Magic Doctor CEO Lady's Humble Husband (Fade Chen)

Chapter 2653

Chapter 2653

 Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The plane landed in North Islet City at noon.

Fade immediately headed to Melbour's house after he got off the plane.

After driving for more than three hours, he exited North Islet City and entered the mountain area.

Melbour's hometown was located in a small village there.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, he finally arrived at Melbour's house with the assistance of the locals.

It was an ordinary village.

The two-story house seemed quite new, as if it hadn't been built for a long time. On the roof stood a pot- shaped satellite. Dried radishes, corn, and other food were hung at the door.

A big yellow dog was wandering at the door. When it saw Fade and his group arriving, it immediately started barking wildly.

Hearing the noises, two middle-aged people walked out of the house.

Both of them were dark-skinned and hunchbacked. Although they were only sixty years old, the wrinkles on their faces made them look even older. "Uncle, Auntie! I've failed the both of you." Fade came up and knelt down in front of them, kowtowing three times.

Seeing this, both of them hurriedly helped him up.

"No, you can't do that!"

"You can't kowtow to us!"

"Sir, get up, quick!"

They couldn't get Fade up and almost knelt down to him.

He quickly got up and took their rough hands. He felt a lump in his throat as he spoke, "Uncle, Auntie, I- I'm here to send Melbour home." While speaking, he handed over an urn.

Both of them stared at the urn and froze on the spot.

Melbour's mother couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying. She touched the urn and began to weep.

"Melbour, why did you leave?"

"My Melbour, I haven't seen you get married. I haven't had the chance to take care of any grandchildren. Why did you leave like this?"

At the side, Melbour's father bit his lips, trying not to cry, but tears still flowed down from his face.

"Uncle, Auntie, I..." Fade's heart ached at the sight of that heartbreaking moment.

It was the fourth time he had seen a similar scene in the past few days.

Each time was like a dagger that stabbed into his heart.

He choked on his words and didn't know what to say to comfort them. He also knew that no words would be enough to comfort them.

He could only lower his head and wait quietly for the two of them.

About a few minutes later, Melbour's father wiped the tears on his face and forced a smile. "Sir, I'm sorry. I... We..."

"Uncle, I understand how you feel. We're the ones who should be sorry!" Fade said.

"Dear, don't cry. The officers are still standing outside. Go and get some tea!" Melbour's father said.

"Uncle, no, we don't need to..."

Although Fade had declined, Melbour's father still invited them into the house and brought them tea.

It was just plain tea, but Fade and the others finished it without wasting a drop.

Melbour's father spoke up, "Sir, I want to know how Melbour sacrificed his life."

"This..." Fade was silent for a moment.

"If it's hard to talk about it, then forget it." Melbour's father quickly waved his hand.

Fade said, "It's not hard to talk about. Melbour was a hero, a martyr, and our comrade. He fought against foreign martial artists during the fight at Makallu Peak and sacrificed himself."

After hearing this, Melbour's mother cried again and kept wiping the tears on her face with the back of her hand.

On the other hand, Melbour's father

remained silent for a long time before he exhaled a long breath of smoke. He looked at the sky outsid

the house and said, "Melbour sacrificed himself on the battlefield. He sacrificed himself to kill the enemies. He's not a deserter. He's a hero. He did a good job. He didn't become a soldier for nothing!" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


Hearing this, Fade felt bitter and he was completely moved by Melbour's father. He shouted, but didn't know what to say.

While Fade wanted to do something, there was nothing he could do. He could not even help share the pain that they were going through. Finally, after leaving some things and money behind for them, Fade and his men got up and left.

Melbour's parents escorted them to the village entrance.

Melbour's father finally held Fade's hand and said, "Thank you to the team, thank you, Sir, for taking care of Melbour. Thank you!"

Looking at the man's sincere face and tearful eyes, Fade felt a tightness in his chest. Mixed emotions surged in his heart and he finally formed a sentence.

"Thank you!"

After leaving the village, Fade turned

his head and looked at the two old people who were still standing at the village entrance. He looked to the north and said firmly in his heart, "Melbour, my brother, my comrade, I will definitely do what I have to do for you." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

That night, he returned to Capital City.

The next morning. Fade received a call from Jaguar. Without any delay, he rushed to Jaguar's house.

Before he could even sit down, he hurriedly asked, "General Xu, is there any outcome from the investigation?"

Jaguar gestured for him to enter and said, "Let's talk inside."

Entering the room and closing the door, Jaguar nodded seriously and looked at Fade. Then, he said, "I found something."

"What is it?" Fade asked.

Jaguar immediately turned on his computer and pushed it in front of Fade.

Fade looked at it carefully. After a while, he finished reading the information on the computer and said, "That's all?"

Jaguar said, "This is the confession of the martial artists and some logistics personnel who were present. It proves that Yizreel did leave at that time. Besides, these photos were taken by our satellite."

"However, because it is not a fixed-point focus, the picture is not clear. Judging from the blurred image, it's very likely that the person in the photo is Yizreel."

Fade looked at the satellite image again. It looked like Yizreel did meet the four foreign martial artists.

However, the photo was too blurry, and the color and characteristics of the clothes were barely visible.

The clothes looked like the one Yizreel was wearing at that time. Nheless, it was impossible to determine that this person was indeed him.

Fade lifted his head and asked, "General Xu, can we catch Yizreel with the evidence we have?"

Jaguar sighed and said, "I'm afraid not. There's too little evidence. We can't convict him."

"Besides, I've also found out some

information from the higher-ups. Even if the matter blew up, I'm afraid there won't be a conclusion. After all, the evidence is uncertain, and Jotham and Marion will definitely oppose it. I'm afraid there won't be an outcome to this matter." Content

belongs to NovelDrama.Org

After hearing this, Fade remained silent for a long time. The memories of sending his comrades' ashes home and the crying faces of their families crossed his mind.

At that moment, his heart became resolute and his eyes were full of determination. He said to himself in his heart, "No matter what, there will be justice for all of you."

Jaguar was aware of the change in Fade's energy. He said, "Fade, don't be impulsive."

Fade stood up and said, "General Xu, sorry to trouble you. I know. I have to go back."

Looking at his back, Jaguar stood up and said, "Fade, no matter what you plan to do, I want you to know that I will always support you."

Hearing this, Fade turned around, bowed to Jaguar and said sincerely, "General Xu, thank you!"

Then, he walked away.

At that moment, his shadow looked exceptionally long under the morning sunlight.

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