Her Revenge Returns (Lea and Alfred)

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

After the funeral, relatives gradually left as night fell.

The Alvarez family needed to go to the hospital to collect Joey’s belongings. Lea and her group, who were heading in the same direction, joined them in bidding farewell to the remaining guests before departing.

When they arrived at the hospital, it was already late at night.

Marcus went to handle some of his son’s personal matters, while Sydney and Willow were tidying up the ward.

They had stayed there for several months, and it had become like a home for Joey, Sydney meticulously packed up each item.

Willow, where’s Lorenzo?” Sydney asked.

“He’s… probably waiting for us downstairs,” Willow replied, looking utterly listless.

From the moment her brother’s death was confirmed, it was as if her own soul had died as well.

Sydney looked at her daughter and sighed deeply. She pulled her to the side and sat down. “Willow, we alNoved Joey deeply, but we already did everything we could.”

Ever since Joey’s accident, Sydney seemed to have gone crazy. She ignored everything else and focused solely on seeking treatment and caring for her son.

“Though he’s no longer with us and has gone to another world, he will always live in our hearts.” As Sydney spoke, she pressed her hand to her chest. Her pale, gaunt face took on a serene

expression. She had come to accept the reality.

Sydney gripped her daughter’s hand hard and continued, “He will always be with us in a special place in our hearts.”

Willow’s eyes stung. She lowered her head and tears fell.

Perhaps it was due to her mother’s comforting words or the memories of her brother’s earlier years flooding her mind that she felt less distressed.

“Over the past year, I’ve neglected you and Lorenzo. I’m sorry,” apologized Sydney.

“Mom…” Willow said as more tears fell from her eyes.

In the past, she was worried about her mother but did not know how to comfort her. Now, seeing her mother calmly consoling her, she felt a sense of relief.

Sydney said, “Especially Lorenzo. He always took Joey’s… situation as his responsibility, feeling he hadn’t protected him. Back then, he blamed himself, became dispirited, and even gave up on himself. However, I didn’t comfort him. It’s my fault for neglecting both of you.”

“Mom…” Thinking of Lorenzo’s past struggles made Willow’s heart ache.

Sydney said, “From now on, I will take good care of you both. We will live our lives well as a family. That’s what your brother would have wanted most.”

“Yes!” Willow nodded while sobbing. The mother and daughter hugged each other. Their pain eased a lot.

After dropping by the CEO’s office, Lea came out from the employee passage to the parking lot, she saw Lorenzo leaning against the wall.

It was a snowy night, and the crowded hospital only had people coming and going at the entrance. This spot was away from





15:45 Fri, Aug

Chapter 336

the crowd, in the shadows away from the lights.



Dressed in a black coat, the man stood in the gloom. He exuded an intense cold and violent aura, like a trapped beast ready to explode, with his grief and anger boiling like magma, finding no outlet.

Hearing the crunch of footsteps on the snow, he looked up to see Lea Berry.

She was wearing a black winter dress and boots, as well as a thick black down jacket.

As their eyes met, Lorenzo’s bloodshot eyes revealed a swirl of emotions. There was confusion and disapproval.

Lorenzo pondered, ‘Joey seemed to be improving and was on the verge of waking up. She was so confident that she could cure him. Why did she let Joey die? The reason I agreed to work for her was because I believed they could cure Joey!’

Lea only looked at him deeply without blinking. Her powerful and assertive aura almost overpowered his sharpness.

Lorenzo’s gaze softened and grew more reflective. ‘How could I blame her? What good would that do?‘

“Lea, is there any way you can continue to investigate the people who attacked Joey?” Lorenzo asked.

There was only one thought in his mind now, which was to find those people and take revenge.

Lea could immediately discern his intent. “Yes, I’ll find a way to continue the investigation.”

Perhaps when she was ready, she could let him know about the Rizzo family.

“Alright, I’ll wait for your news,” said Lorenzo.

Lea’s gaze fell on his lowered wrist. On this icy snowy night, with his injury flaring up and his emotions running high, his arm was trembling slightly.

“Have you thought about doing the surgery again?” Since their first discussion, Lea had been very serious about it.

Lorenzo was silent, his gaze cold and indifferent.

With Joey gone, he felt as if he could have followed him to the grave.

Lea said, “The optimal time for the surgery is less than a month left. If it passes, even if the surgery succeeds, recovery will be impossible.”

For a sniper like him, an unrecovered hand surgery meant being incapacitated. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

He was still so young. She hoped he would undergo the surgery soon.

Lorenzo stood motionless. At that moment, he wasn’t in the mood to consider it.

Lea was silent for a moment before she left and returned to her dormitory.

As soon as she left, Willow rushed out and hugged the man. “Lorenzo, please have the surgery. I’ve lost Joey already. I can’t lose

you too Boohoo…”

She buried her head in his chest and began to cry.

Her mother’s words made her understand that Joey’s situation wasn’t Lorenzo’s fault. As part of the family, Lorenzo was just as heartbroken as they were. Besides, he was injured

Willow thought, ‘How could I doubt his integrity? He has risked his life and fought tirelessly against criminals lately. Lorenzo is a brave and righteous soldier. I can’t lose him like I have lost Joey. I can’t!‘




15:45 Fri, Aug 23 G

Chapter 336

Being embraced so tightly by Willow, Lorenzo felt his cold body warming gradually. Looking down at the crying giri, it felt like he had returned to the past.

“Willow…” His hand trembled as he touched her hair gently. “Don’t cry. Or you’ll choke on the wind and catch a cold.”

It was too cold to stay outside.

Willow raised her head and looked at Lorenzo. Against the light, his reddened eyes were deep and gentle, He was like a warm elder brother and even more caring than before.

“Promise me you’ll have the surgery. I’ve lost Joey, and I don’t want to lose you too, please.” As Willow spoke, she leaned into his chest again. Her voice was a mix of pleading and command, filled with heartfelt emotions.

“Alright, I promise you,” Lorenzo said.

He had always tried his best to fulfill her every wish since childhood.

Back in her dorm, Lea took off her coat and entered her study, Without turning on the lights, she switched on her computer. After typing a string of codes, a window popped out, showing several moving red dots.

On this snowy, desolate night, an agile figure appeared in front of the recently buried grave, blending into the darkness in a black suit.


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