A Night's Mistake: The Besotted CEO's Obsession

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

The police officer laid two sets of data in front of Cliff and Leonard and pressed them, “Explain how your data aligns so precisely with that of another group!” Leonard, taken aback, struggled to muster a response to the officer’s probing question

Cliff, grinding his teeth in frustration, insisted, “All I can say is that we came up with our data independently. Im clueless about any similarities with the other set. Maybe you should ask them why it appears they have our information.”

Recognizing that he couldn’t base his conclusions on one perspective alone, the officer called over Cynthia and inquired. “You’ve accused them of stealing your work. Do you have proof to back that claim?”

Cynthia raised her eyebrows and replied. “Certainly. However, before I present my proof, there’s someone else here I need to question. Her gaze then shifted to Bryant as she asked. “Bryant, can you explain why they have this data?”

Bryant, caught off guard, avoided making eye contact and muttered unclearly, “How should I know!”

Undeterred, Cynthia persisted, “Yet, I distinctly recall giving th


data exclusively to you

Bryant quickly countered, surprised. “That can’t be right. I vividly remember you distributing copies to everyone. Why single me out now?”

Cynthia crossed her arms and regarded him with a casual yer piercing look that visibly unsettled Bryant. She then said, “Everyone has the data, but yours is different. Beck, compare your data with his. The others laid out their data sets. As expected, Bryant’s data proved to be the only set that was flawed and reversed, while the rest matched correctly.

Angered, Bryant tossed his data onto the floor a

and demanded heatedly, “Cynthia, what’s this about? Why did I get the wrong information?”

Cynthia, unflinched, pressed further, “Before we get into that, perhaps you could explain how Leonard ended up with the data you were given?”

Bryant, sticking to his stance, replied defensively, “I don’t know. Maybe they worked it out themselves. They’re working on the same thing, aren’t they”

“You’re being ridiculous Cynthia shook her head. He’s truly beyond help, she thought. Then, with a revealing gesture, she produced a transaction record showing a payment of 30 thousand dollars and photographs of Bryant dining with Cliff. “Does this look familiar?” she asked somberly.

Taken aback by the evidence, Bryant stammered. “You’ve been investigating mer

“And what if I did? If you have nothing to hide, there’s nothing to find,” Cynthia retorted sharply, her gaze locked on his. Momentarily, Bryant chuckled bitterly at himself, then resignedly closed his eyes, ending his denials. His silence served as an unspoken confession that he had indeed leaked the data. Realizing perhaps this was not his element, Bryant had been wrestling with guilt, pitying his colleagues who had toiled alongside him Surprisingly, he harbored no ill will toward Cynthia for exposing him; instead, he felt a burden lift from his shoulders, the most relief he had experienced in days. Watching Bryant’s reaction, Beck and the others were torn between pity and confusion Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Approaching him, they grasped Bryant’s shoulders, shaking him as they demanded answers, “Why? Why would you betray us! Don’t you remember all our hard work over the years? We just secured a deal with Mr. Sullivan, and things were looking up. Why ruin it?” Even though they had supported Cynthia’s scheme, they clung to a slim hope until the stark truth was laid bare. Witnessing Bryant’s admission eroded their spirits.

Ashamed, Bryant couldn’t look them in the eyes and bowed his head, his voice breaking as he confessed, “I’m sorry, I didn’t want things like this, but I’m buried under a mountain of debt from my son’s medical expenses. The hospital has issued an ultimatum. If I don’t pay, they’ll stop his treatments. I had no other options” Overwhelmed by emotion, he broke down crying before everyone.

to end up

Beck, his voice heavy with grief, responded, “Why didn’t you come to us! We would’ve helped you?

“You’ve already done so much for me, and I just can’t bear the thought of being in your debt any further. I’m genuinely sorry. Bryant expressed, his head remaining deeply bowed. Beck and the others were clearly distraught by the situation, feeling utterly helpless. Bryant’s young son had been diagnosed with neuroblastoma when he was just two years old, leading to staggering medical costs every month. They had managed to provide some financial support previously, but as the boy’s condition deteriorated recently, the medical expenses had doubled. Despite their efforts, they found themselves barely managing to cover the costs. Initially, Cynthia harbored significant resentment toward Bryant for his deceitful behavior. Yet, as she overheard their exchange, her heart softened, and she reflected, ‘Some parents are prepared to sacrifice everything for the sake of their children, while others might sacrifice their children for personal gain. Despite his previous transgressions, in this instant, Bryant is showing the true heart of a devoted father”

Stepping forward, Cynthia addressed him directly, “Had you come to me earlier, perhaps Mr. Sullivan and I could have found a way to assist you.”

Bryant raised his e

eyes to meet Cynthia’s stern look. After a long weighty silence, he lowered his head again. “What’s done is done, I’ve made a mistake, and I can’t escape the repercussions of my actions.” At that moment, Cliff, who was standing on stage, caught wind of Bryant’s admission and tried to discreetly make his exit while the focus was elsewhere. But just as he moved to step away, he was stopped in his tracks,

Cynthia’s gaze sharpened as she called out, “Cliff, we’re not done here. Why are you trying to sneak away?”

“What more is there to discuss! I wasn’t even competing. Cliff replied, trying to distance himself from the controversy

Cynthia pressed on, “Really? Then why invest so much in data if you weren’t involved in the competition? And how did Leonard come by hi

“I’m not him. How should I know! Perhaps Bryant sold the data to me before passing it along to Lec

to Leonard, Cliff snapped back defensively

Just then, Leonard exploded in frustration, pointing accusingly at Cliff You were the que who paid me to construct a robot using this data,” Leonard was afraid that Clid might attempt to shift all the blame onto him. In the realm of their work, such plagiarism could indeed lead to jail


Anxious. Cliff gave Leonard a quick wink and subtly signuled with his fingers the number three: When he thought no one else was watching, he silently mouthed, “30 thousand dollars to keep quiet. Leonard caught the hint but his fear of imprisonment outweighed everything else. Deciding to expose Cliff to prove his own innocence, Leonard played a recording on his phone, revealing that Cliff had indeed paid him to plagiarize.

Cliff, caught off guard that Leonard had preserved such damning evidence, was seething in anger. “How dare you record this?

Leonard responded firmly, “I have to be cautious dealing with someone like you. I can’t risk being betrayed by you someday.”


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