month. If you neglect it again, there will be consequences” he added.

At that, Cynthia could only nod in acquiescence. Liam then turned the car around and they headed back to Regalian Garden. Due to their delay, Liam proceeded directly to his study. Cymhia, having only eaten breakfast so late, started lunch alone.

After preparing some food, she brought it to Liam and stayed until he finished eating. The afternoon sun bathed the yard in warm light. Feeling better after a long rest, Cynthia took a blanket and laid out on the yard’s couch to soak up the autumn sun, perfect for a gentle dose of vitamin D. Just then, Winnie approached with a newspaper in hand. She hesitated, looking at the paper as if to speak, but ultimately, she placed it next to Cynthia “Mrs. Sullivan, here’s today’s newspaper, featuring an article on the Larson family”

The Larson family?” Cynthia mused as her eyes fluttered open. She reached out to grab the newspaper. Atop the front page, the bold headline [Larson Family] captured her attention, taking up a quarter of the page along with a picture of Roseanne. As Cynthia’s eyes skimmed through the article, her expression grew increasingly concerned. Roseanne, the notorious eldest daughter of the once–prominent Larson family, was now a fugitive. What an evil woman, Cynthia thought as she continued reading

The details of Roseanne’s crimes unfolded in the article; she was accused of a grim affair with a bald man, whom she allegedly murdered before setting fire to their dilapidated house to erase the evidence. The home, aged and frail, caught fire quickly, and due to its dense accumulation of

objects, the blaze escalated uncontrollably, ravaging the neighboring homes in the tightly packed area. Blocked by narrow, cluttered streets, fire engines struggled to reach the scene, leaving the fire to wreak havoc unchecked Content © NôvelDrama.Org.


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Chapter 313

It had been the early hours of the morning when the fire erupted, catching most residents in their sleep. The inferno spread so rapidly that escape was impossible for many, including an elderly woman with a child who had just returned from the market, all of whom perished tragically at the scene. Due to the heinous nature of the crime, the police had issued a high–priority wanted poster for Roseanne, with a substantial reward of 300 thousand dollars for information leading to her capture.

Cynthia chuckled bitterly upon reading the reward amount, it mirrored the sum Roseanne had once received for betraying Cynthia’s father. Now. the tables had turned, and she was worth the same amount as a wanted criminal. The irony was stark, but Cynthia’s heart ached more for the innocent lives ensnared by Roseanne’s malevolent actions. How could she possibly sleep, knowing the chaos she’d caused?” she thought. Grateful for being sent to the countryside, courtesy of Mason, Cynthia shuddered at the thought of what might have been had she stayed. She decided to set aside the upsetting thoughts, closing the newspaper and continuing to enjoy the sunshine.

Meanwhile, at Peace Hospital, Anthony was coming around after more than ten hours of unconsciousness. He felt the medical tubes and shifted weakly, the memory of the incident before his coma suddenly flooding back, causing him distress and sharp pain in his chest as he attempted to sit ир.

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