Magic Doctor CEO Lady's Humble Husband (Fade Chen)

Chapter 2649

Chapter 2649

However, it was only a slight delay. After a few seconds, Fade blocked the martial artist with a whistling wind. He lifted his right hand. The burning flame in his palm was about to swallow him like the fiery flames of hell.

The martial artist was terrified and pleaded, "Please, don't kill me! Please spare my life! I will do anything for you!"

Fade remained unmoved and his right hand fell from the air.

Seeing that Fade had made up his mind to kill him, the martial artist looked desperate and shouted, "Do you want to know why we know the whereabouts of your reserve team? And how we managed to ambush them?"

"What do you mean?" At that critical moment. Fade stopped and looked at the martial artist coldly.

The martial artist replied, "You know very well what I mean. There is a traitor among your team. He revealed to us the whereabouts of your members, so we could succeed in the ambush."

"An attempt to drive a wedge between us and make me suspect the people around me." Fade snorted coldly, "That won't be effective!"

While speaking, his right palm was about to fall.

The foreign martial artist smiled bitterly and said, "That traitor is the leader of your team, Yizreel. You know deep down whether or not I'm attempting to drive a wedge between you and your team."


Upon hearing that name, Fade's eyes turned cold and there was a hint of violence in his gaze.

Then, he turned to the martial artist as he said coldly, "Despite telling me this, you'll only meet your end. Since you know this already, why are you telling me?"

The martial artist smiled. "1 know I can't live, but before I die, I want to see the civil strife in your country. This is the last thing I can do before I die." "Civil strife! That won't happen," Fade said, narrowing his eyes.

"Haha, you know whether it will happen or not. You don't need to lie to yourself." The martial artist laughed. "Dying is worth it if I can cause a civil strife."

Fade's eyes were cold. He looked at the martial artist, paused for a moment, then moved his right palm down.

In an instant, with a clap, blood exploded in the air, looking like a blooming flower.

The four men were all killed by Fade.

He looked at Halston, Moore, and the others who were meditating to heal their injuries. He quickly helped them.

After a thorough examination, he let out a sigh of relief. Despite suffering serious injuries to their bodies, it was fortunate that their cores were not damaged. Fade used wood essence to treat them so that they could recover quicker.

After treating their injuries, Joey approached him, lowered her head and said, "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" He asked.

She took a deep breath and said, "Melbour and three other people were killed."


His body trembled, and his expression immediately fell.

She said, "You knew that they weren't strong enough and arranged for them to perform simpler tasks so that they could stay away from the battlefield."

"But they were discovered by the four foreign martial artists. They were killed by them, and then they came and ambushed us."

"I don't know how they found them, but they attacked us from that direction. Perhaps we made a mistake. I..." Her face was full of remorse and sadness.

"Joey, it's not your fault!" He caressed her shoulder and comforted her.

Then, he remembered what the foreign martial artist had said. "There is a traitor among your team. He revealed to us the whereabouts of your members."

For a moment, there was a flash of violence in Fade's eyes, and his whole body exuded a chilling killing intent.

"Fade, what's wrong with you?" Joey felt the killing intent on him.

"It's nothing. Where are Melbour and the others? Take me to them!" He withdrew his killing intent and spoke. After that, she brought him to where they were.

The four corpses lay on the ground, their blood still flowing out.

They died tragic deaths. Their bones and bodies had all been crushed Their bodies were all twisted and distorted, and their faces were still filled with shock and pain at the moment of death. Content belongs to NovelDrama.OrgThis belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Melbour's face was filled with a look of resistance. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and bent his index finger, as if he wanted to grab something.

It was as if he had caught the other party and they couldn't break free, so they twisted and broke all his fingers.

Seeing such a scene, Fade couldn't help sighing. The scene of Melbour and his team approaching him kept crossing his mind.

"Fade, I'm Melbour. I'm the deputy vice president of the camp's logistics team."

"Fade, please give us a chance to die on the battlefield."

"From now on, we are comrades."

Images of the past flashed through his mind like a movie.

Four vivid faces kept flashing in front of Fade's eyes.

For a moment, he felt suffocated, and that in turn made him feel pain, grievance, and anger.

"Fade, are you okay? You..." Joey saw his abnormality and quickly asked with concern.

He shook his head, calmed down, and said, "I'll bring them back."

Then, he lowered his head and

bowed to the four of them. At the same time, he muttered to himself,

"Brothers, we will always be

comrades. I will make the killer pay the price." Content belongs to


Standing up, his eyes became sharp again. He looked at Joey and asked, "Have you found what you were looking for?"

She nodded and said, "I found them. They are all over there. I also took a video of them."

Then, she handed him her phone.

After watching the video, he nodded with a serious expression on his face and said, "Okay!"

"Let's go! It's time to reveal the truth."

Then, they returned to the camp at the foot of Makallu Peak.

At that moment, the Chinese martial artists, who were at a loss due to Fade's sudden departure, finally breathed a sigh of relief. They greeted him when they saw him return.

"Fade, you're back."

"Fade, what happened just now? Are you alright?"

"Friends from the reserve team, are you hurt?"

In the meeting room, Jotham kept reporting the various comments he had seen on the Inte.

"There are already sixteen martial arts organizations in Micovia who have protested against us."

"A total of fourteen organizations in other countries are protesting."

"Everyone on the Inte is condemning the violation of our country."

"The younger brother of the Axe Madman Mickell, publicly stated that he wanted China to provide an explanation. Otherwise, he would treat all Chinese people as enemies in the future." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Three Chinese passers-by in Micovia were attacked by angry martial artists. There were even more people who were insulted and pushed by the locals."

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