The Consortium's Heir

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

No matter how much he refused to admit it, he knew she was telling the truth.

However, he smirked and said, "Even if you’re telling the truth, it doesn’t bother me.I couldn’t care less.You may not know this, but your father can't harm me in any way.Perhaps it’s because you’re too naive, but you should know that saving the world isn’t something we care about."

He raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Erin.He saw that she already had some results from her investigation, so he flicked his wrist and and let Samantha go.

She glared at him, her eyes filled with hatred.

However, it didn’t bother him He walked over to Erin and leaned against the table, his eyes focusing on the monitor.

"How is it? Do you have anything?"

Erin smiled and nodded.

"Yes, sir."

She turned the laptop to him and said, "The truth is shocking.I decided to delve into this from a different perspective and used whatever information we had to search for Samantha’s father, Michael Williams.

Indeed, he’s a wealthy man and even wealthier than we thought.

I also found that all his wealth comes from the same source, which is a rare mine.

The ore in the mine is indispensable when it comes to manufacturing engines and certain chips, and it’s irreplaceable.

In our country, the production of these items is slowly being monopolized, so this mine is important to the Gillette family.

The ore isn’t exactly cheap, either.

In their backdoor pre-nuptial agreement, it was stipulated that Samantha Williams would bring along 20 percent of the mine’s ownership with her, which would help to lessen the Gillette family’s costs in purchasing the ore."

This wasn’t what Darius expected.

He looked at Samantha with narrowed eyes and said, ‘Now, that’s something I didn’t expect.Your father’s not only great at amassing wealth but also at keeping secrets.When I think about such a well- kept secret being exposed because of you..."

He scoffed.

Samantha's face became ashen.She was fearful because she couldn’t refute him.

Her father had always kept the fact that they owned amine secret, but it was now out in the open because of her.

Suddenly, she didn’t know what to do to make things better.

On the other hand, Darius was truly surprised.He didn’t expect there to be anyone who could hide this from the Reid family.He closed his eyes and exhaled, wondering whether anyone else knew about this.

And if they did, what sort of role did they play in this? As he pondered this, the Gillette family's cars finally arrived.

Shelvin had been leaning against the wall, straightening up when he heard the cars.

He looked at Darius vigilantly and asked, "Mr.Reid, what should we do now? The Gillette family’s here, and it looks like they brought help.I don’t think we can handle them."

Darius smiled faintly at his words and nodded.

"You're right about there being many of them, but they’re weaker than you think."

He yawned and continued, "I suppose it’s good that they’re here.We can deal with this as soon as possible so that I can get some sleep."

This was what Wilson Gillette heard when he walked into the hotel.

It infuriated him, and he strode toward Darius.

"Hey, brat.You’d better tell me whatever I want to know."

Darius shrugged, not saying anything in response.

This only made Wilson angrier, and he exhaled as his hands balled into fists.

When he thought about the questions he wanted to ask, he tried to make himself sound amicable.

"Darius Reid, I know that you're a smart guy.Just tell me this— where’s my son? If you tell me what you know, I can pretend that none of this happened."

Darius took in his serious expression and smiled.

"I have the power here, don't I? After all, I believe I’m the only person who knows the answer to that."

He lifted his chin.

"If you lay a finger on me, I guarantee you'll never know where he is."

Wilson didn’t want to accede to Darius, but he knew this was his only choice.

He took a deep breath and sized Darius up before finally forcing out through gritted teeth, "Darius, you’d better remember what you're saying right now.If anything happens to my son, you’re the first person whose blood I’ll be out for."

He’d done this so many times today that he was already sick of it.

However, he still nodded. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

"Sure.I mean, I can just take you for a ride, but it’s unnecessary."

He watched as Wilson slowly raised a hand, then decided not to waste time on these people anymore.He said bluntly, "Hank’s dead.I’m sure you already know this; you just refuse to accept it."

As he spoke, he quickly backed away and avoided Wilson’s grip.

No one expected Darius to just blurt the truth out like this, and silence descended upon them.

The only sound that could be heard was Wilson’s labored breathing, and they saw his eyes turn red.

Though he’d already found out about this long ago, he had yet to accept it.

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