The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor

Chapter 2926

Chapter 2926

The conclusion was that he did not know what they were at all but could still feel that a lot of energy was flowing within those stones. However, he had studied a few times yet failed to discover what kind of warrior could absorb those stones.

He could not determine the price nor did he know if he would ever be able to sell it, which was why he placed it on the stall. He never expected that it would attract the attention of the two guys in front of him.

Fane turned and looked at the white-robed man again. "Is it a deal?"

The white-robed man raised an eyebrow, acting like he did not care as he picked up a Shattered Soul Crystal and looked at it closely. Even after seconds had passed, he failed to see anything.

He took a deep breath and nodded after thinking about it. In truth, he never thought that he would be able to sell those stones. After all, he was not dealing with idiots. At the same time, he never thought someone would be interested in them the first day he set up his stall.

He feared that he would lose the deal or that he would be making a huge mistake, but he did not hesitate too much. He was still too afraid that Fane would end up losing interest in the end, which would end up costing him 10000 spirit crystals.

To the white-robed man, it was a good deal.

He sighed and said, "You said that you can refine middle seventh-grade pills, but I honestly can't believe that. After all, you have a sixth-grade alchemist badge.

"Can you tell me why you still have a sixth-grade alchemist badge, even though you have the skills of a seventh-grade alchemist? Normally, any alchemist with some skill will hurry and take the test the moment they're good enough. Why didn't you do that?"

Fane looked up and said earnestly, "I just didn't have the time to. I had a lot going on recently, and I went to an incredibly important place for a competition. I wasted a lot of time, which ended up in me not having the time to be tested. However, I've successfully refined a seventh-grade pill during the competition."

The white-robed man frowned, still

not believing him. "You can say anything you want to, but I'm not so easy to fool. If you have the skills of a seventh-grade alchemist, how can you prove it? I won't believe it if you're just relying on your words."

Rudy's face soured at the

white-robed man's harsh words. He felt like the man was just looking for trouble, but he no longer acted on impulse after Fane's repeated

lessons, so he forced himself to reel

himself in.

Fane raised an eyebrow, not feeling like those words were too excessive. "We can sign a contract," he

calmly offered. "Even if we don't sign a contract, Prosper City itself has its laws. If don't complete our deat in the amount of time necessary, we'll be judged by the laws and bestruck by lightning."

The white-robed man frowned, not able to answer the question at that moment. After a while, the white-robed man finally made his decision. "You're right. You'll be turned to ash if you fail the deal, anyway. No one would be able to save you."

Fane sighed in relief upon noticing that the white-robed man was finally convinced. This man had been more stubborn and interrogative than he had expected.

He had not seen anything of value after looking at them so many times, but the white-robed man immediately felt like something was wrong the moment he saw that Fane wanted them.

Try as he might, the man just could not figure out why.

Fane nodded and kept the request for the pills in Mustard Seed. The white-robed man did not continue talking as he retrieved 15 boxes from his storage ring. Each box emitted a faint cold aura.From NôvelDrama.Org.

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